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Why Are We Here and Who Has Been Invited?

Reiterating the Challenge – And the Opportunity Linda Baer, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Donald M. Norris, Strategic Initiatives, Inc. Why Are We Here and Who Has Been Invited?. Thought leaders and authors Trustees and institutional leaders Leading institutional practitioners

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Why Are We Here and Who Has Been Invited?

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  1. Reiterating the Challenge – And the OpportunityLinda Baer, Minnesota State Colleges and UniversitiesDonald M. Norris, Strategic Initiatives, Inc.

  2. Why Are We Here and Who Has Been Invited? • Thought leaders and authors • Trustees and institutional leaders • Leading institutional practitioners • Political leaders and policy makers • Foundations and national associations • Community leaders • Agencies and professionals focusing on K-20 and workforce

  3. Background Materials Why Action Analytics in Higher Education? Linking Analytics to Lifting out of Recession

  4. Yesterday’s Discussion – Long-Term Student Success • Improving retention and student success is the “Killer App” for American higher education – but it must be PK-20 • The workforce connection is the mostunderemphasized broken link in the student success equation and needs to be reexamined • Leverage existing initiatives to “Serve the Underserved” and “Halve the Gap” • Leverage President Obama’s Agenda • Disruptive and dislodging events • Communities of practice

  5. From the Perspective of Campus Leadership….. • The current recession requires decisive action: both immediate cutbacks and longer-term innovations and reinventions. • A new generation of emerging analytic capabilities will enable even greater accountability and performance improvement; and . • In order to lift out of recession, higher education needs to discover, demonstrate, and deploy a more vigorous combination of solutions, based on: 1) operational efficiencies, 2) collaborations and innovations, 3) reimagined processes and practices, and 4) fresh sources of revenues.

  6. The Challenge to Campus Leadership, Post Recession 2008-9 ------2009-12 ----------------------2020 Staunch Address Reimagined The Flow Longer-Term Vision & Challenges Financial Sustainability

  7. Need for a National Agenda • What issues should a national agenda for analytics focus on? • What are the pressure point for analytics? • How does this fit with President Obama’s agenda? The agendas of national and state-level organizations and foundations? • How do we make a difference in a timely fashion? • How can analytics support serious institutional innovation? Establishing financial sustainability? • What future research and demonstration projects are needed to advance the case for action analytics?

  8. 3-5-7 Questions – What Are They?

  9. Next Steps – Where Do We Go From Here?

  10. Contacts • Linda Baer651.282.5515linda.baer@so.mnscu.edu • Donald Norris703.450.5255dmn@strategicinitiatives.com

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