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Goal 4.04 : Factors Affecting Health and Disease

Goal 4.04 : Factors Affecting Health and Disease. What is a “disease?” It’s when an organ system doesn’t function properly. Types of Diseases: Noncommunicable. Can NOT be transmitted from one individual to another. Asthma. Lip cancer due to smoking. Gout due to alcohol abuse.

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Goal 4.04 : Factors Affecting Health and Disease

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  1. Goal 4.04: Factors Affecting Health and Disease What is a “disease?” It’s when an organ system doesn’t function properly.

  2. Types of Diseases: Noncommunicable Can NOT be transmitted from one individual to another. Asthma Lip cancer due to smoking. Gout due to alcohol abuse. Osteoporosis Heart Disease

  3. Types of Diseases: Communicable CAN be transmitted from one individual to another. AIDs (Karposi’s Sarcoma) Rabies H1N1 Flu

  4. Disease and Genetics: Diseases that are passed from one generation to the next. Familial combined hyperlipidemia Huntington’s Disease NONcommunicable! Hereditary Blindness 3. One Wrong LetterTay Sachsan incurable diseasecarriers for rare condition running time 08:57 http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/genome/program.html Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) Neurofibromatosis

  5. Disease and Parasites: Diseases that are caused by parasites. Rocky Mtn Spotted Fever Tick-borne Relapsing Fever Babesiosis

  6. Disease and Parasites: Diseases that are caused by parasites. Amoebic Dysentery Malaria Roundworm Pinworm Tse-Tse Fly

  7. Disease and Toxins: Diseases that are caused by toxic/poisonous chemicals. Botulism – caused by Clostridium botulinum Can be destroyed by heating food to 80 oC (176 oF).

  8. Disease and Toxins: Diseases that are caused by toxic/poisonous chemicals. Mycotoxins/Aflatoxins – caused by fungi. Ricin – protein produced by castor beans. 1 mg can kill a healthy adult.

  9. Disease and Nutrition = good nutrition fights disease. Nutrients = substances that the body needs to obtain energy and raw materials. Basic Nutrients: Carbohydrates energy Fats store energy Proteins chemical reactions Vitamins (small amounts) growth/activity Minerals structure

  10. Vitamins are essential substances needed in small amounts.

  11. Minerals are nutrients not made by living things.(We get minerals by eating foods that have absorbed them.)

  12. What’s missing from these meals?

  13. Disease and Environment = diseases that are caused by the environment in which we live. Air Pollution: Respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, allergies, etc. www.breathepureair.com www.nhsdudley.nhs.uk

  14. Water Pollution:

  15. Smoking: It does a baby bad. Miscarriage Placental Abruption(placenta detaches from uterus) Premature BirthLearning Disabilities Second Hand Smoke: Contains over 400 chemicals AsthmaEar, Sinus, & Respiratory Infections Cancer dailysciencedose.com www.smokefreebristol.org

  16. Alcohol: It does a baby bad. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) = damage to fetal development from alcohol consumption by the pregnant mother. Affects growth, mental development, and physical development. www.faqs.org

  17. Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens. 1st Line of Defense = barriers (skin, mucus membranes, cilia, tears)

  18. Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens. 2nd Line of Defense = Macrophages(BIG white blood cells) Macrophages = large white blood cells that attack and eat pathogens.

  19. Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens. 3rd Line of Defense = Macrophages + T-Cells + B-Cells

  20. Immune Response = fighting disease caused by pathogens. 3rd Line of Defense = Macrophages + T-Cells + B-Cells Pg 1039 in your textbook! Assignment Discovery: An Inside Look At The Flu HSW An Inside Look At The Flu: Transmission Of A Virus An Inside Look At The Flu: The Influenza B Invasion An Inside Look At The Flu: Pain With A Purpose An Inside Look At The Flu: The Fever Front An Inside Look At The Flu: Losing The War An Inside Look At The Flu: Battle Against The Flu An Inside Look At The Flu: B Cells Are Winning An Inside Look At The Flu: Beating The Flu Virus

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