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APA- Page Setup . Margins are 1.5" or 1" on the left and 1" on all other sides.Font Size 12.Indent the first line of each paragraph 5 spaces.Double Space throughout.. APA First Page of Paper- Title Page. . Few words of title 1Running head: A few words of paper title here-do not exceed 5
1. APA Writing Style
2. APA- Page Setup Margins are 1.5” or 1” on the left and 1” on all other sides.
Font Size 12.
Indent the first line of each paragraph 5 spaces.
Double Space throughout.
3. APA First Page of Paper- Title Page
4. APA Second Page of Paper
5. APAThird Page of Paper
6. APA 5-Section HeadingsUsed in the body of the paper.(You won’t use this many headings in your short papers for this course.
Centered Uppercase and Lowercase Heading (Level 1)
Centered, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase (level 2)
Flush left, Italicized, Uppercase and Lowercase Side heading (level 3)
Indented, italicized, lowercase paragraph heading ending with a period (level4)
7. APA Heading Examples
External Validation
Sleep-deprived group.
8. APA Citations- Author NOT Named in Text In schools, “the stress and strains of
major social changes have to end up
somewhere. Most of the time, they
end up in the minds and bodies of
people. People absorb them and turn
them into physical and psychological
stress” (Maslach & Leiter, 1997, p.
Author’s last name, Year of publication, page number.
9. APA Citations- Author Named in Text
Selye (1974) notes that when
suffering stress, “complete
restoration is probably impossible,
since every biologic activity leaves
some irreversible chemical scars”
(p. 27).
Author’s last name & year in body of text, page number at the end of author’s material.
10. APA Quotes of 40 or More Words Quotes of 40 or more words are indented without quote marks and have a few words or a sentence leading into them.
This information helps to understand that, as long as an individual's perception believes there is a real threat, the body will respond to that threat. As Masse (2000)
contends in the postmodern sociocultural context, distress is, first and foremost, a crisis of the self. This
crisis stems from the individual’s perceived capacity or incapacity to control his or her life and to adjust to his or her social environment. (para. 10)
From Masse’s research, one can see that stress has an immediate connection to an individual’s life.
11. Biblical Citation & Reference Citation:
Identify the version used in the first citation used:
Example: (1 Cor. 4:5 International Version)
Technically, the version is not required in citations after the first entry unless you use a different version Bible.
Reference Page
APA does not require the Bible be listed in the reference page. However, I ask that you do list your Bible because you may at some point use differing versions. The adds clarification. *This is the only APA rule I ask you to change.*
12. The Reference Page The last page in a paper
Lists all the sources cited in the body of the paper.
13. APA Reference Page
Reference Page
The Reference page is the last page of the document and begins on a page of its own.
Sample reference page items follow this slide.
14. APA Book
Maslach, C., & Leiter, M. (1997). The truth about burnout.
How organizations cause personal stress and what to
do about it. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Last name and first initial for both authors. (Year). Title of book (edition). Location: Publisher.
15. APA A Periodical
Griffith, J. (1999, December). An investigation of coping
strategies associated with job stress in teachers. The
British Journal of Educational Psychology, 69, 517-532.
Last name and first initial of author. (year, month). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume#( issue #), pages xxx-xxx.
16. APA Online Periodical
Greenberg, M., Domitrovich, C., & Bumbarger, B. (2001, June). The
prevention of mental disorders in school-aged children. Prevention
& Treatment, 4, 2-68. Retrieved September 8, 2001, from Apollo
Library EBSCO Masterfile premier.
Last name and first initial for all authors. (year, month). Title of article. Title of Periodical, volume#( issue #), pages xxx-xxx. Retrieved month, day, year, from list electronic source.
17. APAProgram, Software, or Simulation on University Website
Jones, A. (2004). Leadership in action [Simulation]. Week
One. Retrieved from http://www.yorku.ca/studentweb/simulation
Last name and first initial for all authors. (year). Title of simulation or program. Resource Week. Retrieved from list web address here.
18. APA Message in Online Discussion Forum/Group Smith, J. (2004, July 15). Motivation today [Msg 21]. Message
posted to http://groups.classroomBUSI550
Last name and first initial for all authors. (year, month). Title of discussion [Msg #]. Message posted to list electronic source.
19. Example 1 I could write the following statement:
Stress is a problem for people today. Stress can even make one ill.
As you can see, this is a mere statement, an opinion, a view. However, if I do the following, it is still a statement, but it is backed with research, expert views, etc....
20. Example 2 Stress is a problem for people today. Stress can even make one ill. In fact, Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program (1999) says that over 80% of all medical claims are due to stress (p.5). Furthermore, stress impacts the body's cells on a biological level, which can not be reversed (Seyle, 1956, p.2).
Do you see the difference in my statement now? My statement has been backed with research. Now, I could take this a step further and even bring in research that opposes my view. I could add a quote that says… According to Cooper & Sawaf (1998) “not all stress is bad” (p.89).
21. Example 3 However, if I want to drive my point home, I would then counter with more information about the bad side of stress such as….
Although some stress can create motivation for a person, prolonged stress creates problems. Seyle (1956) says it is actually repeated stress that keeps the body from relaxing (p.103).
This is an extreme example in that I have used several sources to support a small amount of information. My goal for you is to use about 1 citation for a large paragraph.
22. Example 4 Now, please see the following slide for the section I wrote legend. This will help you to see the citations, etc.
23. Example 5
24. References Cooper, R., & Sawaf, A. (1998). Executive EQ: Emotional intelligence in leadership and organizations. New York: Berkeley.
Selye, H. (1956). The stress of life. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program. (1998). Stress management. Oregon: Great Performance, Inc.