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Western Literature

Western Literature. New Testament. Parables . parable. A parable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, which illustrates one or more instructive principles, or lessons, or (sometimes) a normative principle.

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Western Literature

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  1. Western Literature

  2. New Testament Parables

  3. parable A parable is a succinct story, in prose or verse, which illustrates one or more instructive principles, or lessons, or (sometimes) a normative principle. It differs from a fable in that fables use animals, plants, inanimate objects, and forces of nature as characters, while parables generally feature human characters. It is a type of analogy. Some scholars of the Canonical gospels and the New Testament apply the term "parable" only to the parables of Jesus, though that is not a common restriction of the term. Parables such as "The Prodigal Son" are central to Jesus' teaching method in both the canonical narratives and the apocrypha

  4. The Parables of Jesus "No one after lighting a lamp puts it in a cellar or under a bushel, but on a stand, that those who enter may see the light." (Luke 11:33)  沒有人點燈放在地窨子裡,或是斗底下,總是放在燈臺上,使進來的人得見亮光。

  5. The Parables of Jesus 精明人和愚拙人蓋房子的比喻,馬太福音7:24-27節 撒種的比喻,馬太福音13:3-23、馬可福音4:1-20、路加福音8:5-15 稗子的比喻,馬太福音13:24-30 芥菜種的比喻,馬太福音13:31-32、馬可福音4:30-32、路加福音13:18-19 麵酵的比喻,馬太福音13:33、路加福音13:20-21 藏寶的比喻,馬太福音13:44 尋珠的比喻,馬太福音13:45-46 撒網的比喻,馬太福音13:47-50 牧人尋羊的比喻,馬太福音18:12-14、路加福音15:1-7

  6. 麵酵的比喻,馬太福音13:33 他又對他們講個比喻說:「天國好像麵酵,有婦人拿來,藏在三斗麵裡,直等全團都發起來。」 The kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took, and put in three measures of meal, till it was all leavened.

  7. The Parables of Jesus 惡僕逼債的比喻,馬太福音18:23-35 葡萄園工人的比喻,馬太福音20:1-16 兩個兒子的比喻,馬太福音21:28-32 園主的比喻,馬太福音21:33-46、馬可福音12:1-12、路加福音20:9-19 婚筵的比喻,馬太福音22:1-14、路加福音14:16-24 無花果樹的比喻,馬太福音24:32-36、馬可福音13:28-32、路加福音21:29-33 按才幹受責任的比喻、馬太效應,馬太福音25:14-30、路加福音19:11-27 分羊的比喻,馬太福音25:31-36

  8. The Parables of Jesus 種子的比喻,馬可福音4:26-29 兩個債戶的比喻,路加福音7:41-47 好撒馬里亞人,路加福音10:30-37 半夜朋友的比喻,路加福音11:5-8 無知財主的比喻,路加福音12:16-21 儆醒僕人的比喻,路加福音12:35-48 無花果樹不結果的比喻,路加福音13:6-9 客人的比喻,路加福音14:7-15 蓋樓與打仗的比喻,路加福音14:28-33

  9. The Parables of Jesus 婦人找錢的比喻,路加福音15:8-10 浪子回頭的比喻,路加福音15:11-32 不義管家的比喻,路加福音16:1-9 財主和拉撒路的比喻,路加福音16:19-31 主人和僕人的比喻,路加福音17:7-10 寡婦和不義的官的比喻,路加福音18:1-8 法利賽人和稅吏的比喻,路加福音18:9-14

  10. 按才幹受責任的比喻、馬太效應,馬太福音25:14-30按才幹受責任的比喻、馬太效應,馬太福音25:14-30 「天國又好比一個人要往外國去,就叫了僕人來,把他的家業交給他們,按著各人的才幹給他們銀子:一個給了五千,一個給了二千,一個給了一千,就往外國去了。那領五千的隨即拿去做買賣,另外賺了五千。那領二千的也照樣另賺了二千。但那領一千的去掘開地,把主人的銀子埋藏了。過了許久,那些僕人的主人來了,和他們算帳。那領五千銀子的又帶著那另外的五千來,說:『主啊,你交給我五千銀子。請看,我又賺了五千。』

  11. 2 主人說:『好,你這又良善又忠心的僕人,你在不多的事上有忠心,我要把許多事派你管理;可以進來享受你主人的快樂。』那領二千的也來,說:『主啊,你交給我二千銀子。請看,我又賺了二千。』主人說:『好,你這又良善又忠心的僕人,你在不多的事上有忠心,我要把許多事派你管理;可以進來享受你主人的快樂。』那領一千的也來,說:『主啊,我知道你是忍心的人,沒有種的地方要收割,沒有散的地方要聚斂,我就害怕,去把你的一千銀子埋藏在地裡。請看,你的原銀子在這裡。』 http://bible.fhl.net/new/read.php?chineses=%E5%A4%AA&chap=25

  12. Talents • And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. • talents: a talent is one hundred and eighty seven pounds ten shillings • Athens monetary system looked like this: • 6 obols = 1 drachm (ancient coins of Greece) • 100 drachms = 1 mine • 600 mines = 1 talent (or 56 pounds of silver)

