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Learn essential communication strategies for visual and hearing impairment in caregiving settings to enhance resident interaction and support. Understand important terms and observation tips for effective care.
1. Define important words in this chapter • airway • the natural passageway for air to enter into the lungs. • anxiety • uneasiness or fear, often about a situation or condition. • artificial airway • any plastic, metal, or rubber device inserted into the respiratory tract for the purpose of maintaining an airway and facilitating ventilation. • coma • state of unconsciousness in which a person is unable to respond to any change in the environment, including pain.
1. Define important words in this chapter • combative • violent or hostile. • confusion • the inability to think clearly and logically. • defense mechanisms • unconscious behaviors used to release tension and/or help a person cope with stress. • depression • an illness that causes social withdrawal, lack of energy, and loss of interest in activities, as well as other symptoms.
1. Define important words in this chapter • disorientation • confusion about person, place, or time; may be permanent or temporary. • impairment • a partial or complete loss of function or ability. • masturbation • to touch or rub sexual organs in order to give oneself or another person sexual pleasure. • tracheostomy • a surgically-created opening through the neck into the trachea. • ventilation • in medicine, the exchange of air between the lungs and the environment.
2. Identify communication guidelines for visual impairment • Define the following term: • impairment • a partial or complete loss of function or ability.
2. Identify communication guidelines for visual impairment • Some residents you care for will be visually impaired. There are many causes for visual impairment, including diseases such as diabetes and glaucoma. A visual impairment is also something that can exist at birth. People of all ages can be visually impaired, and it can affect one or both eyes.
2. Identify communication guidelines for visual impairment • Remember these guidelines for visual impairment: • Announce yourself when entering the room. • Look at the resident while speaking to him. • Make sure there is proper lighting. • Explain care you are going to provide. Talk to the resident while providing care. • Do not shout.
2. Identify communication guidelines for visual impairment • Guidelines for visual impairment (cont’d.): • Use the face of an imaginary clock to explain the position of objects. • Make sure the resident has his glasses on if he wears them. • Do not move personal items or furniture without permission. • Put things back where you found them. • Read menus to the resident.
2. Identify communication guidelines for visual impairment • Guidelines for visual impairment (cont’d.): • Encourage resident to use other senses. • Announce when you leave the area. • Do not play with or distract guide dogs. • Offer helpful items such as books on tape or large-print newspapers. • Be empathetic.
3. Identify communication guidelines for hearing impairment • Residents may have different kinds of hearing impairment.Having a partial hearing loss in one ear is one example. Being completely unable to hear at all is another example. Hearing may also be temporarily impaired due to the noise level in the room.
3. Identify communication guidelines for hearing impairment • Symptoms of hearing loss to observe and report: • Trouble hearing high-pitched noises • Trouble hearing soft consonants, such as “s” and “t” • Trouble hearing what is said in a setting that has background noise • Not understanding the meaning of words
3. Identify communication guidelines for hearing impairment • Symptoms of hearing loss (cont’d.): • Being unable to hear people when they are not in the same room • Favoring one ear over the other one • Avoiding movies or special events due to not being able to understand the words spoken • Ringing in the ears • Resident complains of pain in one or both ears.
3. Identify communication guidelines for hearing impairment • Remember these guidelines for hearing impairment: • Get resident’s attention before speaking. • Stand or sit so the resident can see your face. • Look at the resident directly while speaking. • Make sure hearing aids are turned on. • Be familiar with any hand gestures residents use.
3. Identify communication guidelines for hearing impairment • Guidelines for hearing impairment (cont’d.): • Turn off TV or radio. • Speak clearly in a low tone of voice. • Do not chew gum or cover your mouth while speaking. • Do not exaggerate pronunciation of words. • Use simple words and short sentences. • Use pen and paper or picture cards.
3. Identify communication guidelines for hearing impairment • Think about these questions: • How would it feel to not be able to hear? • If you were in this position, what things could others do that you would appreciate?
