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Social Research Institute. Vibrant communities or the death of liberalism?. Ben Page Chairman Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute ben.page @mori.com. Nation as a whole Friends/friendly neighbours (68%) A stable population (38%) Good local schools (29%) Focal point (28%)
Social Research Institute Vibrant communities or the death of liberalism? Ben Page Chairman Ipsos MORI Social Research Institute ben.page@mori.com
Nation as a whole • Friends/friendly neighbours (68%) • A stable population (38%) • Good local schools (29%) • Focal point (28%) • People having same outlook (23%) • Mix of people (19%) • EMGs • Friends/friendly neighbours (47%) • Mix of people (29%) • People having same cultural background (24%) • People having same outlook (21%) • People speaking same language (21%) • Focal point (20%) Successful Community What makes a community successful? common themes among all ethnic groups
Quality of Life - Ideal vs Needs Improving % Most need improving locally Low level crime Clean streets Road/pavement repairs Congestion Housing Health services Activities for teenagers Facilities young children Public transport Wage levels Shopping Low pollution Culture Open spaces Sports/leisure Education Job prospects Community Access to nature Race relations % Important generally Base: All valid ALG General BVPI Survey responses
INNER LONDON: Quality of Life - Ideal vs Needs Improving Most need improving locally Low level crime Clean streets Low traffic Road/pavement repairs Housing Activities for teenagers Low pollution Public transport Health services Facilities for young children Shopping Wages Open spaces Sports/leisure Education Culture Job prospects Community activities Access to nature Race relations Important generally Base: All ALG Inner Borough valid BVPI responses
OUTER LONDON Quality of Life - Ideal vs Needs Improving Most need improving locally Low level crime Clean streets Road/pavement repairs Low traffic Health services Housing Facilities for young children Activities for teenagers Public transport Low pollution Shopping Wages Open spaces Culture Sports/leisure Education Job prospects Community activities Access to nature Race relations Important generally Base: All ALG Outer Borough valid BVPI responses
Satisfaction with London 2000 - 2005 Q How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with London as a city to live in? Net satisfied +% Net satisfied +% Inner 76% Outer 66% % very satisfied Year Base: All residents 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (circa 1,400)
Best things about living in London Q What would you say are the two or three best things about living in London? % Transport Health services Range of parks Schools Year Base: All residents 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 (circa 1,400)
Top things remain economic vitality Q What would you say are the two or three best things about living in London? % Range of shops Job opportunities Mix of people Museums & galleries Nightlife Year Base: All residents 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 (circa 1,400)
Top 5 worst things about living in London - prompted Q What, if anything, would you say are the two or three worst things about living in London? Cost of living Traffic congestion Cost of housing Safety/crime Transport Base: All residents 2001, 2002, 2003 (circa 1,400)
2004 % 47 49 27 28 28 25 25 21 20 Improving London as a Place to Live Q And finally, what two or three things do you think should be the top priorities to improve London as a place to live? 2003 % % mention 47 Safety/Crime Affordable housing/Property prices 48 33 Health service 31 Improved public transport 30 Education 25 Police 22 Environment 16 Affordable public transport 20 Traffic congestion Base: All residents 2003, 2004, 2005 (circa 1,400)
Living in London % Agree London is a ... Good City for parks, open spaces and community recreation facilities and activities Green City Clean City Base: All residents 2001, 2002, 2003 (circa 1,400)
A general pattern of improvement Net satisfaction% Westminster Stockton MORI average Southwark Sunderland East Herts Medway Camden Birmingham Enfield
Satisfaction with Policing in your Area % Thinking about policing in this area, to what extent are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the way this area is policed? Base: All residents 2001, 2002, 2003 (circa 1,400)
Feeling Safe Alone in your Neighbourhood after Dark Q How safe do you feel walking outside in this neighbourhood in the evening by yourself? % safe/ unsafe Safe Unsafe Year Base: All residents 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (circa 1,400)
Vicious and virtuous circles Physical appearance Without them sorting the crime part of it out, all that effort is wasted because they’re tidying it up and they’re just ruining it Respect It’s pretty pointless giving them the most fantastic parks if it’s not safe for them to use Community Crime/safety
Vicious and virtuous circles Physical appearance Boarded up properties are a hooligan’s paradise Respect Community Crime/safety
Vicious and virtuous circles Physical appearance Respect Community Crime/safety This area is so full of trouble you don’t know who to trust
Vicious and virtuous circles Physical appearance People have changed around our area, more open and friendly, you can talk to people. The place is cleaner and people feel better about it Respect It does look nice now. People from outside are coming in now Community Crime/safety
