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The spotted lanternfly is a little bug that causes serious damage to oozing sap, wilting, leaf curling, ornamentals trees, woody trees, and a variety of other trees and plants. Here are some tips for identifying and eliminating these pests so you can appreciate what nature has to offer once more.
IDENTIFY & GET RID OF SPOTTED LANTERNFLY This small insect feeds on fruits, ornamentals, and woody trees
What are Spotted Lanternfly? "The spotted lanternfly is a planthopper insect that can fly" Thispestishungryandwilltakeoverplants withease. Itsinvasivenaturecansignificantly affectourqualityoflifebydepleting resources. EarlieritwasnativetoChina, India, andVietnamonly, butnowhasmadeitsway totheUnitedStates.
Dangers of the Spotted Lanternfly Common problems associated with the spotted lanternfly in New Jersey: Treedamage, especiallyonfruit andornamentaltrees Honeydewonplantscanleadto moreaphidproblemsandthe spreadofblacksootymoldon yourfoliage Lossofoutdoorenjoymentduring thewarmermonthswhen lanternfliesreproduceandswarm
How to Identify a Spotted Lanternfly You might confuse it with small flying aphids, you'll need to inspect them closely to identify them: Size:SpottedLanternflyis approximately1-inchinlength. Color:ThestomachoftheSpotted Lanternflyisyellowwithblackstripes, anditsheadandlegsaredarkblacks. Wings:Truetoitsname, itswingshave blackspotsongrey, anditsback wingshavepatchesofredandblack.
Pest Control If you see spotted lanternflies, work to eradicate, and get rid of them quickly: Lookforthestickyeggmasses thatappearinthefallthrough latespring. Scrapethemintoa plasticbag, sealthebagand discard. Spraytheadultswhenyousee themfeedingonyourplants. Becausethesearesoft-bodied flies, homemadeinsecticidal soapsmaybeeffective.
Trees Unlimited NJ can help you mitigate the spread of Spotted Lanternflies in your landscape to give your trees and shrubs better health! www.treesunlimitednj.com FOLLOW US: