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Join our interactive training session to address common issues in school data services. Learn best practices for marketing CEP and HIF Return, filing forms, maximizing free/reduced lunch matches, and serving special populations. Get answers to FAQs and develop collaboration strategies.
FRAM Coordinator Training – Common Issues School Data Services Division July 2018
Introduction • Interactive and Engaging Training Session • Small Group Discussion • Breakouts • Q & A Time • Agenda is set by….You!
Direct Mailings SocialMedia CEP School Events SchoolStaff
Best Practices to market CEP & HIFReturn VisualMedia https://www.powtoon.com/online- presentation/fCX5nVu6qST/fram-infomercial/?mode=movie CEPPosters Schoolnewsletters DistrictWebsite Partial CEP Districts: List CEP schools on back of form; note to use NSLP application for students in schools not listed here Letter templates fromdistricts
Role of FRYSCStaff Role of FRYSC Staff Cannot serve as FRAM Coordinators but are able to assist with HIF distribution andcollection
Recordkeeping Recordkeeping Filing the HIFForms
Filing theHIFs Districts can file the HIF forms by household name or the reference number inCampus: Ad hoc in the addendum shows you how to pullstudent name/household name by referencenumber 8
Ad Hoc: Locating HIF Forms in IC by ReferenceNumber 1. Create an ad hoc and supply the following fieldsand then click“Next” Located underFRAM>Eligibility
Ad Hoc: Locating HIF Forms in IC by ReferenceNumber AD Hoc: Locating HIF Forms in IC by Reference # 2. Fill out the following and then click“Save”
MaximizeyourFree/Reduced &DCMatch • Taking this to the nextlevel
School Report Card: Free/ReducedPctg Utilize KDE’s School Report Card to check your free/reducedpercentage: Navigate to KDE homepage:http://education.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx Click on School ReportSuite: Select “School Report Card”: Next: Search by school or district: Scroll down to “Overview – Economically Disadvantaged Status”, which reports free/reduced data as of June30th: Free Lunch 65.6% Search by school or district No Meal Assistance 30.1% Reduced Lunch 4.3%
Let’s worktogether! Collaborate with your Food Service Director to periodically compare DC students from the POS toCampus Look for additional DCmatches Question: “How do I easilyget a list of students for the mixedCEP households from the food service director with an NSLP household application onfile?” Answer: Obtain a list of students by NSLP household application from your food service director. Ask for a list of these from the POS foryour CEPschools.
Special Populations: Foster, Homeless, Immigrant/Refugee Homeless State Published Ad HocReport “Homeless marked w/o free lunch” adhoc FosterStudents Reviewing foster DClist Checking with FSD on fosterlist Immigrant/Refugee Search DC list by address, phone number, partialname
Questions on HIFForms Processing forms inCampus
YourQuestions….Answered! Q: What if we have missing/incomplete information on the HIF form (incl.income)? A: Contact the household; can’t assume anything. Q: What documentation do we need if we can’t get aform? A: No documentation is needed. Simply mark them “Paid” and “Did Not Apply” inIC. Q: What if the household in Campus doesn’t match the HIFform? A: If they havefewermembers on the HIF and this affects their SES status, I would contact the household to verify the info is correct; if they have moremembers,then use “quick add” – since the household for HIF doesn’t need to matchCampus. Q: What additional benefits do children qualifyfor? A: They can qualify for textbox waivers, ACT fee waivers, athletic fee waivers,etc. Q: How can I get the latest free/reducedinfo? A:Run theFRAM EligibilityReport andchoose “Free,Reduced andPaid”from the selection grid and then choose CSV: filter the data in Excel. This will give you the latest free/reduced statuses per student. An ad hoc is not available forthis.
Additional Questions….Answered! Q: How do I manually make someoneDC? A: You’ll need to go to FRAM>Eligibility and enter theinfo. Q: Which districts use my POSsystem? A: School and Community Nutrition collects thatinformation. Q: If a child lives with each parent part-time in a divorced household and they both turn a form. Which form should Iuse? A: Use the resulting meal status that benefits the student themost. Q: Should we continue to process the HIF forms all yearlong? A: Yes, please continue to processthem. Q: If the household notes a KTAP/SNAP number on the HIF form do we need to verifythat? A: No, you can take that at facevalue. Q: Can we expect an online HIFform? A: KDE wants this for districts: it has been submitted to Campus asan enhancementrequest.
District Communication andCoordinationWorking together for thestudents
Developing Relationships andCoordination Cross Coordination with DistrictStaff Title1 Principals DPPs FSDs Who can be the FRAMCoordinator Role of FRYSCStaff
Outreach to specialpopulations LanguageBarriers Refusals Addition of “Decline to Provide” checkbox onHIF form; optional to use bydistricts High schoolstudents
SpecialFacilities Remember to collect HIF forms for Job Corps and juvenile detentionfacilities
Incomplete\Missing\Inaccurate FormsGetting the information youneed
Update to Household and Income Form(HIF) New! “Decline to Provide” is optionalfordistricts
SNAP/KTAP CaseNumbers New! Validcase numbers are the last 4 digits of an SSN followed by 12digits: XXXX085423574895 Invalid casenumbersare: 000, 555, or 16-digits(EBT card numbers) On HIFs which have valid case numbers,ignore reportedincome.
