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Common Core State Standards

Learn about the evolution of education laws and standards since 1975, focusing on the Common Core State Standards, its development, implementation, and impact on student learning outcomes. Discover the pillars of the Common Core initiative and how it is reshaping education practices nationwide.

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Common Core State Standards

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  1. Common Core State Standards

  2. The Beginning On November 19, 1975, Congress enacted PL 94-142, also known as The Education for All Handicapped Children of 1975.

  3. Landmark Supreme Court Case “In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms.” -Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954)

  4. Individual with Disabilities Education Improvement Act Section 1400d (2004) “to ensure that all children with disabilities have available to them a free appropriate public education that emphasizes special education and related services designed to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment and independent living” and “to ensure that the rights of children with disabilities and parents of such children are protected…”

  5. No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 “ . . . is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.” 20 U.S.C. Section 6301

  6. Resulting Practices Standards based education practices Aimed at providing more clarity and consistency at the state and local level What we want students to know and do Focused on student outcomes

  7. Further Refinement of Practices • Common Core State Standards • Fewer, clearer, higher • Internationally benchmarked • 21st Century Skills • Research and Evidence‐based • Consistent and Focused • Rigorous Adopted by 45 states and 3 territories

  8. Common Core State Standards Professional Learning College & Career Readiness Accountability for Learning Collaborative Leadership

  9. English Language Arts Common Core State Standards • 3 Main Sections: • K-5 Cross Disciplinary • 6-12 English Lang Arts • 6-12 Literacy in History/SS, Science, Tech • 4 Domains • Reading Standards • Writing Standards • Speaking/Listening • Language Standards

  10. Mathematics CCSS • Mathematical Practice • Across all grade levels • Mathematical Content • K-8 organized by grade level • HS Standards are organized by conceptual themes • K-5 Standards-solid foundations in numeracy • 6-8 Standards-robust learning in application *Significant Algebra and Geometry in 7th and 8th Grade

  11. Mathematics Conceptual Categories Number (rational, irrational, fraction, etc) and Quantity (measurements, rate, average, etc) Algebra Functions (numerical input and output, linear functions) Modeling (using math to analyze data) Geometry Statistics and Probability

  12. Coming Soon… • Science • nextgenscience.org • Anticipated adoption in 2013 • Social Science • socialstudies.org

  13. How will we successfully implement the Common Core?

  14. Four Pillars Standards Curriculum Instruction Assessment

  15. Standards that focus on clear learning targets Specific criteria for what students are expected to know (understandings) and be able to do (skills). Common Core provides clear learning targets Illinois Learning Standards Building blocks to design curriculum, implement research based instructionalstrategies, and create assessments

  16. Let’s Unwrap the Standard What skills do we want students to demonstrate? What concepts do we want our students to understand?

  17. Practice Grade 1 Standard: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or events.

  18. Curriculum that is viable, relevant, and engages • Written plan outlining what students will be taught, course of study • Our local CCSS • Based on priorities-Power Standards • Then select the relevant and engaging content

  19. How is this different than before? Romeo and Juliet • Content Driven • Instruction and Assessment focused on the content that students were expected to learn • Standards Referenced Instruction • Grade 7 Standard: Analyze how a drama’s or poem’s form of structure contributes to its meaning. • Local Power Standard: By the end of 7th grade students will be able to identify, compare contrast, and analyze various forms of structure for drama, poetry, and prose. • Instructional Objective: Apply skills taught to Romeo and Juliet

  20. Instruction that is proven to work and aligns with standards CCSS does not offer or mandate specific processes or strategies Successful instruction uses best-practice, research-based strategies in content delivery We must selected the two or three strategies that will support the learning of a particular standard Collaborative learning teams

  21. Best Practice Instructional Strategies Clear goals for learning Formative assessment for learning and feedback Concept mapping Summarizing and note taking Cues, questions, and advance organizers Early interventions for struggling learners Reciprocal teaching Modeling exemplars *Based on combination of work of John Hattie and Robert Marzano

  22. Assessments as indicators to monitor student progress Measure skills growth rather than content knowledge Formative & Summative Unwrapping the standard provides clear path for skills and understandings to be assessed Standard-Curriculum-Assessment-Instruction-Assessment

  23. How will NSSED evolve? Curriculum Alignment to CCSS Increase collaboration between teachers Focus support and resources Development of Common Assessments Hone our craft on Best-Practice Instructional Strategies In order to achieve consistent high quality educational experiences for all students!

  24. Our 5 Student Outcomes

  25. Approach in Special Education Individual needs Instruction driven by IEP goals IEP goals developed under various influence Focus on skill remediation vs. skill development

  26. Tier 3: Most intensive and individualized Tier 2: More explicit instruction More repetition More time Tier 1: The foundation What all students receive Core curricula and instruction

  27. It’s all the same!

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