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TUGAS TIK FKIP Ekonomi Akuntansi

TUGAS TIK FKIP Ekonomi Akuntansi. Maelisa Situmorang 2B 116810288. ENGLISH SUBJECT. Menu Utama. Kompetensi. Materi. Latihan. Referensi. ENGLISH SUBJECT. Menu Utama. Kompetensi. Materi. Latihan. Referensi. ENGLISH SUBJECT. Menu Utama. Kompetensi. Materi. Latihan. Referensi.

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TUGAS TIK FKIP Ekonomi Akuntansi

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Presentation Transcript

  1. TUGAS TIKFKIP EkonomiAkuntansi MaelisaSitumorang 2B 116810288

  2. ENGLISH SUBJECT Menu Utama Kompetensi Materi Latihan Referensi

  3. ENGLISH SUBJECT Menu Utama Kompetensi Materi Latihan Referensi

  4. ENGLISH SUBJECT Menu Utama Kompetensi Materi Latihan Referensi Introduction Occupation and Job Shopping

  5. Kompetensi • Introduction Introducing oneself,greetingpeople,responding greeting. Requesting and exchanging personal information. • Ocupation and Job Identifying and talking about kinds occupation.Describing their work places and job responsibilites. • Routines and Activities Telling clock time,talking about routines and leisure activities. Ke Menu Utama NEXT

  6. MATERI • Introduction Ke Menu Utama NEXT

  7. Occupation and Job Responsibility. ShoppingTeen : Belasan Ty : Puluhan Hundred : RatusanThousand : Ribuan Million : Jutaan Billion : MiliaruntukInggrisatauTriliununtuk Indonesia Ke Menu Utama NEXT

  8. LATIHAN • Introduction Make a conversation about study! • Occupation and Responsibility What is the responsibility for this job: 1. Gardener 3. Librarian 5. Veterinarian 2. Janitor 4. Preacher • Shopping Make the words for this number: 1. 92.500 3. 875 2. 624.000 4. 359.550 Ke Menu Utama NEXT

  9. REFERENSI • Syllabus and Hand-out English Subject(Semester Genap 2012) olehSafriyaniNovitri Ke Menu Utama NEXT


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