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Smokey Road Middle School

Smokey Road Middle School. Striving to Reach and Motivate Students. What Is This School About? Our Foundation. Mission S triving to R each and M otivate S tudents Vision We ensure that each student attends school, is in a safe environment, feels valued as an individual,

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Smokey Road Middle School

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  1. Smokey Road Middle School Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  2. What Is This School About?Our Foundation Mission Striving to Reach and Motivate Students Vision We ensure that each student attends school, is in a safe environment, feels valued as an individual, and learns the appropriate curriculum for future success. Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  3. Who Is Here to Help Me?Faculty and Staff • Grade Level Teachers • Connections Teachers • All Faculty and Staff • Support Staff • Mrs. Angie Markham, Student Services • Mrs. Jessica Slaton, Student Services • Mrs. Jamie Smith, Media Specialist • Officer Stan Roughton, School Resource Officer • Counselors • Mrs. Edna Bridges • Mrs. Tammy McCall • Administrators • Dr. Laurie Barron, Principal • Mrs. Wanda Pettaway, Assistant Principal • Mr. Ryan Sullivan, Assistant Principal Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  4. Are My Teachers Prepared? Degrees and Certification Committed to Continued Professional Growth and Meeting the Needs of All of Our Students • 80% of Faculty Members Have an Advanced Degree! Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  5. What Can I Wear to School? Middle School Dress Code • Dress Code • Skirts/shorts must be an appropriate length • Spandex and underclothing cannot be worn to meet dress code • Shirts, blouses, and dresses must have sleeves • Clothing cannot be excessively long or short • Pants must be appropriately sized for student • Pants cannot have holes above the knee • Clothing cannot contain inappropriate pictures, words, symbols • No writing on the seat of the pants • No hats, bandanas, or headbands • No house shoes/slippers or shoes with wheels Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  6. How Will I Be Graded? Mastery Based Assessment • Pre-Test 0% • Pre-test content to be taught • Present10% • Present content to students • Homework, warm-up activities, copying notes or definitions, notebook or book checks, open notebook quizzes, out-of-class assignments • Practice40% • Practice content that has been presented • In-class practice assignments, labs, quizzes, projects • Post-Test 50% • Post-test content that has been presented and practiced • Unit Tests 40%, 35%, 30% • Nine Weeks Exam 10%, 15%, 20% Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  7. Do Tests Really Matter? Exams and the CRCT • Nine Weeks Exams (ALL CLASSES) • 6th Grade: 10% of Nine Week’s Grade • 7th Grade: 15% of Nine Week’s Grade • 8th Grade: 20% of Nine Week’s Grade • Created by grade level department teachers • Based upon content standards taught for nine weeks period • Given last three days of each nine weeks period • Criterion-Referenced Competency Test (CRCT) • 6th, 7th, 8th Grade • April 15-19, 2013 • Based upon content standards taught for entire year • Used to determine course level and grade level placement for the following year Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  8. How Do I Earn Promotion?Passing Classes • Students may not have more than one (1) failing grade in order to earn promotion to the next grade level.  • Each subject must be passed with a minimum grade of 70. • The connections grades will be averaged as one of the subjects. • Any student who fails two or three of the subjects may be retained, with the possible option of attending summer school ($200; month of June) for possible placement to the next grade.  • 8th graders must also pass the Reading CRCT AND Math CRCT. Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  9. Does My Opinion Matter?Students’ Perceptions • Relationships, Relevance, and Rigor • All students ranked all six teachers and classes on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest • Student Survey Results • Relationships: 4.13 out of 5 • Relevance: 4.14 out of 5 • Rigor: 4.13 out of 5 • Principal’s Student Leadership Council • 10 Students per Grade Level • Meet monthly to discuss school operations, issues, and concerns. Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  10. What Is Expected of Me? Encouraging Positive Behavior • The Smokey Road Middle School Encouraging Positive Behavior program is designed to foster a climate of safety, success, cooperation, academic excellence, responsibility, and respect for everyone who enters our doors. • We believe that all Smokey Road Wildcats should uphold the Standards for Student Success at all times. • Standards for Student Success • Continue to Succeed • Achieve Learning Goals • Take Responsibility • Show Respect Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  11. Will You Recognize My Success? CATS Cash • Student Incentives (CATS Cash) • 1 CATS CASH • Name Entered in Monthly Drawing (for items listed below) • Positive Phone Call Home from Staff Member of Your Choice • 5 CATS CASH • Free School Pen • Free Slushy, Cookie, or Iced Tea at Lunch • Free Candy or Drink at Smokey Road Event • 10 CATS CASH • Eat Lunch with a Friend in Lunchroom (same grade level) • Free Item from the School Store • 15 CATS CASH • Free Smokey Road Athletic Event or Dance Pass • 20 CATS CASH • Free School Spirit Item • 30 CATS CASH (for all students who earn at least 30 CATS CASH for semester) • CATS Cash Celebration Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  12. Will You Recognize My Success? Classy CATS • Students who follow the CATS Standards for Student Success • Continue to Succeed • Achieve Learning Goals • Take Responsibility • Show Respect • Students must