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Thialfi: A Client Notification Service for Internet-Scale Applications

Learn about Thialfi, a scalable, fast, and reliable client notification service for internet-scale applications, ensuring fresh data for users. Discover its architecture, signal delivery approach, and recovery from failures.

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Thialfi: A Client Notification Service for Internet-Scale Applications

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  1. Thialfi: A Client Notification Servicefor Internet-Scale Applications Atul Adya, Gregory Cooper, Daniel Myers, Michael Piatek Google Seattle

  2. A Case for Notifications Problem: Ensuring cached data is fresh across users and devices

  3. Common Application Patterns • Clients poll to detect changes • Simple and reliable, but slow and inefficient • Push updates to the client • Fast but complex • Add backup polling to get reliability • Tail latencies can be high: masks bugs • Application-specific protocol  sacrifice reliability

  4. Our Solution: Thialfi • Scalable: tracks millions of clients and objects • Fast: notifies clients in less than a second • Reliable: even when entire data centers fail • Easy to use: deployed in Chrome Sync, Contacts, Google Plus

  5. Talk Outline • Thialfi’s abstraction: reliable signaling • Delivering notifications in the common case • Detecting and recovering from failures • Evaluation and experience

  6. Thialfi Overview Update X Client C2 Client C1 Register X Notify X Register Thialfi client library Update X Client Data center Register • Thialfi Service Application backend Notify X Notify X X: C1, C2

  7. Thialfi Abstraction • Objects have unique IDs and version numbers, monotonically increasing on every update • Delivery guarantee • Registered clients learn latest version number • Reliable signal only: cached object ID X at version Y

  8. Why Signal, Not Data? • Developers want reliable, in-order data delivery • Adds complexity to Thialfi and application, e.g., • Hard state, arbitrary buffering • Offline applications flooded with data on wakeup • For most applications, reliable signal is enough • Invoke polling path on signal: simplifies integration

  9. API Without Failure Recovery Register(objectId) Client Library Unregister(objectId) Notify(objectId, version) Thialfi Service Publish(objectId, version)

  10. Talk Outline • Thialfi’s abstraction: reliable signaling • Delivering notifications in the common case • Detecting and recovering from failures • Evaluation and experience

  11. Architecture Registrations, notifications, acknowledgments Client Client library Data center Registrar Client Bigtable Notifications Application Backend Object Bigtable Matcher • Matcher: Object ID  registered clients, version • Registrar: Client ID  registered objects, notifications

  12. Life of a Notification Client C2 x Ack: x, v7 C1: x, v7 Data center Client Bigtable Registrar Notify: x, v7 C2: x, v7 C1: x, v5 C2: x, C1: x, v7 C2: x, v7 x, v7 Publish(x, v7) Object Bigtable Matcher x: v5; C1, C2 x: v7; C1, C2 x: v7; C1, C2

  13. Talk Outline • Thialfi’s abstraction: reliable signaling • Delivering notifications in the common case • Detecting and recovering from failures • Evaluation and experience

  14. Possible Failures Client Library Client Store Server state loss/ schema migration Client restart Data center loss Client state loss Network failures Partial storage unavailability Client Bigtable Client Bigtable Registrar Registrar Object Bigtable Object Bigtable Matcher Matcher . . . Data center n Data center 1 Thialfi Service Publish Feed

  15. Failures Addressed by Thialfi • Client restart • Client state loss • Network failures • Partial storage unavailability • Server state loss / schema migration • Publish feed loss • Data center outage

  16. Main Principle: No Hard State • Thialfi remains correct even if all state is lost • All registrations • All object versions • Detect and reconstruct after failures using: • ReissueRegistrations()client event • Registration Sync Protocol • NotifyUnknown() client event

  17. Recovering Client Registrations ReissueRegistrations() x x y y Registrar Register(x); Register(y) Object Bigtable Matcher • ReissueRegistrations: Not a burden for applications • Application stores objects in its cache, or • Object list is implicit, e.g., bookmarks for user X

  18. Syncing Client Registrations Register: x, y Hash(x, y) x y x Hash(x, y) Reg sync Registrar y Object Bigtable Matcher • Goal: Keep client-registrar registration state in sync • Every message contains hash of registered objects • Registrar initiates protocol when detects out-of-sync • Allows simpler reasoning of registration state

  19. Recovering From Lost Versions • Versions may be lost, e.g. schema migration • Refreshing from backend requires tight coupling • Inform client with NotifyUnknown(objectId) • Client must refresh, regardless of its current state

  20. Talk Outline • Thialfi’s abstraction: reliable signaling • Delivering notifications in the common case • Detecting and recovering from failures • Evaluation and experience

  21. Notification Latency Breakdown Batching accounts for significant fraction of latency

  22. Thialfi Usage by Applications

  23. Some Lessons Learned • Add complexity at the server, not the client • Deploy at server: minutes. Upgrade clients: years+ • Asynchronous events, not callbacks • Spontaneous events occur: need to handle them • Initial applications have few objects per client • Earlier use of polling forces such a model

  24. Thialfi Summary • Fast, scalable notification service • Reliable even when data centers fail • Two key ideas simplify failure handling • Deliver a reliable signal, not data • No hard state: reconstruct after failure • Deployed in Chrome Sync, Contacts, Google+

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