  13. PARABLES FROM NATURE The Sower and the Seeds (Mark 4:3-9; Matt 13:3-9; Luke 8:5-8)  The Grain of Wheat (John 12:24)  The Weeds in the Grain or the Tares (Matt 13:24-30)  The Net (Matthew 13:47-50) The Seed Growing Secretly (Spontaneously) or The Patient Husbandman (Mark 4:26-29) The Mustard Seed (Matt13:31f.;Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18 f.) The Leaven (Matthew 13:33; Luke 13:20 f.) The Budding Fig Tree (Matt 24:32 f.; Mark 13:28 f.; Luke 21:19-31) The Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13:6-9) The Birds of Heaven (Matthew 6:26; Luke 12:24)  The Flowers of the Field (Matt 6:28-30; Luke 12:27f.)  The Vultures & the Carcass (Matt 24:28; Luke 17:37)  The Tree and its Fruits (Matthew 7:16; Luke 6:43-49)  The Weather Signs (Luke 12:54-56; cf. Matthew 26:2 f.; Mark 8:11-13) 

  14. Scripture: Matthew 13:31-35 (Mark 4:30-32; Luke 13:18 f.) 31 Another parable he put before them, saying, "The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field; 32 it is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”

  15. OPEN & CLOSED DOORS The Closed Door (Luke 13:24-30) The Doorkeeper (Mark 13:33-37; cf. Matt 24:42) The Thief in the Night and the Faithful Servants (Matthew 24:42-51.; Luke 12:32-48.) The Strong Man Bound (Matt.12:29; Mark 3:27; Luke 11:21 f.) The Divided Realm (Mark 3:24-26; Luke 11:17-20) The Unoccupied House or The Demon's Invasion (Matthew 12:43-45; Luke 11:24-26) The Importunate Neighbor (Luke 11:5-8) The Son's Request (Matthew 7:9-11; Luke 11:11-13) The Unjust Judge or The Importunate Widow (Luke 18:1-8) The Pharisee and the Publican (Luke 18:9-14)

  16. Scripture: Luke 11:5-8 5 And he said to them, "Which of you who has a friend will go to him at midnight and say to him, `Friend, lend me three loaves; 6 for a friend of mine has arrived on a journey, and I have nothing to set before him'; 7 and he will answer from within, `Do not bother me; the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot get up and give you anything'? 8 I tell you, though he will not get up and give him anything because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him whatever he needs.

  17. WORK AND WAGES Master and Servant (Luke 17:7-10) The Servant Entrusted with Authority or The Faithful and Unfaithful Servants (Matt. 24:45-51; Luke 12:42-46)  The Waiting Servants (Luke 12:35-38; Mark 13:33-37) The Laborers in the Vineyard or The Generous Employer (Matt.20:1-16)  The Money in Trust or The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27)  The Lamp (Matt 5:14-16; Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16, 11:31) and The City Set on a Hill (Matt. 5:14b)  The Body's Lamp (Matthew 6:22 f.; Luke 11:34-36)  The Discarded Salt (Matt 5:13; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34 f.)

  18. WORK AND WAGES The Patch and the Wineskins (Matt. 9:16 f.; Mark 2:21 f.; Luke 5:36-39) The Householder's Treasure (Matthew 13:52) The Dishonest Steward (Luke 16:1-12) Revised! The Defendant (Luke 12:58 f.; Matthew 5:25 f.) The Unforgiving Official or The Unmerciful Servant (Matthew 18:23-35) The Rich Fool (Luke 12:16-21) The Wicked Vinedressers (Matthew 21:33-41; Mark 12:1-9; Luke 20:9-16) The Two Builders (Matthew 7:24-27; Luke 6:47-49) The Two Debtors (Luke 7:41-43) The Hidden Treasure (Matthew 13:44) The Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45 f.)

  19. Salt and Light Scripture reading:Matthew 5:13-16(Mark 9:50, Luke 14:34 f.)13 "You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men.

  20. WEDDINGS AND FEASTS The Sulking Children or The Children in the Marketplace (Matthew 11:16-19; Luke 7:31-35) The Arrogant Guest (Luke 14:7-11) The Bridegroom's Friend (John 3:28) The Bridegroom's Attendants (Matt.9:15a; Mark 2:18 f.; Luke 5:34) The Bride's Girlfriends or Ten Virgins (Matt25:1-13) The Tower Builder and The Warring King (Luke 14:28-32) The Wedding Feast or The Unwilling Guests (Matt 22:1-10; Luke 14:16-24) The Wedding Garment (Matthew 22:11-14) The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31)

  21. LOST AND FOUND, FATHER AND SON The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37) The Prodigal Son or The Loving Father (Luke 15:11-32) The Two Sons, The Apprentice Son, and The Slave and Son (Matthew 21:28-32; John 5:19-20a; John 3:35) The Lost Coin (Luke 15:8-10) The Lost Sheep (Matthew 28:12-14; Luke 15:4-7) The Shepherd, the Thief, and the Doorkeeper (John 10:1-18) The Doctor and the Sick (Matthew 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 5: 31 f.) The Great Assize or The Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25:31-46)

  22. The Prodigal Son or The Loving Father (Luke 15:11-32) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGQiJGxsMbs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4iuW11uSMY&list=PLAA6BED7066382431

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