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CS320n – Elements of Visual Programming. Introduction to Alice Mike Scott (Slides 1-1). What We Will Do Today. look at the Alice programming environment create some simple programs in Alice. What is Alice?. Named in honor of Lewis Carroll’s (pen name) Alice in Wonderland
CS320n – Elements of Visual Programming Introduction to Alice Mike Scott (Slides 1-1)
What We Will Do Today • look at the Alice programming environment • create some simple programs in Alice Introduction to Alice
What is Alice? • Named in honor of Lewis Carroll’s (pen name) Alice in Wonderland • Charles Lutwidge Dodgson was also a mathematician and logician • A modern programming tool • purpose of tool, learn how to program, write algorithms • 3-D graphics • 3-D models of objects • Animation • Objects can be made to move around virtual world (a simulation or a video game. Simple Pixar.) Introduction to Alice
Computer Programs • General purpose programming languages can be used for almost any task • Alice is not a general purpose programming language. • It is an application specific language • designed for a specific task, creating 3D animations • lots of application specific languages. Example: language for working with DNA data Introduction to Alice
Fundamental Tools • All languages contain these elements • list of instructions – “Pack lunch, pack snack, put homework in backpack.” • decision making – “If I didn’t shave yesterday, shave today.” • repetition of behavior – “Do a load of laundry until there is no more dirty laundry.” • modularization. Big rocks into little rocks. “To do a load of laundry: gather clothes, get clothes right-side out, put clothes of similar color into washing machine…” • Generalization: Solve many different problems with one set of instructions • Compute a result – “How much is it going to cost to fill up my car with gas?” Introduction to Alice
What does Alice run on? • Alice is free. • Alice is written in Java • only working versions are for PCs and Macs with OSX 10.3 or higher (relatively new, may still have bugs) • Sorry, no Linux, yet • the book comes with a copy of Alice for Windows machines • www.alice.org • also on the computers in the CS Elements lab Introduction to Alice
Fast Start Up • Can quickly learn to create • a simple animation in a matter of minutes • a non-trivial animation in a few class periods • Can learn to use the Alice interface in a few class periods if you do a couple of exercises at home Introduction to Alice
Installing Alice • If you want to install Alice on you computer at home • use the CD that comes with the textbook • CD installation is straightforward • download Alice from the web • http://www.alice.org/downloads/authoringtool/ • file format is .zip • must “unzip” file using a program such as winzip • problems? post to newsgroup Introduction to Alice
Memory Management • Alice automatically manages memory • But, writing and testing an animation is an intense load on the computing system • a crash can occur. • Best solution: • Alice (the program) reminds you every so often so save your work • save your programs often! • if working in lab when you logout the computer is wiped -> save to your account or to a backup system such as a memory stick Introduction to Alice
The Power of Alice • Automatically keeps track of 3-D objects • what objects are in the virtual world • types of objects • positions of objects in the world Introduction to Alice
Demo • Starting Alice • Loading a World • Running A World • Saving a World • How to Exit Introduction to Alice
The World • Alice Programs / Movies take place in a virtual world • When you start a new world in Alice you select the background • The world consistsof a sky and the ground • Can’t be changed aftercreating the world • the world is not infiniteDEMO(I don’t like roller coasters any more) Introduction to Alice
Objects in Alice • Objects already exist. Hundreds of them Introduction to Alice
Program an Object Introduction to Alice
Where Do Objects Come From? • They are pre built • creating 3D objects is another area of computing and graphic design • Sources of 3D objects • the local gallery that comes with the software • Alice web gallery • How are objects added to the world? Introduction to Alice
Adding Objects • Click on the green “Add Objects” button • World expands and local gallery displayed Introduction to Alice
Adding Objects • Local gallery divided into a directory based on subject • add instances of objects to world by • dragging and dropping or • click on object and select add instance option Introduction to Alice
Objects in the World • Can have multiple instances of objects from the same class in the World • class: like a cookie cutter • objects: like the cookies star cookie cutterstar cookie class star cookiesstar cookie objects Introduction to Alice
Objects in the World penguin class penguin objects in a virtual world Introduction to Alice
Objects in the World • The Objects that are present in the current world are listed in the Object Tree • The top left panel in the Alice programming environment • Every world comes with a light, a camera (point of view for the movie whenplayed), and the ground Introduction to Alice
Object Dimensions • Objects in Alice worlds are 3 dimensional height width depth Introduction to Alice
Object Position • Objects • are positioned in 3-D space • Have six degrees of freedom (directions of movement) Introduction to Alice
Objects “Know” Relative Directions • Yellow box aroundpenguin is itsbounding box • light blue line isup/down • pink line is left/right • dark blue line isforward backward • DEMO Introduction to Alice
Exercises • if you want to work at home, install Alice on your computer • Complete Appendix A, Part 1, using Alice • a walkthrough of using Alice • Complete the tutorials that come with Alice Introduction to Alice
Starting Tutorials Introduction to Alice