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Pierrot Lunaire Arnold Schoenberg. I. Moonstruck The wine that one drinks with the eyes The moon spills nights into the waves. And a spring flood overflows The still horizon. . Desires, visible and sweet Countless swim across the flood. .
I. MoonstruckThe wine that one drinks with the eyesThe moon spills nights into the waves.
The wine that one drinks with the eyesThe moon spills nights into the waves.
The poet, who practices devotionEnrapts himself on the holy drink,
He turns against the sky ecstaticHeadlong reeling sucks and slurps
II. ColombineMoonlight’s pale blossoms,The white wonder-roses
III. The DandyWith one phantastical light beamThe moon lights the crystal flaconsl
On the black, high holy washstandOf the silent dandy from Bergamo.
In a resonant bronze basinThe fountain laughs light, metal clangs
With one phantastical light beamThe moon lights the crystal flaconsl
Pierrot of the waxen countenance Stands musing and thinks: how shall he make-up today
Shoves aside the rouge and the Orient greenAnd paints his face--sublime style
IV. A Faded LaundressA faded laundressWashes nighttime’s pale clothes
Through the clearing creeping windsSlightly agitate the stream.
V. Valse de ChopinLike a pallid drop of bloodColors a sick man’s lips,
Hot and and jocund, sweet and tastyMelancholic dusty waltzes,