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Evolution Debunked. If evolution really works how come mothers only have two hands? —Ed Dussault An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy. —Spanish Proverb That best academy, a mother's knee. —James Russell Lowell
Evolution Debunked If evolution really works how come mothers only have two hands? —Ed Dussault An ounce of mother is worth a pound of clergy. —Spanish Proverb That best academy, a mother's knee. —James Russell Lowell All women become like their mothers. That is their tragedy. No man does. That's his. —Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, 1895
Begin with the End in MIND There’s no better time than now to investigate and comprehend our surroundings. What are the odds that we humans would appear on the cosmic scene at the best possible time to witness the sweep of cosmic history, to study the universe’s beginning and attributes? Given that we humans also occupy the best possible location for viewing all of cosmic history (unblinded by the light of nearby nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, and our own galactic core and protected from multiple other cosmic hazards), it seems reasonable to conclude that the Creator intended for us to be here and to make Himself known.
We are on a journey, a fast one • I present this evidence as a knowledge seeker, just like you. Phil 3:12-14 NASB • I am a teacher • Checks for understanding or touchbacks • Deer in headlights • Thumbs up • Fist of five • Paradigms • Learned never to say never- • We come to this later
dissonance • The brain is a sense seeking organ • Augustine “There is a god-shaped hole in each of us, and our spirits are restless until they find rest in HIM” • Questions to ponder, those that keep me awake at night • (Ed look at your sheet-Hint Hint)
What are the tools of a scientist? Quotes Research C A S E Copy and Steal Everything
For Real, what do physicists use as tools? • Light waves—ROY G BIV • Starlight and galaxy light • Numbers-Mathematics—Stats and Probability • EMG • Time • History • Defend theologically • Defend scientifically
"A telescope is an astronomer's time machine," explained Fermilab researcher Huan Lin, a member of the discovery team. "The light from this galaxy took more than 11 billion years to reach us."
What does scripture indicate or infer? • Dual Revelation the Creator’s attributes ensure harmony of his creative works and his inspired word (Bible) • Creation Purposes—nature fulfills the Creator’s states an simples reason for creating • Creation chronology—He transcends creation; the realm of nature has a beginning and end, a before and an after. • Predictability of the divine—close and careful study of nature’s records can reveal evidence of the Creator’s miraculous interventions
Gen 1:1 –In the beginning—we are passengers on a controlled and designed explosion for our benefit on this tiny planet. • Job 38-39—the Lord speaks to and humbles Job about His creation. • Psalm 104—God creates and maintains creation • Pvb 8—The call of Wisdom—and its yearn for us to listen—with 4 ears not just 2 (old adage)
God has set before us • This mystery of His universe unfolding continually— • What an awesome thing it is • What is awe • Grand Canyon • Supernumerary Rainbows
Where is the journey going to take us? • 2 views or theories toward creation Young Earth ID Old Earth • God is Honored by engagement in honest debate and dialogue • Let’s lay some foundations and If when I’m finished and my fingers are all colors, I’ve done my job. • Physics has lots of phenomena to demonstrate his awesome power • Can I cut a hole in a piece of paper big enough form me to walk thru? • What does your experience tell you when a ball is dropped? • Can I move the pong pong ball • What about this spinner—rattleback?
Young Earth • Biblical literalists --seven "days" of Genesis 1 = 24-hour days of history during which • God created the world in eight divine acts, or "fiats" - hence the view is also referred to as "fiat creation. • "[44]Young Earth creationism holds that the creation week occurred a mere six to ten thousands years ago.[45] • Other literalists have attempted to reconcile their literal reading with the findings of modern geology regarding the age of the Earth.
Old Earth • Gap creationism inserts a "gap" between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 into which geologic time can be inserted, during which the world of a presumed pre-Adamite race was destroyed and then rebuilt – a position called the "Ruin-Reconstruction Interpretation".It states that life was immediately and recently created on a pre-existing old Earth. One variant rests on a rendering of Genesis 1:1-2 as: • Progressive Creationism is the religious belief that God allows certain natural process (such as gene mutation and natural selection) to affect the development of life, but has also directly intervened at key moments in life’s history to guide those processes or, in some views, create new species altogether (often to replenish the earth). • Day-age theory, holds that each "day" (Heb. yom) of Genesis 1 represents an "age" of perhaps millions or even billions of years.
