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Web OPAC. Installation. PART - I. Go to the My Computer => Right click of the mouse => Click on Open Option. Click here. =>The following Screen will appear…. =>Select the Control Panel =>Double click on Control Panel.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web OPAC Installation PART - I

  2. Go to the My Computer =>Right click of the mouse => Click on Open Option Click here

  3. =>The following Screen will appear….=>Select the Control Panel=>Double click on Control Panel This is Control Panel …please double click here

  4. =>The following screen will appear on your monitor….=>Select the Administrative Tools from the Control Panel.=>Double click on Administrative Tools Please select this option and open it….

  5. =>The following screen will appear on your monitor….This page contains different types of objects like Internet Service Manager, Data Sources etc…….

  6. =>Select the Data Sources (ODBC) from Administrative Tools..=>Double click on Data sources (ODBC). Select this object and open it…..

  7. =>The following screen will be Shown to you…

  8. Step-1,Click on system DSN=>Click on System DSN =>The following Screen will appear..=>Click on ADD Button=>Click on OK Button Step-1, Click on system DSN Step-2, Click Here Step-3, Click Here

  9. =>The following screen (Create a new data source) will appear…

  10. Select the Driver name as SQL ServerClick on Finish Button. Step-1, Select this option Step-2, Click here

  11. =>The following screen will appear ….=>Here you have to follow some steps In place of Name enter soul_opac (this is compulsory) In place of Description enter any name Drop down the list of server Select the appropriate server name Click on finish Button. Write down here soul_opac Write down here soul_opac Finally Click Here Step1.Drop down the list of server Step2.Select the server name to whom you want to connect…

  12. =>Create a New data Source to SQL Server screen will appear.=>Tick on change the default database to=>Drop down the list and select the default database to soul4(as your new database name is soul4). Step-2, Then Drop down the list and select the appropriate one i.e. soul4 Step-1, Tick here

  13. =>The Screen will be look like …….=>Click on Next Button. Check here that your created database is there or not? Click Here

  14. => Create a New data Source toSQL Server screen will appear.=>Select the with SQL Server authentication using a login ID and password entered by the user option.=>Enter the LoginID as sa.=>Click on Next Button. Step-1 Select this option Step-2 Write down sa here Step-3 Click here

  15. =>The following Screen will appear.=>Click on Finish Button. Click Here

  16. =>The following screen will appear….=>Press Test Data Source Detail information about the configuration Click here

  17. =>When this Screen appears, >Click on OK button. Click here

  18. Web OPAC Installation PART - II

  19. Put the SOUL CD inside the CDROM drive.Select the MY Computer from desktop.Right click the mouse Open it. Click Here

  20. The following screen will come.Select SOUL2003 from F drive(that is CD Drive)Right Click the mouseSelect Explorer Select this Option

  21. =>The following screen will appear.=>Click on SOUL2003=> you will find that three folders are thereDISK1OPACSCRIPTS Click here

  22. =>When you click on OPAC Folder the contained files are shown to you. Click here

  23. =>when this screen will come.Select that OPAC FolderRight click the mouseClick on Copy(means copy the OPAC Folder) Click here

  24. Open the C:\ FolderFind one folder InetpubSelect that Folder and the following sub-folder will be shown to you Click here

  25. Select the wwwroot Folder Select this Folder

  26. Then Save that OPAC folder with in that Folderor paste it with in that Folder Click Here

  27. Open the Administrative Tools(Through c:\\Control Panel\Administrative Tools) Select this Tool

  28. The following screen will appear with Internet Service managerSelect the Internet Service manager Select this Tool

  29. The following screen will appear.Click on (+) icon of soultr

  30. The following Screen will appear.

  31. Here, select the Default website Folder Select this Option that is Default web site

  32. This layout will appear on your monitor.You can see so many folders are there.Select the OPAC FolderThen right click the mouse Select this OPAC folder and right click the mouse

  33. =>Then select the properties. Click on the properties

  34. =>The following screen will appear.Here what you have to do?Step1. ON DIRECTORY:Click on Script and Resource AccessClick on ReadClick on writeChoose the Scripts and Executables from Drop Down list of Execute Permissions.Step-1, Select this Option => Automatically Application OPAC Will be Selected. Step-1, Select this Option Step-2, Select these three Options Step-3, This OPAC will come automatically Step-4, Select this Option from drop down list of execute Permissions

  35. =>Now you can find out whether the opac.asp File is already added or not?=>Press on Apply Button=>Press on OK Button Step-1, Check opac.asp file is added or not? Step-2, click here Step-3 Click here

  36. IF you already have opac.asp file , in documents then apply the following procedure to remove that file………………………Select that opac.asp file.Press Remove Button .Then check out whether file is removed or not? Select this file and Press Remove Button

  37. Check the following OPAC Folder contains asp files or not? Check the OPAC folder contains .asp files or not?

  38. Open the Internet Explorer …

  39. Write down http://Soultr/OPAC Write down http://localhost/opac here local host is soultr so, http://Soultr/OPAC and then Press Enter key

  40. =>The following Screen will appear.

  41. =>This is also one part of that site.

  42. =>This is also one part of OPAC site………

  43. SUMARRY: • Guidelines for installation of Web OPAC for SOUL • 1. Make sure WINNT/2000 installed on c: drive. • 2. Create a directory name opac in wwwroot • 3. Copy all files from directory OPAC on CDROM to opac directory. • 4. Open Internet service manager • 5. Highlight the opac directory and right click. Select the option properties • From dropdown menu list. • 6. Create application name opac from create button in application setting. • 7. Set default document opac.asp. • 8. Create the system DNS from ODBC setup. You can find this icon from control panel. Name system DNS as soul_opac and user ID and Passwd. By default User ID is sa and password blank. • Note: for security puropose you must create different user and change accordingly in the file global.asa in the directory c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\opac

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