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The Bible. The Bible . BIBLE: means "the books". It was written by many different people who were guided by God's spirit. The Bible is like a small library of books in one . It is divided into two major parts: Christians call the books written before Jesus the Old Testament.
The Bible • BIBLE: means "the books". • It was written by many different people who were guided by God's spirit. • The Bible is like a small library of books in one. • It is divided into two major parts: Christians call the books written before Jesus the Old Testament. • Genesis, Exodus, Psalms, Proverbs are among the books that can be found in the Old Testament.
The Bible • The main point of the Old Testament is to show God's love. • These books are the basis of the Jewish religion. • These are the books Jesus was taught from when he was growing up. • All of the apostles also followed these books. • The New Testament is the second part of the Bible.
The Bible • This is concerned with Jesus' love for us. • It also tells the story of the early followers of Jesus and the early church. • This part includes the four gospels, the letters of Paul and the Acts of the Apostles.
How did the Bible develop? • Three stages of Biblical development: • The people of Israel experienced God in their life • Understanding of their relationship with God developed • Stories about this relationship were told and passed on
How did the Bible develop? • Three types of histories found: • Oral History - Stories told, songs sung, events recounted • Written History - Stories written down, events recorded • Edited History - Best stories saved, refined, and passed on • (all three types of history happened at the same time)
What should we believe about the Bible? • Christians Believe • The Bible is the inspired word of God written by people • The Bible is God's special revelation to all humankind • The Bible is one of the many ways that God speaks to us
What should we believe about the Bible? • Christians Understand • That God also speaks to us outside the Bible through persons, places, events, and our own conscience • That the writers of the Bible experienced God in their lives in a special way and were inspired by God to write about their understanding of those experience • That God leaves people free to hear or ignore God's revelation as communicated to us through the Bible
Scriptural References • Organization of The Bible • The Bible is a collection of many different books • Some books are less then one page in length • Other books are a dozen pages or more long • Each book is divided into many chapters • Each chapter is divided into many verses
Scriptural References • How to Use Scriptural References • Since different publishers number pages in their specific edition of the Bible differently, the only way to find a specific scripture reference is to use the following verse-citation method.
Scriptural References • Verse-citation example: Gen 1:27 • Gen1:27 • The book of Genesis(see table of content for abbreviation aid and location of the book • Gen 1:27 • Chapter number 1 (look for the large number atthe beginning of a paragraph) • Gen 1:27 • Verse number 27 (read material that appears after the small 27 and before the next verse number) • Verse citation: • So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
Variations of Scriptural References Ex 14:21-25The bookofExoduschapter14: verses21 through and including verse25 1 Sam 17:4,48,51 The firstbook ofSamuelchapters 18: verse4 and verse48 and verse51 Prov 1:8-9, 28-33The book ofProverbschapter 1: verse 8 and verse 9, and verses28 through to and including verse33
Variations of Scriptural References Lam 1,3,5 The book ofLamentationschapter 1, chapter 3and chapter 5 Mic 1:2, 2:12-13 The book ofMicahchapter 1: verse 2, chapter 2: Verse 12 and verse 13 Mal 1-4The book ofMalachichapter 1 through to and including chapter 4