Distant diseases( SSSS-TSS)
Toxin induced( food intoxication)
2. MICROBIOLOGY: non motile, facultative anaerobes
3. EPIDEMIOLOGY Normal flora: Ant. Nares
Skin( damaged)
Persistant/ Transient colonization: 25-50%
higher in: Insulin dependent diabetics
Skin damaged
4. Infection: Personal colonization
Other people( hand of hospital personnel)
Aerosol of respiratory/nasal secretion
S.Aureus: leading cause of nosocomial infection
CoNS: leading cause of primary bacteremia
MRSA in community: prisoners
Drug users
( poor hygiene, close contact, contaminated material, damaged skin)
5. PATHOGENESIS Inoculation and local colonization
Evasion of host defense mechanisms
6. 1- Inoculation and local colonization Colonization in keratinized epithelium and mucin: - other resident normal flora
- nasal mucosal damage
- antimicrobial properties of nasal secretions
- host genetic factors (HLA)
- S.aureus( fibronectin binding protein, clumping factor, collagen binding protein), S,coagulase neg ( biofilm)
Inoculation: - minor abration
- administration of medication
- intravascular access with catheters
7. 2- Invasion Enzyme: Serine proteases
Hyaluronidases destruction of host’s tissue
Thermoneucleases nutritional material
Toxin: 1- cytotoxins:-Panton-Valentine Leukocidin (cytolytic effect on PMN, Mac, Mono.): skin, lung infection – VRSA in community
- a toxin ( pore formation in eukaryotic cells)
2- pyrogenic toxins: ( superantigen) TSS-1, enterotoxin
3- exfoliative toxins: ETA, ETB ( destroy desmosomes)
Cell wall: N-acetyl muramic acid
N-acetyl glucosamine inflammatory process
Lipoteichoic acid
8. 3- Evasion of host defense mechanisms Polysaccharide capsule: Antiphagocytic polysaccharide microcapsule)
Protein A: FC portion of IgG so inhibit opsonophagoytosis of PMN
Intracellular: protection from immune system
small-colony variant(prolongred ab use, slow growing, chronic/recurrent infection, prolonged ab treatment)
4- Spreading
9. Groups at increased risk of infection Diabetes: - colonization
- impaired leukocyte function
PMN defects: - neutropenia
- intracellular killing (CGD)
- chemotaxis ( Job’s syn., Chediak-Higashi syn.)
- phagocytosis( Wiskot-Aldrich syn., Down syn.)
- opsonization ( combined/selective hypogamaglobulinemia)
Skin abnormality: Eczema
Prosthetic devices
10. DIAGNOSIS Smear: cocci g+, single, pairs, cluster
Blood culture
11. CLINICAL SYNDROMES Skin/ Soft tissue infections
skin dis.
