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Test your knowledge of decades, centuries, and historical events with this quiz. From the 1960s to the moon landing, challenge yourself with these questions!
How many years are in a decade A 1 B 5 C 10 D 100 Hill
How many years are in a decade A 1 B 5 C 10 D 100
The 20th century includes the years A 1900-1999 B 2000-2099 C 1960- 1970 D 1800-1900
The 20th century includes the years A 1900-1999 B 2000-2099 C 1960- 1970 D 1800-1900
The 1960s were known as A The shaking sixties B The slipping sixties C The super sixties D The swinging sixties
The 1960s were known as A The shaking sixties B The slipping sixties C The super sixties D The swinging sixties
The space race was between A U.S.A and Ireland B U.S.A and Soviets C China and U.S.A D China and Soviets
The space race was between A U.S.A and Ireland B U.S.A and Soviets C China and U.S.A D China and Soviets
The Russian Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space in A 1961 B 1959 C 1960 D 1957
The Russian Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space in A 1961 B 1959 C 1960 D 1957
The American space ship which landed on the moon was called A Apache 10 B Pluto 11 to 11 C Apollo 12 D Apollo 11
The American spaceship which landed on the moon was called A Apache 11 BPluto 11 C Pluto 11 DApollo 11
The beatles came from which English city? AManchester B London C Liverpool D Newcastle
The beatles came from which English city? A Manchester B London C Liverpool D Newcastle
Martin Luther gave his famous I have a dream speech in A New York B Texas C Washington D California
Martin Luther gave his famous I have a dream speech in A New York B Texas C Washington D California
In what year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon A 1959 B 1964 C 1990 D 1969
What year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon A B 1964 C1990 D 1959 1969