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Learn more: https://doterra.do-essential.co.uk/<br><br>Starting a business as a Doterra wellness advocate was one of the best decisions I have ever made and has transformed everything in my life<br><br>I have been asked many times, "Is doterra worth it?" and yes, I asked the very same question before I became a Doterra oils consultant. However, since I have been involved with home based businesses for the last 20 years Doterra is a breathe of fresh air, personally and financially.<br><br>So, on this page I will explain my reasons for becoming a Doterra wellness advocate and how you too can gain financial freedom for you and your family as well as living a healthier lifestyle.
M YD O T E R R A U KR E V I E W S T E V E N J A C K S O N - 9 3 0 1 7 5 S T A R T I N G A B U S I N E S S A S A D O T E R R A W E L L N E S S A D V O C A T E W A S O N E O F T H E B E S T D E C I S I O N S I H A V E E V E R M A D E A N D H A S T R A N S F O R M E D E V E R Y T H I N G I N M Y L I F E
C O N T E N T S 0513 27 M O T I V A T I O N PARTONE Whatmakespeoplelikeyouandme becomeaDoterradistributorintheUK? R E A S O N I N G PARTTWO Otherimportantreasonsforjoining DoterraUK? C O S T PARTTHREE ThereisalargeselectionofDoterrastarter kits, butwhatdoyougetforthe £20 enrollmentkit?
M YD O T E R R AU KR E V I E W S T A R T I N G A B U S I N E S S A S A D O T E R R A W E L L N E S S A D V O C A T E W A S O N E O F T H E B E S T D E C I S I O N S I H A V E E V E R M A D E A N D H A S T R A N S F O R M E D E V E R Y T H I N G I N M Y L I F E A consultant. However, sinceIhavebeen involvedwithhomebasedbusinessesfor thelast20yearsDoterraisabreatheof freshair, personallyandfinancially. So, onthispageIwillexplainmyreasons for becoming advocate and financialfreedomforyouandyourfamily aswellaslivingahealthierlifestyle. What makes people like you and me become a Doterra distributor in the UK? The quality of Doterra oils When you choose choosingthebestandhighestquality essential oils Doterra oils plantsthathavebeenharvestedatthe perfect moment compositionandefficacy. Alltheoilsarethoroughlytestedusingthe strictqualityprotocol, whichinsuresthe oils purity, chemically effective. Becoming a Doterra wellness advocate is so affordable TheDoterramembershipfeeintheUnited Kingdomisonly £20whichincludesaFree Doterraonlinestore, afreebackofficefor administrating your monthlyfeetoworryaboutwhenstarting anewbusiness. However, toavoideven payingthemembershipfee, manynew consultantspurchaseonofthe Doterra kits such the Emotional defusedEnrollmentKitatonly £129.50and havethemembershipfeewaived. Click here for more information enrollmentkitoffers. Doterra is a stable company Thereareonlyafewothercompanies doingaswellasDoterra. Theirconsultants haveamuchmoresustainablebusiness modelthatallowsthemtoworkforjusta few hours a week unlimitedearningpotential. Starting a business as a Doterra wellness advocate was one of the best decisions I have ever made and has everything in my life Ihavebeenaskedmanytimes, "Isdoterra worthit?" andyes, Iaskedtheverysame questionbeforeIbecameaDoterraoils correct and transformed business and no Aromatherapy a Doterra you wellness can how too gain about the and sustainable Doterra, you are and still have a available have online distilled today. from been to extract the best
M YD O T E R R A U KR E V I E W O T H E R I M P O R T A N T R E A S O N S F O R J O I N I N G D O T E R R A U K ? OTHERIMPORTANTREASONS FORJOININGDOTERRAUK? In compensationplanandthegreatcompanythereare otherassettobecomingaDoterrarepandstartinga businessfromhome. No commuting to work Many of us are taking commutingtoandfromourofficeorworkplace. However, oneofthebenefitsofbecomingaDoterra oilsconsultantandworkingfromhomeisthat travellingtoworkinvolvesnomorethanafewsteps tothespareroom. Thisleavesmoretimeforyouand yourfamilyaswellasmassivefinancialsavingssuch aspetrolandtheneedforasecondcar. IbegantounderstandthesavingswhenIaddedup howmuchitwascostingmetogettoworkand homeagain. Beyondthecostofhavingasecondcar, parking, theoddspeedingticket, snacksandlunch andevenbusinessclothestheamountIwasearn seemedsmallerthanIoriginalimagined. Since, workingfromhome, Ihavesoldmycarand purchasedabicycleforlocalrunswhilemywifestill drivestowork. Thishascutoutoutgoingsbya massiveamountandreducedthepressuretomake thesameincomeasIdidwhenIwasworking elsewhere. addition to the great products. the great about an hour a day