Damaged skin
Poor personal hygiene
Hydradenitis suppurative:
Surgical wound infection:
12. Skin Infection 1- Folliculitis
-Involve hair follicle
-Central area of purulence
-Surrounding induration and erythema
13. Skin Infection 2-Furuncles (boil)
Hairy, moist region
Central purulence
14. Skin Infection 3- Carbuncle
Lower neck
Severe/ painful
Extend to deeper layer
Pus discharge
15. Skin Infection 4- Mastitis
1-3% of nursing mothers
2-3 w after delivery
Cellulitis to abscess
Systemic sign
16. Skin Infection 5- Surgical wound infection
Progressive edema, erythema, pain
17. Skin Infection 6- Hidradenitis suppurativa
Apocrine sweat gland
Crops of furuncles
axillary., perineal, genital area
Spontaneous drainage
Hypertrophic scar
18. Skin Infection 7- Cellulitis
Pain, erythema, warmness
19. Musculoskeletal infections Osteomyelitis:
1-Hematogenous: Child: long bone, fever, bone pain, claudicating, ESR, CRP, B/C (50%), bone biopsy, X-ray, Tc-phosphate, MRI
Adult: ( endocarditis, diabetes, IVDU, hemodialysis) vertebral, fever, back pain, epidural abscess, MRI
2-Contiguous: drainage, no healing, fistula, exposed bone, bone culture and biopsy
Arthritis: fever, swelling, pain, aspiration (>50,000 PMN, cluster g+cocci)
Pyomyositis: skeletal muscle, tropical region, trauma, fever, swelling, pain, aspiration (pus, WBC, cluster g+ cocci)
20. Respiratory tract Newborn/infant: shortness of breath, fever, respiratory failure, CXR ( pneumatoceles), pneumotorax, empyema
Adult: nosocomial: fever, increased sputum, new infiltration
community-acquired: postviral( Influenza), septic pulmonary emboli( IVDU)
21. Bacteremia Sepsis
Metastatic seeding: bones, joints, kidney, lungs
High risk: community-acquried( except IVDI)
no primary source
Prosthetic device
22. Endocarditis Increased recently: IV device
New/changing cardiac valvular murmur, cutaneous evidence ( Osler’s node, Janeway lesion, embolic diseases)
Dignosis: B/C, Transtoracic/ transosophageal echocardiography
23. Clinical setting Right-sided (IVDU): fever, toxic clinical appearance, pleuretic chest pain, production of purulent( bloody) sputum, CXR (septic emboli)
Left-sided native valve: damaged valve
Prosthetic-valve: valvular insuifficency, myocardial abscess, need valvular replacement
24. UTI Ascending: instrumentation
25. Prosthetic device IV catheter
Prosthetic valve
Orthopedic device
Peritoneal catheter
Intraventricular catheter
Vascular graft
Left-ventricular-assist device
- acute, progressive, pyogenic collection, early postimplantation
26. Toxic-mediated diseases A:Toxic shock syndrome: - menstrual (TSS-1)
- nonmenstrual (Enterotoxin)
1-fever (T>38.9)
2- hypotension (BP<90mmHg, orthostatic hypotension)
3- diffuse macular rash with desquamation in 1-2 w
4- multisystem involvement: a) hepatic( Bil, ALT, AST>2X)
b) hematologic( plat.< 100,000)
c) renal ( BUN, Cr> 2X)
d) mucous( vaginal, oropharyngeal, conjunctival hyperemia) e) GI (vomiting, diarrhea)
f) muscular ( severe myalgia, CPK>2X)
g) CNS ( disorientation, alteration in conciousness without focal neurologic sign)
5- neg. serology for measles, leptospirosis, RMSF, ….
27. B:Food poisoning Toxin resistant to heat
1-6h after ingestion
Nausea, vomiting, diarhea
Recovery in 8-10h
D: detection of bacteria/ toxin in food
R: supportive
28. C: Staphylococcal Scalded-Skin Syndrome( Ritter’s disease) Newborn/ child<1y
Nasal carriage of staff
Localized infection and toxin production
Fragile/ tender skin, thin-walled fluid-filled bullae, Nikolsky’s sign, fever, lethargy, irritability with poor feeding, dehydration
Without mucous membrane involvement
29. COAGULASE-NEGATIVE STAPHYLOCOCCUS (CoNS) S. Epidermidis: normal flora of skin, oropharynx, vagina
