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Some Common Questions About Trails Carolinain Lake Toxaway US

Is Trails Carolina is licensed and accredited? Will my child fall behind in school by attending trails?

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Some Common Questions About Trails Carolinain Lake Toxaway US

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  1. Some Common Questions About Some Common Questions About Trails Carolina Carolina in Lake in Lake Toxaway Trails US Toxaway US

  2. Is Trails Carolina is licensed and Is Trails Carolina is licensed and accredited? accredited? In order In order to be accredited and fully licensed, our therapeutic to be accredited and fully licensed, our therapeutic wilderness therapy program wilderness therapy program offers the highest level of offers the highest level of safety for your child and family. Trails Carolina is a fully safety for your child and family. Trails Carolina is a fully accredited by CARF International. accredited by CARF International.

  3. Will my child fall behind in school by Will my child fall behind in school by attending trails? attending trails? Trails Carolina is unique among wilderness therapy Trails Carolina is unique among wilderness therapy programs in that we offer a fully accredited academic programs in that we offer a fully accredited academic program led by a licensed teachers in a classroom setting. program led by a licensed teachers in a classroom setting. Our accreditation is with Advanced, which make it is easy Our accreditation is with Advanced, which make it is easy for student to transfer all of the credits earned at for student to transfer all of the credits earned at Trails Carolina Carolina. . Trails

  4. What if my child doesn’t want to go? What if my child doesn’t want to go? Children do not want to attend Children do not want to attend our our therapy program therapy program in order to come. Some level of opposition come. Some level of opposition to getting help is normal. to getting help is normal. However, once students have However, once students have attended the program for some attended the program for some period of time, they are typically period of time, they are typically happy their parents and friends happy their parents and friends have chosen Trails Carolina. have chosen Trails Carolina. in order to

  5. Will my child be mixing with students of Will my child be mixing with students of different ages and genders? different ages and genders? No, students are grouped by gender and age. Age groups are divided by 10-13 year olds and 14-17 years at our therapeutic wilderness program.

  6. What happens after a child What happens after a child leaves? leaves? At Trails Carolina, our leading family services, wilderness therapy, academic work, and transitional practice helps students to succeed in every phase of life.

  7. Where is Trails Carolina located? Where is Trails Carolina located? Trails Carolina is located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina. The natural beauty of the surrounding area, including over 500,000 acres of the Nantahala National Forest, provides the perfect backdrop for self-reflection and growth. Contact us for more information about Trails Carolina in United States.

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