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Looking for temporary housing? The Traveling Contractor is the most trusted name in short term housing and temporary housing in the USA. The Traveling Contractor, LLC is providing affordable furnished weekly rentals, monthly rentals, or RV park rentals.
Main Title by Lynda Richardson Your Name
~Introduction ~ Traveling contractors are skilled crafts people who travel the globe building roads, refineries, plants, all types of buildings, just about anything you can think of. Without them, we may go lacking for the things that help to make our lives complete. Each one works at a craft they spent years learning and perfecting. Their skills are very important. They are pipe fitters, electricians, painters, plumbers, brick layers, welders, sheetrock hangers, etc. In this book we will focus on those who travel in the United States. All of the information in this book is based on my experience and from my perspective. What I do in Arkansas may not apply to other states. The forms I use might not be what you need in another state. I suggest that regardless if you live in Arkansas or any other state, have an attorney draw up or look over your forms, etc. that you use with renters.
~ Find Short Term Housing ~ Motels RV Parks Houses Mobile Homes Apartments Efficiency Apartments & Campers
~ List Your Rental Property with The Traveling Contractor ~ Free First Month Contract Term Listing Order Photo Property Description Contact Information Website Link Listing Control Panel Email to Friends Occupied/Available Sign Features Ads Rate/Term on 1st Listing Each Additional Listing
~Benefits to Property and RV Park Owners ~ Listing in one of the fastest growing web-based directories targeting the needs of the traveling contractors across the United States. Your listing includes your contact information so customer contacts you directly. Direct contact between you and the customer. Submit your picture/logo for free inclusion in your listing. Free license during the term of paid membership to use “Member of The Traveling Contractor” on signage and advertising. Free listing for churches in your community that you recommend. National advertising and marketing exposure through The Traveling Contractor’s advertising and marketing. Free gift for you when you become a member and one to give to your first customer from “The Traveling Contractor”. No sight unseen third party reservations sent to property owners.
~ Benefits to Traveling Contractor Workers ~ A one-stop website to locate rentals, RV Parks, restaurants, shopping, entertainment, jobs, churches and resources about your next short-term community. Free gift when you sign up to get mail and correspondence from The Traveling Contractor. Having pre-trip information in hand before leaving will save you time searching for places and services. The ability to make this your website by communicating with The Traveling Contractor about your ideas and needs. Find people to do business with who value traveling contractors. Save money on your per diem by shopping the best rates, no more stopping at the first motel you come to.
~ Contact Us ~ Company: The Traveling Contractor, LLC Email Address: lynda@thetravelingcontractor.com Website: http://www.thetravelingcontractor.com