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Cambrian School District

Cambrian School District. Budget Update February 9, 2010. Home to School Transportation. (Estimated Savings - $100,000) Total Ridership – 187 Students Paid: 95 Students Free: 72 Students Reduced: 20 Students Students outside 1 mile radius of home school: 57

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Cambrian School District

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  1. Cambrian School District Budget Update February 9, 2010

  2. Home to School Transportation (Estimated Savings - $100,000) • Total Ridership – 187 Students • Paid: 95 Students • Free: 72 Students • Reduced: 20 Students • Students outside 1 mile radius of home school: 57 • Students outside 1.5 mile radius of home school: 16 • Students currently riding included in IEP: 9

  3. Home to School Transportation Considerations for Implementation • Communication Plan • Assist with Car Pooling • Walking School Bus • Student Valets • Re-visit Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures

  4. Summer School Total Savings $40,000 • Could not find any data indicating increased student performance due to Summer School • These are difficult data to collect • For strong results, Summer School needs to be very targeted to each individual student’sneeds • Changes would need to be made to our program which would incur additional costs, not decrease costs

  5. Summer School Considerations for Implementation • Saturday School – Middle School • After School Intervention • Summer Reading programs • Explore software or take-home summer programs • Expand use of Targeted Intervention Software

  6. Parcel Tax Important Deadlines Election Date Board Resolution May 4 * Feb 5 June 8 Mar 12 Aug 31 * June 4 Nov 2 Aug 8 * Mail in Ballot Election

  7. Parcel Tax Preliminary Activities prior to Parcel Tax Election • Work with Consultant – up to a year in advance • Conduct Voter Survey – a minimum of up to 7 months in advance • Determine Election Viability – a minimum of up to 7 months in advance • Form Oversight Committee • Fund Raising Campaign

  8. Parcel Tax August 31st Mail-in Publish 45-day Notice April 16, 2010 Board Adopts Resolution June 1, 2010 Last day for Co. Supt. of June 1, 2010 Schools to post notice Co. Supt. Files Formal June 3, 2010 Notice Ballot Argument Delivered June 15, 2010 To Registrar of Voters Election August 31, 2010

  9. Parcel Tax Cost : Pros/Cons Mail-in • Cost $200,000 • Unique Campaign – will require training electorate Combine with other state election • Cost $85,000 • May appear on ballot with other measures asking for increased taxes

  10. Energy Conservation • Form Committee to investigate • What is already occurring • What are current costs • Establish realistic target of potential savings • Utility Analysis • PG& E Audit • Possible Green Audit • Look at existing policies - enforcement

  11. Corporate Sponsorships • Determine needs and ways corporations can help • Tie into Strategic Plan • Look at sustainability • Caution, usually not a viable option for back-filling decreased funding • Must be realistic about our student population

  12. Donations of Classroom Supplies • Must be a donation! • Schools can publish lists – by grade • We welcome donations • Work with Home & School Clubs • Seek Business Support • Office Supply Stores will post school “wish lists” • Discounts for schools

  13. Increase Sports Participation Fees • Current Donation - $40 per participant (103) • Pays for ½ the cost of coaches • Proposed Increase - $80 per participant • Would fully fund coaches • Other Items not funded • Athletic Director (district funds) • Site Funded ($9,000 per year) • Referees • League fees • Uniforms/Equipment

  14. Increase Sports Participation Fees Sports Offered through Program • Boys and Girls Volleyball • Boys and Girls Soccer • Boys and Girls Basketball • Cross County • Track

  15. Closing • Realizing that these are cuts that none of us want to make we will continue to : • explore all options • look for sustainable reductions and ongoing revenue enhancements • remain committed to maintaining the highest education possible given the situation

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