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RPC Simulation software

RPC Simulation software. Raffaello Trentadue. Trivial model. Simple model. RPC Simulation model. Parametrized model. Average model. RPC Digi producer. RPC SetUp. RPC Digitizer. IMPLEMENTED. RPC Synchronizer. Realistic models. Synchronization.

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RPC Simulation software

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  1. RPC Simulation software Raffaello Trentadue

  2. Trivial model Simple model RPC Simulation model Parametrized model Average model RPC Digi producer RPC SetUp RPC Digitizer IMPLEMENTED RPC Synchronizer Realistic models

  3. Synchronization

  4. Signal delay contribution and uncertainty The RPC Simulation software is officially in the CMSSW_1_7_0_X with the new Synchronizer class. This is important to study in the analysis the bunch crossing effect. Up to CMSSW 16x no timing information was present in the simulation. The time necessary to form the signal and its final resolution contains other contributions: RPC time resolution = 2 ns (due to mechanical gap tollerance) Electronic Time Jitter = 1.0 s Signal Propagation time on the strip ( speed of propagation 0.66 c) Dalay due to the cables (48 to 113 ns)

  5. Delta Time For the single muon sample a small peak is due to few slow secondary electrons. For cosmic muons the synchronizer method failed

  6. Y C 25 ns Bunch crossing bx = 1 bx = -1 bx = 0 gatewidth 12.5 ns O 25 ns X <ReadOut Time> Z At the moment <ReadOut Time> = OC/vpart + electronic delay Delta time = Sim ReadOut Time - <ReadOut Time> Sim ReadOut Time = t.o.f. + RPC + electronic delay |Delta time| < 12.5 ns BX = 0 CMS global reference frame

  7. Model description • RPCSimTriv: digitizes only the muon hits by assignment of the strip corresponding to the hit position. The noise is set uniform and homogeneous for all rolls. • RPCSimSimple: digitizes all hits by assignment of the strip corresponding to the hit position. The noise is set uniform and homogeneous for all rolls. • RPCSimParam: digitizes all hits using a global parametrization for efficiency, cluster size (exponential distribution is used). The noise is set uniform and homogeneous for all rolls. • RPCSimAverage: introduces a parametrization of cluster size from MTCC experience. • RPCSimAverageNoise: introduces a parametrization of cluster size from MTCC experience. Detailed noise, strip by strip is implemented • RPCSimAverageNoiseEff: introduces a parametrization of cluster size from MTCC experience. Detailed description of efficiency and noise is inserted.

  8. Noise for the old models

  9. SimAverage newest models Muon 1 2 3 4 5 The strip corresponding to the hit extrapolated by DT reconstruction method has been identified; afterwards it has been divided in five slices in order to produce a cluster size distribution for each of them. From each distribution the mean value has been calculated as function of the slice centre position.

  10. New models of simulation

  11. RPC SetUp SimMuon/RPCDigitizer/data RPCDetId_Noise.dat Local Noise (Hz) Geometry RPCDetId_Eff.dat Local Efficiency ClSizeTot.dat Cluster size RPCTiming.dat Timing MAPS Roll Parameter vector

  12. Strips Roll name RPCDetId

  13. Time performance Noise performance: 10 Hz/cm2 tot time = 191.633 s 100 Hz/cm2 tot. time = 205.834 s 1000 Hz/cm2 tot. Time = 280.491 s

  14. 100% 70% 50% 30% Validation This new model has been tested in CMSSW_1_7_5 and in CMSS_1_8_0_pre5, giving the same results. I produced a profile histogram for a roll with different value of efficiency on the strips. Validation between CMSSW_1_7_5 and CMSSW_1_8_0_pre5 for the usual model RPCSimParam has been executed getting the same distributions. SEE the Twiki page

  15. Digi SimHit Strip number Bunch cross. DetUnitId Local position Momentum Process Type Particle Type SimTrackId RPCSimDigiLink The RPCSimDigiLink is an object implemented in order to keep an association multimap-like among signal digis and simhit data. This achived goal is very important because it allows to study the more complex cases where more simhits are associated to the same rechit. This happens when delta rays are emitted giving larger cluster size. RecTracksRecHit CollectionDigis associated to a given rechitSimHit associated to each digi SimTrackId Many to many association

  16. Near future • Produced several samples with more than 1000000 of events in different conditions of RPC performance: • Model used SImParam: • Efficiency = 100% • Efficiency = 97% • Efficiency = 95% • Efficiency = 90% • Cluster size = 1 • Cluster size = 2 • Cluster size = 3 • Noise = 10 Hz/cm2 • Noise = 100 Hz/cm2 • Noise = 1000 Hz/cm2 • Model used SimAverageNoiseEff • One layer per time swiched off

  17. TWIKI PAGE The description of the RPCDigitizer package, the instructions to use it and the Validation results are reported at the following link: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMS/MyRPCSimDigi

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