4. Explain defense mechanisms as methods of coping with stress • Define the following term: • defense mechanisms • unconscious behaviors used to release tension and/or help a person cope with stress.
4. Explain defense mechanisms as methods of coping with stress • Defense mechanisms can prevent a person from dealing with his or her real feelings. • Can you think of examples of each of the following defense mechanisms? • Denial • Displacement • Projection • Rationalization • Repression • Regression
4. Explain defense mechanisms as methods of coping with stress • Think about this question: • How can it be helpful for you as a nursing assistant to be aware of different defense mechanisms?
5. List communication guidelines for anxiety or fear • Define the following term: • anxiety • uneasiness or fear, often about a situation or condition.
5. List communication guidelines for anxiety or fear • REMEMBER: • Feeling anxious is not the same as feeling afraid. Anxiety is a vague emotional state. The unpleasant feelings are coming from the anticipation of something bad that could happen or a future danger. The danger is not happening in the present time. With fear, one is dealing with the present. Fear is a reaction to an actual danger.
5. List communication guidelines for anxiety or fear • Remember these guidelines for communicating with a resident who is anxious or fearful: • Greet the resident when you enter the room. Do not touch the resident until you have identified yourself. • Speak softly, slowly, and calmly. • Reduce the noise level. • Listen to the resident. • Be empathetic, calm, and reassuring. • Avoid demanding behavior. • Reassure the resident that he is safe.
6. Discuss communication guidelines for depression • Define the following term: • depression • an illness that causes social withdrawal, lack of energy, and loss of interest in activities, as well as other symptoms.
6. Discuss communication guidelines for depression • Discussion: • Many losses and changes occur in a person’s life when he or she has to move into a facility. Think about what this would feel like. What do you think would be the hardest loss or change to deal with if you had to move into a facility?
6. Discuss communication guidelines for depression • Remember these guidelines for communicating with residents who are depressed: • Be pleasant, respectful, and supportive. • Use touch to help comfort the resident (with permission). • Listen carefully to the resident. • Think before you speak and be empathetic. • Use a normal tone of voice. • Talk about feelings if the resident wishes. • Encourage social interaction.
6. Discuss communication guidelines for depression • REMEMBER: • Depression is an illness, just like any other illness. Depressed people cannot simply choose to be well.
6. Discuss communication guidelines for depression • Think about this question: • What can happen if a nursing assistant mistakenly thinks that residents who are depressed can simply choose to be well?
6. Discuss communication guidelines for depression • REMEMBER: • Your role is to be supportive and compassionate. Try to make each day as pleasant an experience as possible for a resident who is depressed.
7. Identify communication guidelines for anger • Anger is a natural human emotion. You may see residents, their families and friends, and staff members express anger. • Residents may feel angry due to illness, fear, pain, grief, loneliness, or a loss of independence. Even minor things, such as a change in the dinner menu, can trigger anger. Anger may also just be a part of someone’s personality.
7. Identify communication guidelines for anger • Remember these guidelines for angry behavior: • Be pleasant and supportive. • Try to find out what caused the anger. • Watch the resident’s body language. • Think before you speak. • Do not argue with the resident.
7. Identify communication guidelines for anger • Guidelines for angry behavior (cont’d.): • Stay calm. • Treat the resident with dignity and respect. • Answer call lights promptly. • If the resident’s anger increases, get the nurse immediately. • Try to involve the resident in activities.
8. Identify communication guidelines for combative behavior • Define the following term: • combative • violent or hostile.
8. Identify communication guidelines for combative behavior • When anger increases, a person may become combative. Combative means violent or hostile. Such behavior includes hitting, shoving, kicking, throwing things, and insulting others. • Combative behavior may be due to a disease affecting the brain. It may be due to a worsening of anger or frustration. Medication or changes in health may cause a resident to become combative.
8. Identify communication guidelines for combative behavior • REMEMBER: • Combative behavior is generally not a reaction to you. Try not to take it personally.