M YD O T E R R AU KR E V I E W O T H E R I M P O R T A N T R E A S O N S F O R J O I N I N G D O T E R R A U K ? A Ipersonallyfoundalocalbook-keeper whodoeseverythingforme. AsItoldher, "Ihavenoknowledgeofbusinesstax" soI havepaidsomeonewhodoesandmakes surethatIamdoingitcorrectly. Also, whenIwassearchingforabook-keeperI required that monthlypaymenttoIcouldkeepmy outgoingsassimpleandcalculatedas possible. Flexibility of Working Hours Ithinkthisisformethemostselfish elementreasonforrunningabusiness fromhome. Apartfrombeingabletowork atnightorfirstthinginthemorningisa greatforthoseentrepreneurswhomaybe tryingtoworkaroundchildrenorother obligations. However, mymainreasonis thoselastminutetripsorholidays. Itsnot onlyexiting, itisalsosomuchcheaper thanbookingaholidayinadvance. Claim tax allowances for working at home as a Doterra wellness advocate As a business you allowances. Thismeansyoucandeducta proportion of certain taxableprofitsandreduceyourtaxbill. Theexpensesclaimedbackagainstincome taxinyourtaxreturnmustbe ‘whollyand exclusively’ forthepurposesofthetrade orbusiness. Inmycase, Ihaveaveryglobalbusiness andsospeakingtoacustomerorafellow repsmayneedalatenightcall. WhatsApp, Socialmediaplatformsandsimpleemail allowsyoutointeractwithyourcustomers andsuppliersatanytimeofthedayor night. Youcanmoreeasilyaccommodate customersindifferenttimezonesandyour familyschedules. Fortunatelyourchildrenlefthomeafew yearsagoperusingtheirowncareers, but forthosewhostillhaveyoungchildrenat home, flexible working important. Ifyouhaveaillchild, the personworkingfromhomegenerallycan movewebinartimeoronlinemeetingto suitthesituation. Howeveritdoestake flexibilityfrombothsides, forexample whentheworkingpartnerreturnshome theyneedtobewillingtohelpthehome workerbysupportthechildcareissue. UnderstandinghowtostartaDoterra businessfromhomegivesyouthefreedom andflexibilitytogrowyourbusinessat yourownpace. Italsosavesmoney, which helps during the business. can claim tax costs from your hours are they accepted a fixed lean times of any
M YD O T E R R A U KR E V I E W T H E R E I S A L A R G E S E L E C T I O N O F D O T E R R A S T A R T E R K I T S , B U T W H A T D O Y O U G E T F O R T H E £ 2 0 E N R O L L M E N T K I T ? THEREISALARGESELECTION OFDOTERRASTARTERKITS, BUTWHATDOYOUGETFOR THE £20ENROLLMENTKIT? Asureandsteadycompanythatwontlet youdown Adebtfreecompanywithoutoutstanding loans Unlimitedearningpotential Ahighretentionrateofover65% whichis oneofthehighestintheindustry Youwillget25% offretailonallDoterra Products - ClickhereforDoterraessential oilspricelist YouwillgetFreeonlineandpersonalised DoterraUKshopandafreebackoffice Nomonthlyfeeonceyouhavepaidyour enrollmentfeeof £20 Youwillbeabletoenrollnewdistributors andreceivebonusesontheirsales. And best of all, you get support and experienceofyoursponsor Note: Thereisnooilsinthe £20enrollment kit
1. 2. 3. Clickhere Selectyourcountryandlanguage Choose to be Advocate or customer*” options Fillintheenrollmentform EnrollerandSponsorID: 930175 Chooseyourenrollmentpackage (Basic Doterra however if you product enrollment Doterra membership waived) Payfortheenrollment H O WT O a “Wellness Wholesale J O I N 4. 5. 6. kits purchase are £20 the the D O T E R R A ? kit fee is 7. Select "Wholesalecustomer" ifthe businessaspectisnotforyou* Within a short receive an email confirming your theninabout3daysyouwill receive another welcoming you offeringtrainingandsupport. For people who come from the UK, but live aboard Doterra membership Europe: 20€ Doterramembershipfeeinthe US: 35$ Doterra membership Australia: 50$ Ifyouhaveanyquestionabout Doterra, the quality productsorbecomingaDoterra wellnessadvocateintheUKclick onthesourcelinkbelowandadd yourname, emailaddressandshort messageontheformandIwillget backtoyouasap….. Author: StevenJackson Source: MyDoterraUKreview while from enrollment you Doterra will S T A R T I N G A B U S I N E S S A S A D O T E R R A W E L L N E S S A D V O C A T E W A S O N E O F T H E B E S T D E C I S I O N S I H A V E E V E R M A D E A N D H A S T R A N S F O R M E D E V E R Y T H I N G I N M Y L I F E and email to from me and Doterra fee in fee in of Doterra STEVENHASBEENAN ENTREPRENEUR, NETWORK MARKETER, ONLINE MARKETER. PODCASTER ANDADOTERRAWELLNESS ADVOCATEFORMANY YEARS, BECAUSEHEFEELS ITTICKSALLTHEBOXES FORHIM