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Louis Sachar Presentation By Michael Pearce November 12, 2002

Louis Sachar Presentation By Michael Pearce November 12, 2002. Explore the World of Louis Sachar. Louis Sachar Scavenger Hunt. Click on the links below to answer the questions in this Scavenger Hunt. Write your answers in your journal.

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Louis Sachar Presentation By Michael Pearce November 12, 2002

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  1. Louis Sachar Presentation By Michael Pearce November 12, 2002

  2. Explore the World of Louis Sachar

  3. Louis Sachar Scavenger Hunt • Click on the links below to answer the questions in this • Scavenger Hunt. Write your answers in your journal. • http://www.edupaperback.org/authorbios/sachar_louis.html • http://www.cbcbooks.org/html/louissachar.html • What was Louis Sachar’s first book? • Sachar had to choose between two occupations. Find out what they • were. Then write him a letter and tell him whether or not he made • a good choice. Explain your thinking and elaborate. • 3. Sachar once worked in a sweater warehouse in this Connecticut town. • Find out how Louis Sachar writes a story. Is this the same as your • process? Please explain and compare. • GO TO NEXT SLIDE

  4. 5. Sachar modeled the character of Carla, in There’s • a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom after his real life wife. • Carla really helps the kids in the story. What kind • of person do you think his wife is? Why? • 6. How long did it take Louis Sachar to write Holes? • Where does Sachar get most of his ideas. Give him an • an idea for a new story. • 8. Who are Louis Sachar’s favorite authors? • What is Sachar’s series of books for younger readers?

  5. Nobody can explain why Angeline is so smart. She could read the first time picked up a book. She can play the piano without ever having had a lesson. She even knows what the weather will be. But being smart is causing Angeline nothing but trouble! Find out how! Read Someday Angeline. If you want to find out if you are a genius, click on the link below. Then click on “How do I become smart.” Then, “What is my IQ?” Finally, take the test! AJ Kids Answer: Self Discovery Workshop--IQ Test

  6. Dear Johnny, I feel soooo sorry for you. I cannot believe what your parents are doing to you. Just because you turned 11 years old, doesn’t mean you have to stop being a kid! I mean, no more cool gifts on your birthday. Who gives their own child a potato, an onion, and sour cream as birthday gifts?! And socks and underwear! Were they crazy to think that an 11 year old boy would want dancing lessons? I think I’d rather get a potato! And what’s with all those extra chores they’re giving you! How unfair. Big deal. They give you an extra nickel for doing the dishes. Who asked for all this extra “responsibility” anyway? The worst thing of all is they are making you get rid of your World’s Greatest Bottle Cap Collection! I’d be in the basement all the time, too!!! Don’t worry, Johnny. I’m coming over and we’ll come up with a plan! They won’t get away with this! Your friend, Valerie

  7. If you could talk to Bradley Chalkers, • you might want to ask him some of these • questions: • Why are you so darn mean? • How come you never pay attention • in class? Don’t you know how • important school is? • Jeff was so nice. He could have been • your friend. Why did you threaten • to spit on him? • Why are you so darn mean? • Why do you lie to your parents? • How come you talk to your little • animals? • What is so fascinating about going • into the girls’ bathroom? • Why are you so darn mean? • Hey, how come you started to do • your homework? • Why are the girls inviting you to • their party? • Carla loves having lunch with you. • What’s that about? • 12. Bradley, what’s happening to you?

  8. Dear Diary, I can’t believe this school! Who ever heard of a school with 30 stories with only one class on each floor! Everything here is weird. The teachers are psycho! My first teacher here was Mrs. Gorf. She was evil! Would you believe that she had the power to turn students into apples? She did! Thank goodness Jenny held up a mirror and Mrs. Gorf turned herself into an apple! Then Louis, the yard teacher, ate her! She probably tasted like broccoli! Then I got Mrs. Jewels. When she came to school she thought we were all monkeys! You’d think a teacher would know the difference between students and primates! Jeesh! The kids here are crazy, too! Joe counts backwards. Shari sleeps during class and Mrs. Jewels tells us not to wake her. Paul thinks Leslie’s pigtails talk and that boy Sammy is really a rat! I mean it! I don’t know how I’m going to make it this year! Joe Shmoe

  9. “You boys just arrived in the nick--,”the warden started to say. She slowly backed away. A lizard had crawled on top of the suitcase. Its big red eyes glowed in the beam of the flashlight. Its mouth was open and Stanley could see its white tongue moving in and out between its black teeth. Stanley was afraid to look, and afraid not to. He wondered if he should scramble out of the hole before the lizards turned on him, but he didn't want to cause any commotion. Stanley glanced downward and had to force himself to suppress a scream. He was standing in a lizard’s nest. Camp Green lake – Hard labor, unfriendly campers, and the worse counselors imaginable! It’s not your ordinary summer paradise. Read Holes. It’s scary, exciting, and funny, too!

  10. Louis Sachar Rocks! Read one of his books today!!!

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