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Trade Data Monitor, Inc. (TDM) is the world's top supplier of trade statistics to governments, corporations, manufacturers, law firms, trade associations and international organizations on six continents.
TRADEDATA MONITOR World’sTopSupplierofTradeStatistics
AboutTradeDataMonitor TradeDataMonitorpublishesreal-timemonthlytradestatisticsfromover115countries,coveringover 99% of global trade. We assemble them in a clean, powerful database searchable by HS code, country, value,weight,currency,and,whenavailable,portandregion,tothelatestmonthfromdecadesago. Our database, easy to sort and read, goes farther back and is more up-to-date than our competitors. Everytimeacar,bananaoriPhone,tonofsteel,copperoraluminum,orloadofironore,coaloroilis shipped, we count it, straight from customs agencies all over the world. With our database, it takes seconds to generate charts that can enlighten your analysts, win trade cases, earn your company millions. We do whatever it takes to secure detailed accurate information from all the world’s key trading nations,becausewearemotivatedbyadesiretoserveourcustomersbyunveilingthetruthaboutthe tradeflowsthatmakeuptheglobaleconomy. Notonlydowehavethebestdata,wealsohavethebestserviceandpricing.Wetailorcostsand accessibilitytosuityourneeds. We are world-renowned global trade experts with decades of experience in supply chains, commodities, import and export statistics published by national agencies and the UN, and a passion forunsurpassedcustomerservice.Thatmeanswealwaystakeyourcallsandworkhardtogetyouthe datayouneedtodevelopthebestmarketingstrategy.
Features CustomPlatforms SeamlessIntegration PersonalAttention
CustomPlatforms Our databases are easy to read, and our global commodity reporting systems are built to meet your specific supply chain, internationaltradestatistics,andgovernmentinformationneeds. Find exactly the data you need with the precise search tools of the comprehensiveTradeDataMonitor®database.
SeamlessIntegration Our data covers every country, industry, trade route and supply chain in the world, using thousands of unique HS codes to track each distinct product and commodity. For everyHScode,weusetradestatisticstohelpyouunderstand what’sreallyhappening.
PersonalAttention TradeDataMonitor®haspremiercustomerservice.Our experts are always available to answer questions about statistics, database, HS codes, methodology and other keyareasofglobaltrade.
ContactUs +1(202)981-1263 newyork@tradedatamonitor.com www.tradedatamonitor.com