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Learn More: https://doterra-guide.aromatherapyoilsguide.org/<br><br>If you are interested in finding a essential oils uses guide that give you the full picture, the Doterra sales guide will give you the A to Z of essential oils for free<br><br>My name is Steve Jackson and a long term Doterra wellness advocate leader. This page will give you a clear overview of the products and the business that Doterra is offering. So, sit back while I take you through the Doterra guide. However, if need any questions answered you may use the form at the bottom of the page.<br><br>I have been an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer. eBook author, podcaster and a doTerra Wellness Advocate for many years. My main reasons is that it ticks all the boxes for me and gives me the financial freedom and the global independence I have always desired. This means I can choose where and how I live my life.<br><br>I have been building a globally developing business with passionate and motivated leaders in the US, Canada, Europe UK and Australia. In many cases for the first time they are on the journey of a lifetime.<br><br>Doterra Guide in Brief<br><br>The Doterra sales guide is more than just a catalog. It gives the reader the full story about essential oils and their uses. Also, it gives a history of Doterra and how they felt they were going to revolutionize the world of essential oils.<br><br>The Doterra product guide will also explains how therapeutic grade essential oils are extracted. They are mostly extracted via a low-heat steam distillation process. This means the steam is circulated under pressure through plant material, liberating the essential oils into the steam. As the steam mixture cools, the water and oils are separated and the oil is collected in its pure form. To ensure the highest quality oils are extracted to the correct chemical composition, the temperature and pressure must be monitored very closely.<br><br>What is Doterra?<br><br>I thought that I should start this guide with the basics, because not everyone knows what or who Doterra is. In fact when I joined Doterra, I did not truly know much more than what I had read online. So, I am guessing that this is going to be the same situation for most of you reading this guide today.<br><br>Doterra began in 2008 on a mission. They wanted to make the best therapeutic grade essential oils in the world. They had seen their benefits of essential oils first hand and wished to share their experiences with the public. So, once they had bought together health-care and business professionals they could realize there dreams.<br><br>There main issue Doterra had was to create a high quality essential oil that went beyond the traditional health shop mediocre. All their hard work was realized when they developed a new standard purity and quality for the global market.<br><br>Building an vision needed people with imagination and wanted to be apart of that dream. This needed energy and diligent from a team of professionals that had commitment, passion and the vision to make the dream come true.<br><br>There was an understanding from the very beginning that selling Doterra oils was going to to be unique experience. This meant that Doterra needed a unique sales model to make it work.<br><br>The Doterra sales guide and business model<br><br>The sale model Doterra adopted is called direct sales or more common know as network marketing. This allowed people like you and me to become distributors and to share the power of the oils and make extra money. It was found that the more individual the approach, the more powerful was the business dynamics. This in turn created a higher level of trust with the customer and new prospects. The biggest attraction with the network marketing model is opportunity for individuals and families to achieve their dreams of financial independence.<br><br>The Doterra guide to essential oils<br><br>In the guide, there is a great section that explains what essential oils are. Many would acknowledge that before they joined Doterra they knew very little about the oils. So, to keep it simple, essential oils are natural compounds found in seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. Once these raw products are harvested and distilled the essence of the plants are transform into oils we commonly use in Doterra.<br><br>Each essential oil has a unique aromatic property and use. Once the oil is extracted they are bottled as a single oil such a lavender, lemon or peppermint. Alternatively, they can be made into blends such as On Guard, Balance or Terrasheld. Regardless, what type of oil you prefer they can be used with a carrier oils such as coconut oils.<br><br>The most important factor in the production method is the purity of the oil. Doterra prides itself on that its oils are 100% pure and free from contaminants or synthetic fillers. You can find more details about the therapeutic grade and quality of their oils in the Doterra guide.
The doTERRA Guide Review ThenewDoterraguideforyour essentialoilsuseslistreview BYSTEVENJACKSON
Ifyouareinterestedinfindingaessential oilsusesguidethatgiveyouthefullpicture, the DoterrasalesguidewillgiveyoutheA toZofessentialoilsforfree MynameisSteveJacksonandalongtermDoterra wellnessadvocateleader. Thispagewillgiveyoua clearoverviewoftheproductsandthebusiness thatDoterraisoffering. So, sitbackwhileItakeyou throughthe Doterra guide. However, ifneedany questionsansweredyoumayusetheformatthe bottomofthepage. Ihavebeenanentrepreneur, networkmarketer, onlinemarketer. eBookauthor, podcasteranda doTerraWellnessAdvocateformanyyears. Mymain reasonsis thatitticksalltheboxesformeandgives me the financial freedom independenceIhavealwaysdesired. ThismeansI canchoosewhereandhowIlivemylife. and the global Ihavebeenbuildingagloballydevelopingbusiness withpassionateandmotivatedleadersintheUS, Canada, EuropeUKandAustralia. Inmanycasesfor thefirsttimetheyareonthejourneyofalifetime.
Doterra guide in brief TheDoterrasalesguideismorethanjustacatalog. Itgivesthereaderthefullstoryaboutessentialoils andtheiruses. Also, itgivesahistoryofDoterraand howtheyfelttheyweregoingtorevolutionizethe worldofessentialoils. TheDoterraproductguidewillalsoexplainshow therapeuticgradeessentialoilsareextracted. They aremostlyextractedviaalow-heatsteam distillationprocess. Thismeansthesteamis circulatedunderpressurethroughplantmaterial, liberatingtheessentialoilsintothesteam. Asthe steammixturecools, thewaterandoilsare separatedandtheoiliscollectedinitspureform. Toensurethehighestqualityoilsareextractedto thecorrectchemicalcomposition, thetemperature andpressuremustbemonitoredveryclosely.
