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Anyone who works in an establishment that deals with food should have a basic understanding of the principles of food hygiene and safety. In industries such as catering and food delivery, it is essential that any food safety hazards can be identified and that waste is managed efficiently.<br>This Level 1 Food Hygiene and Safety Course is for employees who donu2019t handle food directly, but work in an environment where food is handled. Each training module is designed to address the introductory key elements of food hygiene and safety; from food hygiene and safety laws, to safety control measures, personal hygiene and food safety hazards.<br><br>See more: http://bit.ly/2HRTkRO
FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY L E V E L 1 COURSE CONTENT OVERVIEW 020 8158 3412 www.trainingexpress.org.uk T R A I N I N G E X P R E S S R E I N V E N T I N G T R A I N I N G
The Level 1 Food Hygiene And Safety Certificate course is designed to introduce all those who work where food is made, sold or served to the basic principles of food hygiene. The information provided will help you to recognise food hygiene hazards and the practices required to maintain high standards of food safety. The course is modular in design and has a brief multiple-choice test. The materials are ideal as introductory training for those who are new to food hygiene or as a foundation for our Level 2 training. Who is it for? This course is ideal for those who work with low-risk foods or are not directly responsible for preparing or han- dling food but work in an environment where food is handled elsewhere. M O D U L E O N E I N T R O D U C T I O N TO F OO D H YG I E N E We will discuss who will benefit from the course and why food hygiene is so important. We will look at the legislation around food hygiene, understanding food safety, and common health issues caused by contaminants. F OO D SA F E T Y H A Z A R D S M O D U L E T WO 02 We will look at the main microbiological hazards, allergenic hazards, physical hazards, and chemical hazards. We look at the potential impact of them contaminating foodstuffs and explore various ways to control for them in practice. M O D U L E T H R E E 03 F OO D SA F E T Y CO N T R O L S You will learn about the conditions under which food becomes contaminated with bacterial growth. We will also look at temperature control, the Danger Zone, controlling time, low and high-risk foods, controlling microbiological haz- ards, food deliveries, refrigeration and pests. 01 © 2019 Training Express all rights reserved www.trainingexpress.org.uk
P E R S O N A L H YG I E N E M O D U L E F O U R 04 Hand hygiene, hand washing, hair hygiene, body hygiene and bad habits, personal protective equipment (PPE), and report- ing illnesses. C L E A N I N G AC T I V I T I E S M O D U L E F I V E 05 We look at why cleaning is important, good practice around waste management, cleaning and disinfection, the concept of clean as you go, keeping dishwashers clean, and the require- ment for scheduled cleaning. L E A R N I N G O U TCO M E S By the end of the course learners will be able to demonstrate that they can: • Identify the hazards that may arise while handling or preparing food • Implement a food safety management system in your workplace • Maintain adequate food hygiene standards on your premises • Ensure all members of staff possess a solid understanding of food and personal hygiene 02 © 2019 Training Express all rights reserved www.trainingexpress.org.uk
F OO D H YG I E N E A N D SA F E T Y L E V E L 1 CO U R S E CO N T E N T OV E RV I E W T R A I N I N G E X P R E S S R E I N V E N T I N G T R A I N I N G www.trainingexpress.org.uk © 2019 Training Express all rights reserved