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The California Gold Rush. 1848-1855. The phrase Forty-Niners came from most of the people arrived in 1849. The Forty-Niners were some of the earliest people to come to California. People came from all over, such as Mexico, Peru, Australia and Chile.
The California Gold Rush 1848-1855
The phrase Forty-Niners came from most of the people arrived in 1849. The Forty-Niners were some of the earliest people to come to California. People came from all over, such as Mexico, Peru, Australia and Chile. The earlier you got there, the better. The earliest people got 6 year wages in 6 months. Der Ausdruck Forty-Niners kam von den meisten Menschen kamen im Jahre 1849. The Forty-Niners waren einige der ersten Menschen nach Kalifornien kommen. Die Leute kamen von überall her, wie Mexiko, Peru, Australien und Chile.The früher Sie dort ankam, desto besser. Die ältesten Menschen haben 6 Jahre die Löhne in 6 Monaten. The Forty-Niners
The Forty-Niners (cont.) Time to look at a Glog On Wiki Page
James W. Marshall James was one of the very first to find gold. He was a worker at Sutter’s Mill. He found the gold on January 24, 1848. The worker’s thought it was blotite or ‘’fool’s gold’’. Succeeded. Henry Bigler He was always one of the ones to find the gold. He was also a worker. His boss was Stephen Staats. Succeeded. A few important people
George McKnight He discovered gold at Gold Hill, near Grass Valley California in 1850. Succeeded John Sutter Was also on the working team for the mill. Didn’t succeed. Samuel Brannan He was one of the first millionaires. One of first to confirm rumored gold finding. First to write about the California Gold Rush in ‘‘California Star‘‘. A few important people All sorts of people came, people from Germans, Italians, and Britons.
Businesses • Many merchant ships filled the harbors. • Many businesses lost all their staff so they had to go out of business. • This caused a economic problem since many people failed, only a few lucky people struck gold.
Towns • Not many people are still in the town. • This used to be a boomtown. • Here in this town people traded the gold that they found for food and such. • That is also how they bought California from the French. US $80 million.
What helped the people get the gold mostly was the very powerful hoses, which washed away dirt. Another way that helped people mine gold was pick axes. Many people bought pick axes from merchants. Was den Leuten geholfen hat, das Gold zu erhalten, war größtenteils die sehr mächtigen Schläuche, die Schmutz weggespült haben. Ein anderer Weg, der Leuten geholfen hat, Gold abzubauen, war Wahläxte. Viele Leute haben Wahläxte von Kaufleuten gekauft. What Helped All the People Get Gold
Gold panning, or simple panning, is much easier than the other methods. When you panned for gold, you would put a clump of dirt and a little water in a rusty pan and swish it around in a circular motion. This was the simplest form of looking for gold. Goldener Panoramieren, oder einfacher Panoramieren, ist viel leichteres als die anderen Methoden. Als Sie Gold gewaschen haben, würden Sie einen Klumpen des Schmutzes und eines kleinen Wassers in einer rostigen Pfanne stellen und würden es herum in einer kreisförmigen Bewegung zischen. Dies war die einfachste Form suchen von Gold. Panning For Gold
As technology advanced, the miners developed the method of cradles, rockers, and long-toms. These devices helped workers get more gold in less time. All these devises are relatively the same. A long-toms was an 8-20 feet long. It consisted of a long screen that was filled with dirt and sediment from the river bed and a little water. You swished it around in a circular motion. Als Technologie gehoch hat, haben die Bergarbeiter die Methode von Wiegen, rockers, und lange-Tom entwickelt. Diese Vorrichtungen haben Arbeitern geholfen, mehr Gold in weniger Zeit zu erhalten. Alle, die diese ausdenken, sind verhältnismäßig das gleiche. Eine langen-Tom waren eine 8-20 Füße lang. Es hat aus einem langen Schirm bestanden, der mit Schmutz und Ablagerung vom Flussbett und einem kleinen Wasser gefüllt wurde. Sie haben es herum in einer kreisförmigen Bewegung gezischt. “Cradles, Rockers, and Long-toms”
The 49rs generally got sediment from the river bottom and used simple panning and long-toms. But a more complex way was to divert the water from the river and dig for gold in the newly exposed river floor. This was called sluice Der 49rs hat im Allgemeinen Ablagerung vom Flussboden und benutztem einfachem Panoramieren und langen-Tom erhalten. Aber ein komplizierterer Weg war, das Wasser vom Fluss und der Grabung für Gold im neu unbedeckten Flussboden abzuleiten. Dies wurde sluice gerufen Sluice
Hydraulic mining was a method where the person shot high pressured jets of water at the side of the bluff to dislodge rocks and sediment from the side of the mountain. Hydraulischer Bergbau war eine Methode, wo die Person hoch geschossen hat, hat gedrängt Düsen des Wassers an der Seite des Bluffs, Felsen auszuquartieren, und Ablagerung von der Seite des Bergs. Hydraulic Mining
This method was later developed after hydraulic mining. The method of “Coyoteing” was where a shaft that was 6-13 meters along the shore of a stream. Tunnels were then dug in every directions toward the richest veins of pay dirt. Diese Methode wurde später nach hydraulischem Bergbau entwickelt. Die Methode des „Coyoteing“ war, wo ein Schaft der 6-13 Meter entlang des Ufers von einem Bach war. Tunnel wurden dann jede Richtungen nach den reichsten Venen des Soldsschmutzes eingegraben. “Coyoteing”