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INTRODUCTION. Vastu Sastra is the ancient Indian science of buildings. Ever since the evolution imparted intelligence to life, creatures have been seeking to build homes.
Ever since the evolution imparted intelligence to life, creatures have been seeking to build homes. Homes gave protection to the inmates from the vagaries of nature. It offered protection during weak times like sleep. More so it offered a place to store the assets for the sake of harsher times.
Man’s homes, unlike other creatures has undergone a transformation too. Starting from caves five thousand years ago it has transited through huts, tiled houses and is now in the form of skyscrapers piercing the skies.
Man initially looked for only safety and comfort in the houses that he built. But, gradually it was noted that the building affected his health- both physical and mental. • And then astoundingly man noticed that his luck was being altered by aspects of the building. This was acutely noted when he made alterations in the building. Every construction change was followed by a spurt of good or bad luck.
It was then decided that the houses had a bearing on the luck and fortunes of the inmates. • The house that man shapes has the powers to shape his fortune.
Unlike other construction sciences, which talk mainly about material and architectural aspects, Vastu also talks about the social and behavioral changes one can expect to happen in their lives by living in certain types of houses.
It has been noticed that people with similar problems live in similar houses. • Likewise successful people live in houses comparable in several aspects.
Will you be happy in a house? Will you prosper? Will your children succeed in their studies and careers?
Or will your experience in a building be bitter? Will it lead to sorrows and sickness? Or will it cause in your business, losses and lethargy?
Some ancient habitation sciences believe you can influence events in your life by redesigning the home or office. • For the last two decades thousands of people have benefited by utilising these ancient principles in their modern lives.
Today’s world can be divided as roughly two sections. • Those who believe in invisible energies and those who don’t. • The rationalist approach that the scientists approve of is that what affects you must be visible.
Scientists feel that perfect explanations are needed to back up theories. Today’s materialistic world would just not take cognizance of what can’t be seen or analytically measured. • They disregarded the realm of emotions and energies that are not seen by the eye. The importance was given to those things that had weight. The rapid progress of the newer sciences in the last century has caused this.
The ancient civilisations however believed that “Just because it can’t be seen, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist!”
Modern science has just discovered that gravity, radiowave, Electro magnetic fields, ultra Sonics, and infra reds rays affect us. • And all these are invisible.
Sciences of the past were not developed in labs but were observatory in nature.
If the skies are cloudy, you decide not to wash the clothes that day.
You do not consult the meteorologist to find out the relative humidity, wind speed or whether the clouds in the sky are cumulous or nimbus. • And yet you do not switch on the washing machine. • This is the observatory science.
Based on past experiences and reactions to the occurring events people behave. • This characteristic of humankind is primarily responsible for the survival of the species. • Man would have gone the way of the dinosaur if he did not have this keen sense of observation.
The caveman knew the lion would eat him but he could eat the deer. He knew that some berries were poisonous and some tasty. He knew not to live in the locales of heavy rainfall and storms.
Once he got into agriculture he observed that certain plants came well in certain tracts of land. He linked his knowledge of seasons with that of agricultural aspects and succeeded in growing crops for himself. • He certainly did not have the qualified scientist with post- doctoral research to help him out on these matters.
OBSERVATORY SCIENCES TODAY • Many of medical treatments are based on observation too. • For a fever you do not take a blood test. • You pop in a Paracetomol in your mouth the moment you feel feverish.
Infact even science depends on observation. • Great things come out of observing mundane things. Gravitational laws were discovered by observing falling apples. • Steam engines by watching vessels on stoves
When man’s keen sense of observation was turned towards architecture it was obvious a science would emerge. • Every civilisation that lasted for long had ample time to formulate such an observatory inhabitation science.
When hundreds of people having the same type of troubles have similarities in their homes too does it not give rise to a hypothesis?
What if bedrooms of childless couples look alike? • What if the kitchens of people with ulcers look alike? • What if many sick factories look alike?
Vastu Sastra was devised by people who observed homes of problem-ridden people. • The proponents of the science observed common architectural aspects of such homes and tabulated them. • As a next step, they started looking out for similarly built homes and predicting the social problems there.
But people have been using this science without knowing the basics too. • even you perhaps….
Even people who don’t believe in Vastu Sastra have some intuitive leanings towards it.
Doesn’t everybody have a lucky room or corner? • Do people not intuitively adjust their desk positions according to past experiences? • Do they not have favourite colours? • Don’t some houses make you happy and some irritated. Some homes are calm and welcoming. Some will make you want to flee? Does not every house emit a sort of energy?
And almost everybody asks a realtor showing them a property for rent or purchase: • “What happened to the guys living here before?” • This is not plain inquisitiveness. This is an expression of their sub conscious that warns them that what happened to the previous guy was bound to repeat to them.
It is observed that couples fight more and children cry a lot in rooms with a bad Vastu arrangement. • Even pets seem happier when houses are modified by these ancient principles. All this happens due to an undercurrent of energies.
Some houses are uninhabited regardless of proximity and comfort and are soon even termed as haunted houses.
It seems every home has an energy of its own, so unique that it is like a signature.
HABITATION SCIENCES OF THE WORLD • Vastu is not an isolated science. Several cultures all over the world have similar sciences.
The Chinese have Feng Shui, which is a science of inhabitation. Translated as wind and water the science deals on different types of energies within the house and their influence on the inhabitants.
The Egyptians pyramids which predates all other building sciences. The Egyptians without the aid of any major mechanical aid including vehicles with wheels accomplished the construction mainly for the energy harness system that they thought their kings needed after their death.
The Far Eastern cultures as in Bali have a systematic science called space clearing. They use rituals, incense, sound and smoke to clear stagnant energies.
Even primitive societies had some aspects. Through out the world the ancient people feared corners of the rooms and houses. It was here that they knew energy stagnated just like cobwebs. The Eskimos, red Indians and the Mongols built circular homes, which had no corners.
In the past, Vastu Sastra was incorporated in the building by the stone mason himself. The secrets of the science were by word of mouth transferred from one generation of builders to another.
A total transfer was possible because it was usually the sons who inherited the business in India’s organised system of division of labour by castes.
The local masons knew how to build the houses by simple designs, which were of great utility given the local living conditions as well as a good energetic balance within. The background was not training or education in its principles but pure rustic wisdom and intuition.
In the past it was common to have people of several generations living in the same house, even over centuries. • This formed an excellent case study. • People living in the same type of houses must have similar experiences in life, if the principles of habitation sciences worked.