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Hvert er hlutverk aðalnámskrár í náttúrufræðum?. Allyson Macdonald, Kennaraháskóla Íslands Birna Hugrún Bjarnadóttir, Vatnsendaskóla Björg Pétursdóttir, menntamálaráðuneytinu Helen Símonardóttir, Laugarnesskóla Rúna Björg Garðarsdóttir, Laugarnesskóla. Dagskrá. Yfirlit/kynning – Allyson
Hvert er hlutverk aðalnámskrár í náttúrufræðum? Allyson Macdonald, Kennaraháskóla Íslands Birna Hugrún Bjarnadóttir, Vatnsendaskóla Björg Pétursdóttir, menntamálaráðuneytinu Helen Símonardóttir, Laugarnesskóla Rúna Björg Garðarsdóttir, Laugarnesskóla Náttúrufræðidagar
Dagskrá • Yfirlit/kynning – Allyson • Reynsla kennara – Birna Hugrún, Helen og Rúna Björg • Könnun 2007, nokkrar niðurstöður – Birna Hugrún, Helen og Rúna Björg • Vilji og veruleiki – nokkrar niðurstöður - Allyson • Aðalnámskrá – náttúrufræði 2007 - Björg Náttúrufræðidagar
Námskrá • Námskrárgerð er ákvarðanaferli • Skrá yfir ákvarðarnir er í það minnsta • Hvað skal kenna/læra • Í hvaða röð • Hvenær • Viðmið um viðurkennda þekkingu • Í dag er aðalnámskrá til umræðu: • Hvert er hlutverk hennar? Náttúrufræðidagar
Nokkur dæmi um áherslur/ákvarðanir • Í Manitoba í Kanada • Í Bandaríkjunum • Á Nýja Sjálandi • Í Skotland Náttúrufræðidagar
Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomeshttp://www.edu.gov.mb.ca/k12/cur/science/outcomes/5-8/foundation_a.html The Five FoundationsA. Nature of Science and Technology B. Science, Technology, Society, and the Environment (STSE) C. Scientific and Technological Skills and Attitudes D. Essential Science Knowledge E. Unifying Concepts Náttúrufræðidagar
Manitoba Curriculum Framework of Outcomes Náttúrufræðidagar
National Science Education Standards http://www.nsta.org/standards Unlike other documents, the Standards deal concurrently with six aspects of science education: • Standards for science teaching (Chapter 3). • Standards for professional development for teachers of science (Chapter 4). • Standards for assessment in science education (Chapter 5). • Standards for science content (Chapter 6). • Standards for science education programs (Chapter 7). • Standards for science education systems (Chapter 8). Náttúrufræðidagar
National Science Education Standards http://www.nsta.org/standards The eight categories of content standards are • Unifying concepts and processes in science. • Science as inquiry. • Physical science. • Life science. • Earth and space science. • Science and technology. • Science in personal and social perspectives. • History and nature of science. Náttúrufræðidagar
Science – New Zealandhttp://www.minedu.govt.nz/index.cfm?layout=document&documentid=3525 CURRICULUM STATEMENTS • Science in the New Zealand Curriculum • This is the statement that provides a clear indication of the Ministry's expectations for students' achievement in science from year 1 to year 13 (PDF) INFORMATION • Curriculum Update, delivered direct to schools once each term, outlines recent projects to support teaching and learning, together with information from current research that could be valuable to schools in their pursuit of excellence in teaching. Recent copies, from October 2000 onwards, are available at the link below. TEACHING & LEARNING MATERIALS • Supporting publications and related material are available at the links below from Te Kete Ipurangi - the Online Learning Centre. PUTAIAO • The link to the Science Curriculum documents in the Maori medium are below. Náttúrufræðidagar
Science – New Zealandhttp://www.minedu.govt.nz/index.cfm?layout=document&documentid=3525 Náttúrufræðidagar
Scotland – A curriculum for excellencehttp://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/03/22090015/11 • The most important goal for science education is to stimulate, nurture and sustain the curiosity, wonder and questioning of young people • In order to prepare children and young people for their future lives and careers in the 21st century the two main purposes of science education are to: • enable young people to develop as scientifically literate citizens, able to hold and defend informed views on social, moral, ethical, economic and environmental issues related to science; and • prepare them for further, more specialised, learning by developing their secure understanding of the 'big ideas' and concepts of science. Náttúrufræðidagar
Scotland – A curriculum for excellencehttp://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2006/03/22090015/11 The revised curriculum for science The starting point for review was to identify the knowledge, understanding, skills and attributes that would be required by every young person in Scotland by age 15 to prepare them for their future lives and careers. The 'big ideas' of contemporary science were identified and grouped under three main lines of development: Náttúrufræðidagar