1-Implanted prosthetic material: coated with fibronectin/ fibrinogen
2-Surface-associated staphylococcal enzyme: autolyzin, fibrinogen-binding protein, cell wall teichoic acid
3-Extracellular polysaccharide (slime): protective biofilm
Prosthetic cardiac valve, prosthetic joint, vascular graft, intravascular device, CNS shunt infection
S. Saprophyticus: UTI in young women
D: culture ( 10-25% true bacteremia)
1- frequent isolation of 1 species from different site
2- growth <48h
3- growth in aerobic/ anaerobic media
30. TREATMENT Antimicrobial agent
Surgical incision and drainage
Removal of device
Prolonged therapy (4-8w)
1- immunocompetent
2- primary focus that was removed 2w
31. Antibiotics Penicillin: ( P.G. 4mu/4h, Naficillin2g/4h, Oxacillin 2g/4h) < 5%
- Penicillinase
Methicillin: (PRP)( naficillin/Oxacillin, Cefazolin, Vancomycin, Imipenem)
- Penicillin binding protein 2 a
Vancomycin: ( MRSA), ( TMP-SMX, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Quinupristin/dalfopristin, Linezolid, Daptomycin ) 40-50%
- Abnormal cell wall
Intermediate/ complete resistant to vancomycin ( VISA/VRSA)
Empirical : ( Vancomycin)
32. Synergistic effect ?-lactam + aminoglicoside
Vancomycin + Gentamycin
Vancomycin + Gentamycin + Rifampin
Vancomycin + Rifampin
33. Endocarditis: native-valve: PRP + Aminoglicoside 4-6w
Prosthetic-valve: PRP + Aminoglicoside + Rifampin + surgery
Osteomyelitis/ arthritis: 4-6w
chronic: surgical debridement
joint: repeated aspiration
prosthetic joint: Ciprofloxacin + Rifampin
TSS: Fluid + Pressors + PRP + Clindamycin+ IVIG
SSSS: supportive + PRP
34. PREVENTION Hand washing
Isolation procedures
Topical antibiotic agents: muciprocin
Vaccine: - capsular polysaccharide protein
- Ligand-binding domain of MSCRAMMS
35. Streptococcal infections Normal human flora: respiratory, GI, GU
G+cocci in chains
Facultative anaerobe/strict anaerobe
Classification: ß-hemolysis: Lancefield group A, B, C, G
a-hemolysis: Pneumococci
Enterococcal: Faecalis, Faecum
38. Pharyngitis Respiratory droplet, food-borne
20-40% exudative pharyngitis in children.
Rare under 3 y. fever, malaise, without exudative pharyngitis
Incubation period: 1-4d
Sore throat, fever, chills, malaise, abdominal pain, vomiting, erythema and swelling of pharyngeal mucosa, purulent exudates, enlarged tender ant. cervical LAP
Throat culture, Rapid test ( latex, ELISA) (specificity>90%, sensitivity<55-90%)
P.B. 1.2mu IM, P.V. 250mg/ tds 10d
Erythromycin, Azithromycin
39. Complications Suppurative
Cervical lymphadenitis
Peritonsillar/retropharyngeal abscess
Otitis media
ARF(throat infection, preventable with ab)
PSGN(throat and skin infection, unpreventable)
40. Asymptomatic carrier state (20%)
Bacteriologic treatment failure
If it is a potential source of infection to others
Pharyngeal colonization:
P.V. 500mg/6h 10d + Rif 600mg/12h 4d
Rectal colonization:
Vanco. 250mg/6h po+ Rif 600mg/12h 10d
41. Scarlet fever Strep.pyrogenic exotoxic A,B,C
Rash: 1-2 d, upper trunk, extremities ( exept palms and soles), sandpaper
Circumoral pallor
Strawberry tongue
Pastia’s lines
6-9d desquamation
42. Impetigo Strep.A/ S.aureus
Young children
Warm months
Tropical climate
Poor hygiene
Face, legs
Red papule, vesicle, pustule, honey-comb crust, thick
No fever, no pain
Treatment: same as pharyngitis
cephalexin, cloxacillin 250mg/6h
Complication: glomerulonephritis
43. Erysipelas Strep. A, C, G
Bright red skin, sharply demarcated
Warm, tender, shiny, swollen
2-3d superficial bullae
Fever, chills
Molar area of face, lower extremities
44. Cellulitis Disruption in lymphatic drainage: cellulitis, mastectomy, DVT, chronic lymphedema, CAB G
Fissure, tinea pedis, surgical wound (24h)
Treatment: P.