Do Now You are a student from Holland, studying law at the university in Bologna, Italy. Life in Renaissance Italy is so exciting! You’ve met artists & writers & learned so much about art & literature. You can hardly wait to tell people at home about everything you’ve learned. But now a lawyer in Bologna has offered you a chance to stay & work in Italy. Will you stay in Italy or return to Holland? Why?
The Renaissance beyond ItalyChapter 19 Section 2 • Big Idea: The Renaissance spread far beyond Italy, and as it spread, it changed.
Spread of New Ideas • Papermaking spread from China • By 1300s- European factories were making paper • Around 1440- Johann Gutenberg developed aprinting press that used movable type. • Enabled entire page to be printed at once. • 1456- Printed Bible allowed more people to read • New Universities opened up all through out Europe • Set up by humanists, only men could attend
The Northern Renaissance • As Renaissance spread into Northern Europe, the focus was more on history of Christianity • Christian Humanism- blend of humanism & religious ideas • Northern scholars came to feel Church was corrupt. • Desiderius Erasmuscriticized corrupt clergy to get rid of meaningless rituals • Emphasized devotion to God & Jesus teachings • Miguel de Cervantes- author of Don Quixote • William Shakespeare- greatest English writer
Activity – Interpret the Quote • Document #1: In Praise of folly (foolishness)by Erasmus • How foolish, or rather how happy, are those who promise themselves more than supernal {heavenly] happiness if they repeat the verses of the seven holy psalms! …these silly things…are approved not only by the common herd but even by the teachers of religion. • 1. Is Erasmus saying that religion is foolishness? Explain. • 2. How does this reflect a Renaissance idea?
Activity- Interpret the Quote (on your own) • Document #2: William Shakespeare-Julius Caesar • Men are some time masters of their fates: the fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings (inferior). • 1. Why does Shakespeare use characters from ancient Roman times? • 2. How is this quote a reflection of renaissance ideas?
Review • Where did paper originate? • Johann Gutenberg? • Christian Humanism? • Desiderius Erasmus • Miguel de Cervantes? • William Shakespeare?
Homework • Study for Quiz on Italian Renaissance Chapter 19 Section 1 tomorrow.