Environment: Expectations Trends Q Thinking about the quality of the environment over the next few years do you expect it to get better/worse? % net better Base: c.1,000 British Adults Source: Deloitte / MORI Delivery Index
But locally….. % Problem Litter Air quality Noise Climate change Loss of green spaces Base: All residents 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 (circa 1,400)
All windows to open inwards Remove religious symbol Not approved by English Heritage Install CCTV here Remove imperialist lion To be pedestrianised Plant with trees Suspicious rain coat No separate pavement Remove – blocking CCTV No sitting on monuments To be armed Bill boards to be removed Only at restricted hours
It is a good thing Britain is a multi-cultural society? Q To what extent do you agree or disagree that it is a good thing that Britain is a multi-racial society ….? % Disagree Scotland North East North West York's & Humber East Midlands West Midlands Wales South West Eastern London South East Base: All respondents (2,057)
True proportion = 6% …but huge overestimate of numbers Q What proportion of GB residents are immigrants? 28% 27% 25% 23% 22% 18% 12% Area dissat All Men Women Whitewithdegree White No degree Area sat Base: All GB adults aged 16+ (822)
British = white? Q To be truly British you have to be White Net agree + % % Disagree % Agree -77 All White -77 Black -62 Asian -86 All C2 -66 All 16-24 -83 All 65+ -66 -72 EM - Discriminated against EM - Not discriminated against -82 Base: All GB adults , aged 16+ (822) All BME adults, aged 16+ (649)
...both BME and White Britons want to see new arrivals better integrated
All 77 +64 13 BME +36 22 58 Immigrants to Britain who do not speak English should be made to learn English +67 10 77 All +66 10 76 BME Lessons on being British? People who settle in this country should have citizenship lessons about the British way of life Net agree +% % Disagree % Agree Base: All GB adults , aged 16+ (822) All BME adults, aged 16+ (649)
DISAGREE % 16-34 64 35-54 57 55+ 40 A significant minority would choose homogeneity Q To what extent do you agree or disagree that you would rather live in an area where people are from the same ethnic background as you? Don’t know Definitely agree Definitely disagree Tend to agree Tend to disagree Base: All respondents
Satisfaction with council versus deprivation score Net satisfaction with Council (+%) Vale of White Horse Correlation -0.65 Sunderland Gateshead Camden Harlow Birmingham Brent Oldham Manchester Deprivation Score (IMD 2000) Base: All
Analysis of BVPI data and ward level modelling Ethnic Fractionalisation -30% Showing Strength of Drivers 43% of Satisfaction explained by model Deprivation -24% % of Respondents working -15% BV3 - Overall Satisfaction with the Council 12% % of managers / professionals -11% % of respondents Under 35 8% % of respondents with Internet at Work Base: 716 Units (c 2000 wards)
But it is not all good news Also health services
Ethnic Diversity and overall PCT ratings Mid Devon PCT Airedale PCT Preston PCT South Birmingham PCT Lambeth PCT Overall PCT rating Thurrock PCT Barking & Dagenham PCT Greenwich PCT Newham PCT Haringey PCT Basildon PCT Bradford City PCT Ethnic diversity Source: PCT patient surveys 2003/MORI
Ethnic diversity and ratings of inpatient care Taunton & Somerset NHS Trust Airedale NHS Trust University Hospitals of Leicester Ratings of overall care Sandwell & West Birmingham Hospitals Medway NHS Trust West Middlesex University Hospital North Middlesex University Hospital Newham Healthcare Ethnic diversity Source: NHS Acute Trust inpatient surveys 2001-2/MORI
High reciprocity – by region Feel neighbours look out for each other, done/received a favour South West North East Eastern North West East Midlands Yorkshire & the Humber South East England West Midlands London Source: Social capital module of the General Household Survey 2000
High neighbourliness score - by region Know, speak to, trust neighbours, do/receive favours etc South West North West North East Yorkshire & the Humber East Midlands Eastern England West Midlands South East London Source: Social capital module of the General Household Survey 2000
No clear relationship with civic engagement Involved in local organisations, feel informed, feel can influence local decisions etc Eastern South East East Midlands Yorkshire & the Humber South West England London West Midlands North West North East Source: Social capital module of the General Household Survey 2000
Attitudes towards prejudice Q Which of these groups, if any, would you say you personally feel less positive towards? % Travellers/gypsies Refugees/asylum seekers Gay or lesbian people Top 5 answers Asian people Black people Base:1,183 self-completion questionnaires from adults 15+yrs 26-30 May 2001 Source: MORI/Stonewall
What people say influences how they feel? Q Which two or three of the following, if any, would you say have most influenced how you feel about people from these groups? % Parents Television Influence of media Newspapers Friends Top 5 answers School Base:1,183 self-completion questionnaires from adults 15+yrs 26-30 May 2001 Source: MORI/Stonewall
What are the issues? • As well as inherited and learned ignorance and prejudice, there are also real concerns • Strong perception of people free-riding • 45% think welfare systems are unfair • 20% single out immigrants/asylum seekers as major exploiters of the system • Need careful communications • But many politicians unwilling to discuss the issues • Core constituency in local govt is most likely to be racist