8. Identify communication guidelines for combative behavior • Remember these guidelines for combative behavior: • Call for the nurse immediately. • Keep yourself and others at a safe distance. • Stay calm and do not appear threatening to the resident. • Be reassuring. Try to find out what triggered the behavior. • Do not respond to insults. • Follow direction of the nurses. • Report facts you know. • When anger passes, comfort the resident.
8. Identify communication guidelines for combative behavior • REMEMBER: • When a resident becomes combative, your role as a nursing assistant is to keep everyone safe.
9. Identify communication guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior • Define the following term: • masturbation • to touch or rub sexual organs in order to give oneself or another person sexual pleasure.
9. Identify communication guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior • REMEMBER: • Older adults, like all humans, are sexual beings. Residents have the right to choose how they express their sexuality.
9. Identify communication guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior • Sometimes residents will show inappropriate sexual behavior. This behavior does not seem normal or makes you or others uncomfortable. • It includes sexual advances or comments. Inappropriate behavior also includes things like removing clothing in public places, such as the dining room or hallway.
9. Identify communication guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior • Remember these guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior: • Do not overreact. • Try to distract the resident or move her to a private area. • Listen to the resident and do not judge the behavior. • Report inappropriate behavior to the nurse.
9. Identify communication guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior • Think about this question: • What are some examples of inappropriate and appropriate sexual behavior?
9. Identify communication guidelines for inappropriate sexual behavior • REMEMBER: • If you encounter consenting adults engaged in sexual behavior, you must provide privacy and leave the area.
10. Identify communication guidelines for disorientation and confusion • Define the following terms: • disorientation • confusion about person, place, or time; may be permanent or temporary. • confusion • the inability to think clearly and logically.
10. Identify communication guidelines for disorientation and confusion • Think about these questions: • What is the difference between disorientation and confusion? • What are some possible causes of confusion?
10. Identify communication guidelines for disorientation and confusion • Remember these guidelines for disorientation or confusion: • Do not leave a confused resident alone. • Stay calm and provide a quiet environment. • Speak in a lower tone of voice. • Introduce yourself each time you see the resident. • Remind the resident of the location, his name, and the date. • Repeat directions, if needed.
10. Identify communication guidelines for disorientation and confusion • Guidelines for disorientation or confusion (cont’d.): • Be patient with the resident. • Listen to the resident closely. • Tell the resident the plans for the day. • Encourage the use of eyeglasses and hearing aids. • Tell the resident when you are leaving the area. • Report observations to the nurse.
11. Identify communication guidelines for the comatose resident • Define the following term: • coma • state of unconsciousness in which a person is unable to respond to any change in the environment, including pain.
11. Identify communication guidelines for the comatose resident • A person in a coma cannot respond to any change in the environment, including pain. • A coma usually occurs due to an illness, such as meningitis, a condition, such as a drug overdose, or an injury, such as a motor vehicle accident.
11. Identify communication guidelines for the comatose resident • REMEMBER: • A comatose resident deserves your respect in the same way that an alert resident does.
11. Identify communication guidelines for the comatose resident • Remember these guidelines for caring for a comatose resident: • Introduce yourself when entering the resident’s room. • Explain each step of each procedure you will be performing. • Do not hold personal discussions while caring for the resident. • Announce when you are going to leave the room.
11. Identify communication guidelines for the comatose resident • A person in a coma can transition to a persistent vegetative state (PVS), which means the person may have some level of consciousness. He may open his eyes and have some facial movements, but these are mostly physical reactions and not a response to external stimuli. • A minimally conscious state (MCS) is different than a coma or vegetative state. The person exhibits some cognitive behavior and shows sporadic signs of consciousness, such as crying or laughing appropriately.
12. Identify communication guidelines for functional barriers • Define the following terms: • airway • the natural passageway for air to enter into the lungs. • artificial airway • any plastic, metal, or rubber device inserted into the respiratory tract for the purpose of maintaining an airway and facilitating ventilation. • tracheostomy • a surgically-created opening through the neck into the trachea. • ventilation • in medicine, the exchange of air between the lungs and the environment.