Strategies for Accurate andComplete Forms Reducinglikelihood Partial CEP Districts: NSLP form vs.HIF Checklists First levelreview Follow-UpTactics
Key Reports – Free/ReducedLunch October Federalreporting eRate December FRYSC April/May AssessmentTesting June SEEKAt-Risk SchoolYear Fee waivers, grants,etc.
Getting a ProcessEstablished Regular Activities(Daily/Weekly) Input HIFforms Communicate importance of completing HIF forms with district staff andparents/guardians Note % of missing HIF forms by school to districtstaff Monthly Reconcile POS with IC for free/reducedlunch Import DC file intoIC Check free/reduced percentages against school report cardby district/school Annually Prepare for next school year by updating DC import mapping, POS import mapping (Partial CEP Districts Only) and FRAMPreferences
Reminder: Change School Year for DCImport For any DC imports on or after July 1st into InfiniteCampus Important!: Please remember to change the school year in your DC importmapping(s)
1. Select the DC Import mapping and click“Edit” 2. Change the mapping to SYfor Current Year 3. To save your change: upload a DC file orselect “Continue” on thescreen
Missing Meal Eligibility Forms: Ad hocReports Several useful ad hoc reports have been placed under the “State Published” folder inIC FRAM Missing Meal Eligibility Records –District FRAM Missing Meal EligibilityRecords– School 38
Locating Missing Forms: FRAM Eligibility ReportOption To locate students in Excel perform the followingsteps: 1. Go toFRAM>Reports>Eligibility 2. Use the settings as described earlier for the current year FRAM EligibilityReport. 3. Choose ‘CSV’ as the option to export it toExcel. 4. In Excel choose the option under “Data” to filter thereport: Intermediate Choose to filter where ‘Source’ isblank.
Moving on: Marking Students as “Paid” and “Did Not Apply”manually Marking students as “Paid” and “Did Not Apply” for those who do not intend to return the HIF form after repeated attempts helps districts by focusing resources on new students that need to return a HIFform. Steps: Navigate toFRAM>Eligibility Locate thestudent. Mark the student as “Paid” and “Did NotApply”.
Moving on: Marking Students as “Paid” and “Did Not Apply” through a dataimport Run the FRAM eligibility report with marking all the checkboxes and choose“CSV”. In Excel filter the student listing results where ‘Certified Type’ is blank. These arethe students without a HIFform. Copy and paste the filtered results to a new worksheet with the headers in place. You can remove school year and other unnecessary fields: retain the SSID, Eligibility, Source, Certified Type, Start Date and EndDate. Populate the Source with “Non-Direct” and the Certified Type with “Did Not Apply”; you can keep the start date and end date as they are (which should be 7/1/20XXand 6/30/20XXrespectively). Save the file as aCSV. Import the file into Campus using the ‘Eligibility Import Wizard’. Create a new import mapping and follow the prompts to import thefile. Choose to test the file and review theresults. Once you’re satisfied import the file: all the students without a HIF form will be “Paid” and “Did NotApply”. AdvancedTopic
Understanding import of DCfiles • Surrounding counties are now included in DCfile • Impact: more matches on students in your district; consequently, you will see a higher “error” count found where the DC students are not in yourdistrict. Eligibility Import BestPractices: Import foster file – and then Medicaid/KTAP/SNAP file, which prevents inadvertently extending DC to foster family’s biochildren. Use the DC History file to find morestudents. Import the DC file on a monthlybasis. Set default end date to “6/30/2020” under FRAMPreferences. Remember – only students who appear on as DC on “Medicaid/KTAP/SNAP” file can be marked as“Medicaid”.
Sharing individual student meal/SES status data: Permission form Summary information of free/reduced/paid mealcounts: No problem toshare Hint: Leave the checkmark of ‘Include Detail’ on the FRAMEligibility Report to only show the summarytable. Individual Student Meal/SESStatus: Direct requestor to FSD to sign USDA non-disclosure agreement-must have valid reason for use and agree not to discloseinfo. Why? Contains DC information and (for partial CEP districts) non-CEPstudent info
Resources FRAM Coordinators have numerous resources to ask questionsfrom: KDE CEPwebsite NSLP Eligibility Manual for SchoolMeals USDA general guidance on meal eligibilitydetermination CampusCommunity Technical instruction and assistance with usingFRAM Infinite CampusUniversity Live webinars from Campus on using FRAM and other tools inCampus KDE Resources: L Rodney Bennett & Jessi Carlton
Questions? L. Rodney Bennett(Rodney.Bennett@education.ky.gov) Jessica Carlton(Jessica.Carlton@education.ky.gov)