How do essential oils work? Mostofushaveheardof essentialoilsin aromatherapyanddiffusingoilsinourhomes, but howdotheyworkbeyondtheseuses? Theoilsareabsorbedintoourbodiesinseveralways suchasbreathingorinhaling, rubbedontheskinor consumed. Note: Basicunderstandingofthesafety precautionsandapplicationmethodsshouldbe applied. Ifyouhaveeverenjoyedawalkbyafieldof lavenderorthesmelloffreshlycutmint, thenyou haveexperiencedthearomaofessentialoils. Essentialoilscanliftthemood, calmthesenses, andelicitpowerfulemotionalresponses. Yettheuse ofessentialoilsgoeswellbeyondtheirfragrant appeal. Youcanalmosttastethepowerofessential oilsevenbeforeyouhavetheminyourhands.
The three way essential oils uses guide: Aromatic:Smellingessentialoilsisagreatwayto opentheairwaysandfellrefreshed. Thiscanbe donebyadiffuserorafewdropsrubbedinyour handsorsimplywearingoilsasanaturalfragrances. Topical:Rubbingtheoilswithacarrieroilontoyour skinistheclassicuseofessentialoils. Youcanuse thismethodfortargetingareasormoisturizing. Internal:Beforeingestinganessentialoilscheck theoilsguidetobesureitisedible, mostarebut somearenot. Themainmethodsofingestionisina glassofwater, ingreentea, inveggiecapsuleora dropunderyourtongue. Onceyouhaveusedoneofthesemethodsyouwill noticethepoweroftheoilsastheypassaround yourbodyviayourbloodstream. However, some methodsaremoreeffectivethanothers.
Doterra guide to sharing Doterra essential oils Regardlessifyouwanttobecomeawellness advocate (distributor), awholesalecustomeror retailcustomer. Itisgoodtounderstandwhatyour optionsareisagreatplacetostart. However, itis bettertoaskyourselfwhatyouarelookingforwith Doterra. Wastingyourtimeaswellasyourenrolleris notagoodwaytostartabusiness.
So, considerthequestionscarefullyandaskyourself, whatlookmostlikeyou. Andrememberthereisnowronganswer: 1. Doyoujustwanttobuysomeoils? Thenbecome aretailscustomer Doyouwant25% offyouressentialoilsproducts? ThenbecomeaWholeCustomer Doyouwanttomakealittleextramoney, work nomorethan5hoursaweek, receivebonuses andget25% offtheDoterraproducts? Then becomeaWellnessAdvocate, buttellyour enrollerthatyouonlywanttoworklowkey. They willstopbotheringyouwithinformationthatyou don'twantorneed. Doyouwanttomakeapart-timeincome, work nomorethan20hoursaweek, earnbonusesand get25% offtheDoterraproducts? Thenbecome aWellnessAdvocateandarrangeameetingwith yourenroller. Theywillhelpyouachieveyour goalsandsupportyouintraining. Doyouwanttomakeafullincome, work40 hoursaweek, getbonusesandget25% offthe Doterraproducts? ThenbecomeaWellness Advocateandarrangeameetingwithyour enroller. Theywillhelpyouachieveyourgoals andprepareyouforaleadershiprole. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Whenconsideringhowyouwanttoproceed, rememberthisisajourney. Whatyoudecidetoday maynotbewhatyouwanttomorrow. Manyofmy wholesalecustomersjoinDoterrawillnointention ofrunningabusiness. Theyjustwanttopurchase theiroilsand25% belowretail. Thenlaterrealize theycangetfreeproductofthemonthand productpointtowardsfreeproducts. However, insix monthstheyhavedecidedtoupgradeforfree. They becomeawellnessadvocatebecausetheysimply lovetheproductsandwanttomakesomemoney. So, ifyouareunsurewhatthisallmeanspleasefeel freetocheckoutoneofmyotherpagesregarding sellingessentialoilsonline, remotesidejobsor mindsettosuccess. Inaddition, Iamavailabletofor achatabouthowtomakemoneyinDoterra, networkmarketingandonlinemarketing.
Doterra sales guide for Wellness Advocates in brief Product Discounts:25% offretailprices Loyalty Reward Points:Optiontoreceive10– 30% ofordersbackinpointsredeemableforfree product Free Product:Placeamonthlyorderover125PV andreceivethefreeproductofthemonth Personal Website:Receiveapersonalwebsite thatcanbeusedifyouwouldliketoshare essentialoilswithothers Back office:Thebackofficeistoadministrate yourbusiness No month fee:Somecompanieschargea monthlyfeejusttobecomeamember, Doterra doesnot. Bonuses & Compensation:Doterraprovidesa businessopportunityforthoseinterestedin creatinganincome
IfyouhaveanyquestionabouttheDoterrasales guide, thequalityofDoterraproductsorbecoming asalesproinyourDoterrabusinessclickonthe sourcelinkbelowandaddyournameandemail addressandIwillgetbacktoyouwithyourDoterra guideasap….. Author: StevenJackson Source: ThenewDoterraguideforyouressential oilsuseslistreview