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JASS 2005

JASS 2005. Next-Generation User-Centered Information Management. Information visualization. Alexander S. Babaev. koptilo@mail.ru. Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes Saint Petersburg Government University www.apmath.spbu.ru. Information visualization. Introduction

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JASS 2005

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  1. JASS 2005 Next-Generation User-Centered InformationManagement Information visualization Alexander S. Babaev koptilo@mail.ru Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes Saint Petersburg Government University www.apmath.spbu.ru

  2. Informationvisualization • Introduction • Information needs • Information perception • Current situation • Conclusion

  3. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion I.Introduction • I am: User • My task: Get Information • Solution: … www.google.com

  4. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Main Features : • Text-based • Ranked list • Hundreds (thousands) of results for most queries • Grouped by 10 per page • Hit description: • Page title • Short Extract from page • Link • Advanced features

  5. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Is it so good ? Some results for query “Information visualization”

  6. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion : Disadvantages • Bad descriptions • Too many hits

  7. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Approaches • www.Kartoo.com • www.Vivisimo.com

  8. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Kartoo • Advantages: • Fancy • Grouping Approach • Uses results from other engines • Disadvantages • Doesn't solve the problems • Complicated

  9. [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Vivisimo • Advantages: • “Clustering” Approach • Uses results from other engines • Disadvantages • Clustering method? • The same “old problems”

  10. Introduction [Information needs] [Introduction] Information needs Information perception Current Situation Conclusion II.Information needs Successful search in many aspects depends on a type of information you are searching! Examples: • In Blogs • Pictures / Multimedia • Maps • Software • Statistics • Specific document format

  11. Introduction [Information needs] Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Classification

  12. Introduction [Information needs] Information perception Current Situation Conclusion Situation • We have different information needs and no common search engine for all • We have many engines for specific search

  13. Introduction [Information needs] Information perception Current Situation Conclusion IVL Information visualization language Information visualization interface Search engine Query translator Transformation engine

  14. Introduction Information needs [Information perception] Current Situation Conclusion Introduction [Information needs] Information perception Current Situation Conclusion III.Information perception Successful search – convenient search. • Google: • Text • 10 per page • 3 describing elements • Kartoo: • colorful map • More than 10 per page • 3 describing elements • Vivisimo • Text • ~10 per page • 3 describing elements + cluster name

  15. Introduction Information needs [Information perception] Current Situation Conclusion Miller’s magicalnumber seven • Short-term memory is limited to 7+/- 2 objects • Long lists are bad • Effectively use all possible dimensions

  16. Introduction Information needs [Information perception] Current Situation Conclusion Display dimensions • Attribute Resolution • Number of Attributes • Explicit and Implicit Grouping • Natural Interactivity • Views and Cues • Sequential and Parallel Presentation

  17. Introduction Information needs [Information perception] Current Situation Conclusion ? How to measure 1. Recall: a measure of how well the relevant results are represented in the data returned, being the ratio of the number of relevant retrievals to the total number of relevant documents in the collection. 2. Precision: a measure of how much of what is returned is relevant, being the ratio of the number of relevant retrievals to the total number of retrieved documents.

  18. Introduction Information needs [Information perception] Current Situation Conclusion ? How to measure • Time • Number of interface interactions • Number of refinements • User opinion • Cognitive load • Number of errors • Learning curve • Effective use of screen real estate • Number of results displayable • Mode of use • Multi-session support • Significance • Bandwidth

  19. Introduction Information needs [Information perception] Current Situation Conclusion Introduction Information needs Information perception [Current Situation] Conclusion IV.Current situation • A very query-dependant search • Cognitive load at results evaluation • Need to change query

  20. Introduction Information needs Information perception [Current Situation] Conclusion ? How to improve Clustering? • Advantages: • Browse through clusters (relevant topics) • Know about each exact hit more • Decline non-relevant parts of search space

  21. Introduction Information needs Information perception [Current Situation] Conclusion SOPHIA Sophisticated Analyzing system Some facts: • Enterprise search engine • Good algorithm • Non-commercial web-interface version

  22. Introduction Information needs Information perception [Current Situation] Conclusion Introduction Information needs Information perception Current Situation [Conclusion] V.Conclusion • There are some great visualization problems • in popular search engines • There are ways to improve situation • There are approaches to improve situation, • but not so many researches on this topic

  23. Introduction Information needs Information perception Current Situation [Conclusion] V.Conclusion ! Thank you for your attention • There are some great visualization problems • in popular search engines Do you have any Questions ? • There are ways to improve situation Case study ? • There are approaches to improve situation, • but not so many researches on this topic

  24. Case study Try to measure the effectiveness of visualization of one of given search engines and give some recommendations. Team1 : www.google.com Team2 : www.kartoo.com Team3 : www.vivisimo.com

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