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The Effec t s of Harvest Maturity on Storage Qualityand Sucrose-Metabolizing Enzymes During Banana Ripening. 汇报人:张莹 指导教师:寇晓虹副教授. abstract introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion. 1.abstract.
The Effects of Harvest Maturity on Storage Qualityand Sucrose-Metabolizing Enzymes During Banana Ripening 汇报人:张莹 指导教师:寇晓虹副教授
abstract • introduction • Materials and Methods • Results • Discussion
1.abstract Mature green “ Baxi ” banana were harvested at 60% and 80% maturity stages, and evaluate the effects of harvesting at different maturity stages on storage quality and changes in sucrose-metabolizing enzymes(SPS.SS.AI.NI), fruit firmness, disease index, contents of starch, and totalsoluble sugars.e- nzyme activities as sociated with sucrose metabolism was in- vestigated under natural and accelerated ( treated with ethyl- ene) ripening conditions.
1.abstract Treated with ethylene:All the indexes were accelerated dramatically compared with untreated fruit with both 60% and 80% maturity.On thecontrary, no significant differences in firmness, sugar, starch,disease index, SPS, SS, AI, and NI were observedbetween fruit harvested at 60% or 80% maturity. Natural:Indexes with 80% maturity were significantly faster than those in fruit with 60% maturity.
1.abstract Conclusion:storage quality and sucrose-metabolizingenzymes of banana fruit stored under natural conditionsare related to harvest maturity stage; storage quality offruit with lower harvest maturity is better than fruit withhigher maturity. However, when fruit ripening is acceler- ated by ethylene, the harvest maturity stage has noinfluence on storagequality and changes in sucrose-metabolizing enzymes.
SPS: 6-P-F+UDPG→6-P-S+UDP SS: S+UDP→F+UDPG AI\NI: S+H20→G+F 合成蔗糖 两向 ← 分解蔗糖
2.Introduction • Banana: • difficult to store,quality and shelf life are limited by excessive fruit softeningand rotting during transport and storage. • When ripening,massive transformation of starch tosugars. • SPS has been suggested to be thekey enzyme responsible for sucrose accumulation in bananafruit. • Fruit maturity at harvest is one with the most impact on storage life.
3.Materials and Methods • Plant Materials and Treatments Fruit Disease Index Sugar and Starch Content Determination • Quality Assessment Enzyme Extract ion and Assays Statistical Analysis
4.Results 趋于一致 P > 0.05 迅速下降 P < 0.05 Banana Firmness 12Days 35Days
乙烯催熟下10D达到93 自然条件下80%—18D 60%—35D nosignificant difference P > 0. 05 P<0.05 Disease Index
P < 0 .05 P > 0.05 Starch Content Fig. 4 Effects of harvest maturity on starch content during storage in banana ripened naturally (a ) or ripened with ethylene (b). Vertical bars re-resent ±SE of three replications.
P > 0.05 Tss Fig. 2 Effects of harvest maturity on TSS during storage in banana ripened naturally (a ) or ripened with ethylene (b). Vertical bars represent ±SE of three replications.
P > 0.05 Reducing sugar Fig. 3 Effects of harvest maturity on reducing sugar during storage in banana ripened naturally (a ) or ripened with ethylene (b). Vertical bars represent ±SE of three replications.
SPS Fig. 5 Effects of maturity stages on SPS activity during storage ofbanana. Naturally ripened fruit (a) and of ethylene-treated fruit (b).Vertical bars represent ±SE of three replications.
P < 0 .05 SS-S Fig. 6 Effects of maturity stage on sucrose synthase activity(synthesizing) ofbanana during storage of fruit naturally ripened (a) and ethylenetreated ( b ). Vertical bars represent ±SE of three replications.
P < 0 .05 AI P > 0.05 P > 0.05 NI
5.Discussion • Our resul ts in this study show that stor age lif e of bananafruit with the lower harvest mat urity (60%) was longer thanthat wi th the higher (80%) harves t maturity. • Under naturalripening conditions, on the same storage day banana fruitwith the higher harvest maturity had higher disease indices,SPS activity, rates of fruit softening, starch degradation, andtotal soluble sugar accumulation than in fruit with the lowerharvest maturity.
5.Discussion • we suggest that the lower maturity is beneficial toextend the storage time of banana fruit. • Oncebanana fruit is treated with ethylene, no significantdifference could be observed between 60% and 80%. • This work demonstrates thatit is appropriate to harvest banana at lower maturity stage andthat it is beneficial to use accelerated ripening method toimprove the sugar content before marketing.
My thoughts: • 研究思路清晰,分别以采收成熟度为60%和80%的样品作为研究对象,通过分析淀粉降解度、TSS含量、多种蔗糖代谢相关酶活性等成熟指标来研究采收成熟度与贮存期成熟变化的关系。 • 相关性明显,实验结果应该是比较完美的。 • 总体来说,实验较为简单,并无复杂设计之处。