Neo-creationism • is a movement whose goal is to restate creationism in terms more likely to be well received by the public, policy makers, educators, and the scientific community. It aims to re-frame the debate over the origins of life in non-religious terms and without appeals to scripture. • creationism is an inherently religious concept and that advocating it as correct or accurate in public school curricula violates the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.[1][2][3]
The Earth Is Round • Consider Isaiah 40:22 which mentions the “circle of the earth.” This description is certainly fitting—particularly when the earth is viewed from space; the earth always appears as a circle since it is round. • Another verse that indicates the spherical nature of our planet is Job 26:10. This verse teaches that God has inscribed a circle on the surface of the waters at the boundary of light and darkness.
The Expansion of the Universe • The Bible indicates in several places that the universe has been “stretched out” or expanded. For example, Isaiah 40:22 teaches that God “stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them out like a tent to dwell in.”
The Hubble Shift—Red Shift That means that the wavelengths of the light they emit have been increased. The light has been stretched out since it was emitted—it is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum (since red light has a longer wavelength than blue).
Another piece of brain research • Once you or I have learned something, it’s hard to go back to the time when we didn’t know anything about it…teacher’s face difficulty here…don’t forget parents are a child’s first teachers! • Often times we present a jigsaw without the picture to put it together. Our minds like to frame everything on prior knowledge. • When there is no prior knowledge we have to create new neurons frustration
What about this light thing • Light travels fast, • 7.5 x around globe in a sec, • 8 mins from sun— • moon 2 sec, • 6 trillion miles in a year • Parsec -- is equal to 3.086x1016 metres, 3.26 light-years, or 206,265 Astronomical Units. In other words, quite a long way.
What is our place in the physical and spiritual context? This controlled explosion • The Sun travels around the center of the Milky Way galaxy • at 487,383 mph or 135 miles per second. • local cluster 1,342,161 mph • Universe expanding at 80 kilometers per second per megaparsec ~70- x 3 million light years=210 million light years • 225 million years to make one circumference of the galaxy • Sun is 4.6 billion years old, so it has made the trip 20.5 times.
-The circumference of the Earth at the equator is 25,000 miles –If we were to sit on a satellite above the Earth -25,000 miles pass by in 24 hours, at a speed of 25000/24 or just over 996 to 1000 miles per hour or 18.55 mile per second
Numbers and a sense of their enormity • A math problem • How many remember dimensional analysis? • How big is a billion? • If I gave you $1,000,000,000 and you spent a dollar per second, how many years would it take? • I just purchased a 1.5 terabyte jump drive
How about other numbers • Largest identified and usable number • asankhyeya = 10140 • Western –googol 10100 • So Ten raised to the power of one googol = 10 10 ^100 • so what, we are now so big that the number of atoms in the universe is only 1086 • How old is the universe 13.7…BILLLION YEARS
Infinity, real or conceptualis it both /and • When we get that big, infinity becomes a concept not a number We try to wrap finite minds around this term • Let’s look at a few things • Let’s take a journey back to when you were first introduced to the term — INFINITY • It probably started with a number that you could always add one more to
Then things got weird • Number line • Negative Numbers— • Now both directions • Then what about between two numbers • Fractions • Roots • Imaginary
WHAT CHARACTERSITICS OF LIFE DO WE HAVE TO CONSIDER? • THE Anthropic Principle- • Asserts physical and chemical theories • Astrophysics and cosmology • There is one form of life • The only kind of universe we can occupy is similar to this one • 200 characteristics have to be in place for life to exist
Planets let’s start close • Moons • no double planets can form at the same time (we haven’t found any yet) moon is about 100 million years younger. • 4.5 x109 yrs ago there was a big crash ~ 200,000 mph earth lost atmosphere thinner one allowing 4 life.
So what? • Right size, right velocity, right angle (θ), right materials, right time or else • Diff atmosphere • 2 thick • 2 thin barren • correct life water in 3 states*-for stable water cycle Density of H20 as it freezes • diff mass • Discover Magazine May 2009—solar system simulations require gravitational stability
position in the solar system • rotation 4x more slowly than when life 1st appeared • atmosphere • burn up • Meteors hit and deposit mineral etc. • –scientists agree--heavy bombardment changes mass minerals • vaporize oceans • melt crust + minerals
Let’s get out a little further • Earth is brimming with life—did organisms come from Mars or Earth when bombarded? KEY question in class with other teachers • Logic—asteroids can send earth rocks into solar system too—we think everything is hitting us?!
Saturn • 1/3 Jupiter mass, 1000 Earth volumes
Out further • Kuiper Belt of asteroids • 2 more light years Oort Cloud—100 billion comets delivery system for essential life elements