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Trackurhealth can play an important role in tracking your fitness progress and offering tips related to thalassaemia diet and exercise etc. Our health and fitness tracker will offer you the right guidance related to all the aspects of Thalassaemia. <br>
Important Tips For Indian Thalassemia Paitents Thalassemia is an inherited autosomal recessive blood disorder caused due to abnormal formation of hemoglobin. The abnormal hemoglobin leads to poor oxygen transport and destruction of red blood cells. People with thalassemia condition have less hemoglobin and fewer circulating red blood cells than normal people. This leads to mild or severe anemia. Thalassemia could also lead to complications like iron overload, deformation of bones and cardiovascular diseases. People with Thalassemia major condition need to follow certain measures for successfully dealing with it : Dietary Tips People with Thalassemia condition must avoid iron tonics and multivitamin syrups. be avoided. Foods rich in iron like meat, egg yolk, liver, green vegetables etc should in iron utensils. People with Thalassemia condition should not be served meals cooked diet. Especially milk products are a good option for people with Thalassemia condition. Bread, milk, cereals, soya beans etc should be made the staple part of Foods rich in Vitamin C, should not be taken along with meals. Tea or coffee along with meals is a good option. Usage of Thalassemia app
The services of a Thalassemia app could be utilized. These apps offer Thalassemia trackers and online health trackers for helping the people with this condition. They help in maintaining a proper record of the vital details like user ID, weight, temperature, BP level, Reaction, HB level, Blood volume, Desferal Dose, Desferal Frequency, Ferritin Level, Hearing Test, Eye Checkup, Neutrophil Count and side Effects. The recommendations offered by the doctor. Your complete medical history could be maintained easily by using these apps. Measures related to family planning A person with Thalassemia condition must check the Thalassemia status of his partner. Pre-pregnancy counseling is a must. Complete health check up should also be undertaken by the couple before planning the pregnancy. Following the above stated measures will certainly help a person with Thalassemia condition.