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Advanced Biology

Advanced Biology. Chapter 22 Nonspecific Body Defenses and Immunity. Nonspecific – Innate Specific – Adaptive. Intact skin and mucosa. Phagocytes Other cells (inflammatory). Specific Defense B Cells and T Cells. Functional System No Organs Trillions of Cells. Resistance to Disease.

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Advanced Biology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Advanced Biology Chapter 22 Nonspecific Body Defenses and Immunity

  2. Nonspecific – Innate • Specific – Adaptive

  3. Intact skin and mucosa

  4. Phagocytes • Other cells (inflammatory)

  5. Specific Defense • B Cells and T Cells

  6. Functional System • No Organs • Trillions of Cells

  7. Resistance to Disease

  8. Nonspecific

  9. Specific

  10. Keratin provides a barrier – resistant to weak acids/bases and bacterial toxins

  11. Acidic – pH 3-5, inhibits bacterial growth; sebum contains chemicals toxic to bacteria

  12. Stomach – concentrated HCl and protein digesting enzymes

  13. Saliva and lacrimal fluid contains lysozyme which destroys bacteria

  14. Sticky mucus traps microorganisms

  15. MACROPHAGES • Derived from monocytes • Free MAC wander all over

  16. Kupffer cells -liver • Alveolar cells – Lungs • Permanent residents

  17. WBC that can phagocytize

  18. Neutrophils release defensins – kills everything around it, including itself

  19. WBC • Defend against parasitic worms by surrounding it and discharging enzymes

  20. Some bacteria can replicate inside MACs, MACs are stimulated to release other chemicals (Nitric oxide)

  21. Police the body • Checks markers – releases cytolytic chemicals

  22. Prevent Spread of damaging agents

  23. Dispose of cell debris

  24. Set stage for repair

  25. Enhance the body’s nonspecific defenses by attacking microorganisms or hinder their ability to reproduce

  26. Classical – Binding of antibodies • Alternative – Certain protein factors are initiated

  27. Convergence on C3, Splitting it, C3a, C3b. Initiates events that cause lysis, promotes phagocytosis and enhances inflammation

  28. Message to tell other cells there is a virus • Those cells synthesize “PKR” which interferes with viral replication

  29. Pyrogens • Pyro – fire

  30. Causes liver/spleen to retain zinc/iron

  31. Helps speed up metabolic rate of cells

  32. Can denature bacterial enzymes

  33. Advanced Biology Chapter 22 Specific Body Defenses: Immunity

  34. Immune Response

  35. Good

  36. To mount an immune response is expensive. Lots of energy is required. Being specific, energy is only expended when necessary.

  37. Study of Immunity

  38. Antigen-Specific • Systemic • Memory

  39. Humoral (Antibody-mediated) • Cellular (Cell-mediated)

  40. Intruders • Not self

  41. Immunogenicity – stimulate the proliferation of specific lymphocytes and antibody production

  42. Reactivity – Ability to react with lymphocytes or antibodies

  43. Part of antigen that is immunogenic • Binds to it

  44. Self-antigen • Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC)

  45. Class I MHC – All body cells • Class II MHC – Immune Response Cells

  46. Antigen Presenting Cells (APC)

  47. B Lymphocytes (Humoral)

  48. T Lymphocytes (Cell mediated)

  49. To be able to recognize a specific antigen

  50. Eliminates them

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