be passing ALL classes and having NO discipline referrals for each time period listed below. • Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  13. Will You Recognize My Success? SouthTowne Recognition Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  14. What Are the End of Year Awards? Honors Day Awards • Academic Awards (primary awards) • All A’s (all grades): All A’s each nine weeks • All A’s & B’s (all grades): All A’s & B’s each nine weeks • Principal’s Award (one per grade): Highest GPA for the Year • Super All Stars (all grades): All A’s, No Discipline Referrals, Perfect or Good Attendance for the Year • CRCT/Writing (all grades): Exceeds all subjects or perfect score • SouthTowne Awards • Citizenship, Academic, Athletics/Arts, Attendance • Team Awards • Team Improvement Award (all grades, one per team) • Kiwanis Most Improved Student Award (one per school) • Wildcat Award (one 8th grade student) • Truly exemplifies what it means to be a Smokey Road Wildcat.  This student is well-rounded and demonstrates excellence in all areas that Smokey Road believes makes a well-rounded student: attendance, academics, citizenship, and extra-curricular involvement.   Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  15. How Can I Get Involved?Student Involvement • Academic Activities • Academic Bowl Team, Beta Club, Clark Atlanta Educational Talent Search, Geography Bee, Optimist Competition, Oratorical Competition, Science Club, Science Fair, Spelling Bee, Technology Fair, Young Georgia Authors Contest • Arts • Art Club, Band, Chorus, Percussion Ensemble, Winter Guard • Athletics (7th and 8th grade only) • Pep Squad, Volleyball, Football, Soccer, Basketball, Track • Extra-Curricular Activities • Builder’s Club, Chess Club, Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Future Educators Association (FEA), Genealogy Club, Jr. Police Academy, Media Center Pages, Multicultural Student Association, Student Government Association (SGA), Yearbook Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  16. Is Our School Successful? Improvement 2003-2012 • Attendance • Double-digit decrease in absences for all subgroups • Discipline • Double-digit decrease in discipline referrals for all subgroups • Academic Achievement • Double-digit increase in reading and math achievement for all subgroups • State and Federal No Child Left Behind Status • Met AYP targets for six consecutive years • State of Georgia Title I Distinguished School for four consecutive years Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  17. Is Our School Successful? Academic Activities 2011-2012 • Academic Bowl Team • 4th in Region (16 teams) • Clark Atlanta Academic Bowl • 2nd Place in State of Georgia • County Science Fair • Two 1st Place Teams • West Georgia Technology Fair • Three 1st place Teams, Three 2nd place Teams, Two 3rd Place Teams • Georgia Technology Fair • One 1st Place Team, One 3rd Place Team Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  18. Is Our School Successful? Arts 2011-2012 • Band • Had more students make District Honor Band than any middle school in Coweta County • Had more Superior Ratings at Solo/Ensemble Competition than any school in Coweta County • Earned Superior Ratings at Large Group Performance Evaluation (LGPE) • Wind Ensemble performed highest level of music at LGPE in Coweta County History for middle school band (Superior Ratings) • Beginning Band was the only 6th grade band in Coweta County to participate at LGPE (Superior Ratings) • Performed at the Disney Magic Music Days in Orlando Florida • Invited as one of six schools in state of Georgia to perform at University of Georgia MidFest • Percussion Ensemble and Winter Guard • Won the Scholastic A Concert Division at the Southern Association for Performing and Visual Arts Championship for Percussion Ensemble (Percussion Ensemble) • Placed 4th at the Southern Association for Performing and Visual Arts Championship (WG) • Chorus • Had three students selected for All-State Chorus (highest honor in state) • Earned Superior Ratings at Large Group Performance Evaluation Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  19. Is Our School Successful? Athletics 2011-2012 • All Sports Teams • Participated in post-season tournaments • Football • Played in 12th county football championship in 13 years • Won 8th county championship title • Has overall record of 69-14 • Special Olympics Team • Won Gold Medal in the 4 X 100 Meter Relay Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  20. Is Our School Successful? Community Service 2011-2012 • Coweta County Food Pantry Can-a-thon • Donated 19,011 Can Goods • United Way • Donated $675.00 • March of Dimes • Donated $463.63 • Cystic Fibrosis • Donated $325.00 • Relay for Life • Donated $4,675 • St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Math-a-thon • Donated $411.00 • Mitch and Anne Powell Memorial Scholarships • Awarded $3,000 in Scholarships ($18,500 awarded since 2008) • Beta Club, Builders Club, and Student Government Association • Performed service and acts of kindness to others throughout the year Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  21. Is Our School Successful? Honors and Awards 2011-2012 • Made AYP for Six Consecutive Years • State of Georgia Title I Distinguished School, fourth consecutive year • Georgia Breakout Middle School, GASSP, 2011 • Georgia Assistant Middle School Principal of the Year, GASSP, 2011 • Georgia Governor's Office of Student Achievement Silver Award for Greatest Gains for Achievement, 2011 • Coweta County TOTY County Finalist, 2012 • Georgia Middle School Principal of the Year, GASSP, 2012 • National Finalist, Middle School Principal of the Year, NASSP, 2013 Striving to Reach and Motivate Students

  22. Smokey Road Middle School Striving to Reach and Motivate Students • Be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing, with the right attitude!

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