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QUALITY ENHANCEMENT vs ACCOUNTABILITY : ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORKS. Lucien Bollaert Member NVAO Board National Stakeholders’ Conference Yerevan December 2 & 3, 2013. CONTENTS. Intro : overview ARQATA pilots Quality & QA Quality & QA & Quality Culture QA & assessment frameworks Conclusions.

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  1. QUALITY ENHANCEMENT vsACCOUNTABILITY : ASSESSMENT FRAMEWORKS Lucien Bollaert Member NVAO Board National Stakeholders’ Conference Yerevan December 2 & 3, 2013

  2. CONTENTS • Intro : overview ARQATA pilots • Quality & QA • Quality & QA & Quality Culture • QA & assessment frameworks • Conclusions National ARQATA conference : enhancement vs control

  3. Intro : ARQATA pilots 2011 2012 2013 line 1 : HEIs & IQA workshops SERs line 2 : HEIs & EQA workshops external reports 2 U & 2 progr line 3 : ANQA & IQA & EQA workshops TG SER proof review line 4 : Quality Culture workshops international visits line 5 : Dissemination now – 2014 workshops National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control

  4. Q & QA input processes output transformation Quality Management National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control What is quality? • Q is the addedvaluebetween input & output (via processes) mission (E/R/SS) institution’sstrategyresults intended LO studyprogrammeachieved LO

  5. Q & QA National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control What is a qualityassurance system? • Manydefinitions, concepts & discussionamongacademics • QA system is the total of all managerial approaches, tools and instruments in order to guaranteethe quality of the organisation and to enhanceitsystematically • QA system is toguaranteeandenhancethe realisation of what the organisationclaims to do in reply to the needs of the globalsociety representedbyitsstakeholders

  6. Q & QA Paradigm shift in QA early opinions new views Quality is absolute and fixed Q is relative & multi- layered One standard is dominant… QA has many aspects & determined by the producer Starting point = customers’ needs The final product is central… Service is vital and should be inspected Q = result of processes Quality requirements are fixed Q requirements change & raise Quality control by quality unit Q = everybody’s

  7. Q & QA QA checklist What are you trying to achieve? PURPOSES Why are you doing it? REASON How are you doing it? METHOD Why is that the best way to do it? OPTIMISATION How do you know it works? EFFECTIVENESS How can you improve it? IMPROVEMENT Peter Williams

  8. Q & QA What is a qualityassurance system? • Leadingwithvision, inspirationandintegritybyleadersacting as a role model fortheirvaluesandethics (responsibility, people management…) • Managingthroughstructuredandstrategicallyalignedprocessesusingfact-baseddecision making • Succeedingbypeoplewho are valued in culture of empowermentforbalancedachievement of organisationaland personal goals • Integrated system interconnectingallprocessesandmeasuringtheir performances; • Trust in continuousimprovement;

  9. Q & QA input processes output transformation Quality Management (System) underlyingprinciples underlyingvalues What is QA (management) system? mission (E/R/SS) institution’sstrategyresults intended LO studyprogrammeachieved LO

  10. Q & QA QA methology & tools Kaplan & Norton’s scorecard Tools tomeasure : quantitative & qualitative data, KPI analysis, consensus meetings…

  11. Q & QA input processes output transformation tool tool tool tool tool methodology Quality Management (System) underlyingprinciples underlyingvalues What is QA (management) system? mission (E/R/SS) institution’sstrategyresults intended LO studyprogrammeachieved LO using criteria (standards & indicators)

  12. Q & QA learner LO QUALITY teacher learning environment learning activity didactic innovation practice professionalism HRM policy res resources & HEI leaders & management design

  13. Q & QA National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control continuum of IQA & EQA IQA EQA PDCA internal internal external external label assessment audit assessment audit accreditation

  14. Q & QA learner LO QUALITY teacher learning environment employers (parent) alumni commitment talent learning activity inquisitiveness drive commitment/team atmosphere didactic innovation practice professionalism HRM policy res resources & HEI leaders & management design subject & educational experts educational experts

  15. Q & QA & Qculture National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control What is quality culture? • Manydefinitions, concepts & discussionamongacademics • “Q culture is anorganisation’s culture focusing on continuouslyhigherqualityand thus living in deeper attitudes and valuesthat are directingtowards a continuingimprovement. Essential attitudes are openness, constructivecriticism, objectiveness, systematics, problem-solving, innovativenessand collectiveness.” (LB)

  16. Q & QA & Qculture National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control

  17. Q & QA & Qculture 21st c competences mission/int.LO Innovationthroughvalorisation of research ach.LO/results services to society QUALITY CULTURE input processes output tools methodology QA (management) system underlyingprinciples underlyingvalues What is qualityassurance? GLOBAL SOCIETY

  18. Q & QA & Qculture EQF EQF learner BQF BQF 21st c competences NQF NQF mission/int.LO Innovationthroughvalorisation of research ach.LO/results QUALITY services to society QUALITY CULTURE input processes output tools methodology teacher L environment QA (management) system underlyingprinciples underlyingvalues What is qualityassurance? GLOBAL SOCIETY

  19. Q & QA & Qculture How to build up Qculture? ownership sense-making externally imposed script no connection implemented top-down not always useful data managerial logic & language general satisfaction ≠ shared understanding not only executive & reconstruct/negotiate political level, but also different rationalities formulate own goals assess QA in terms of In a shared framework sense-making & added value EUA workshop

  20. Q & QA & Qculture National Stakeholder’s Conference : enhancement vs control Quality outcome/result QC + QA = possible quality outcome O + M + ++ M + O + ++ O + M - + M + O - presumably + O - M + presumably - M - O + presumably - O - M - -- M - O - --

  21. QA & assessment frameworks National Stakeholder’s Conference : enhancement vs control “It’s all about quality, stupid!” Quality is the essence & goal ! Qculture is the ultimate guarantee of Q QA system is needed to manage the HEI towards Q QA system needs systematic methodology starting from vision, mission & strategy into SMART objectives & plans shared by all stake-holders & systematically monitored (PDCA) towards realisation

  22. QA & assessment frameworks National Stakeholders’ Conference : enhancement vs control QA system needs to measure Q = the realisation of the mission = the added value in the education & research processes In order to measure you need a framework with standards & indicators (tools) In order to measure you need a methodology (PDCA) System, methodology & tools should be congruent with mission & (Q) culture

  23. QA & assessment frameworks Use quantitative & qualitative indicators! (data information) Focus on continuous improvement Transparent, independent/objective, self-critical/reflective Focus on learning (& assessment) activities Formulating LO linked with QF EHEA, EQF, NQF, discipline LO, HEI LO to LO of study programme & course units Active learning formats with congruent assessment formats

  24. QA & assessment frameworks IQA & EQA should meet as helpful mirrors Trustful & professional peer review The higher Q (culture), the opener standards Start from your own strengths (P) Turn your weaknesses into opportunities (P) Formulate priorities (P & D) Take your time! Invest in critical SWOTs/SERs in order to enhance quality (C & A) Control your realisations (C)

  25. conclusions on assessment frameworks • There is/should be no opposition between control & enhancement, between IQA & EQA • Trustful & professional peer review • The higher Q (culture), the opener the standards • Use open standards & informative underlying indicators • Internationally ESG-proof IQA & EQA frameworks & decisions

  26. general conclusions on Armenian HE • Armenia HE has made a great effort… • But there is still work to be done to become “the happy university”. • Be realistic and innovative in your goals • And take your time • To adapt & to take decision • On an international (Bologna) (standard) frameworks & mind-set


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