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Easily update employee reports to new supervisors in EmpowHR. Select old and new position numbers, effective date, and save. Verify updates in "update reports to."
Enter the supervisor’s old position number and click search.
Employees reporting to the supervisor’s old position Should be listed. Select the applicable employees who Are to report to the supervisor under the new position By clicking in the box to enter a check mark.
Enter the supervisor’s new position number Enter the effective date of the Supervisor’s new position. Click the “SAVE” button.
The employees will no longer be reporting to the Old position and should now be reporting to the New position.
To verify the mass reports update worked, go to “update reports to” And click on “FIND”
Enter the position number of one of the employees who Were in the mass update to be moved to the supervisor’s New position and then click “OK”.
Scroll down VERY SLOWLY (just one or Two clicks down) and you will see The employee is reporting to the Supervisor’s new position.