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Distributed Minimum Energy Multicast Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

This presentation covers the development of a distributed algorithm, DMEM, for Minimum Energy Multicast (MEM) in mobile ad hoc networks. It addresses challenges such as changing network topology and lack of central authority, offering solutions for efficient multicast transmission with minimal energy consumption. The models discussed include system, network, and mobility aspects, along with operations like tree construction and localized operations for energy saving. Performance evaluations and conclusions are also presented.

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Distributed Minimum Energy Multicast Algorithm in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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  1. Paper by Song Guo and Oliver Yang; supporting images and definitions from Wikipedia Presentation prepared by Al Funk, VT CS 6204, 10/30/07 Localized Operations for Distributed minimum energy multicast algorithm in mobile ad hoc networks

  2. Table of Contents • Background and related work • Models: system, network, mobility • DMEM algorithm • Operations • Performance • Conclusions

  3. Background and related work • Multicast: communication technique which enables a source to send a single packet to reach multiple receivers. • Objective: Create a distributed algorithm to solve the Minimum Energy Multicast (MEM) problem • Definition of MEM: Find a route for multicast transmission with the minimum total energy consumption for a given communication session. • Challenges: MANET changing network topology, lack of central authority; problem is NP-hard

  4. Background and related work • Prior research focused on: • Creating centralized, not distributed, algorithms • Efficient heuristic algorithm design • Weaknesses of prior research • Examination of static, not dynamic, network topologies • Little examination of performance impact of node mobility

  5. Models: System Model • Discrete Power Level Management Model • Transmission range based on power level, but power level increases at an exponential rate as distance increases • Identify discrete power levels appropriate to reach nodes at various distances from the transmitter • Vary transmitter power in granular increments to balance power use with the bandwidth usage necessary to constantly adjust transmission strength

  6. Models: System Model • Pvu = Power level required to transmit from node v to node u • lvu=Layer (concentric ring from prior slide) of u relative to v • K = Number of discrete power levels of the transmitter (and therefore number of layers) • rK = Distance of ring K • α = Parameter (2 to 4) representing rate of signal attenuation

  7. Models: Network Model • Represent network as a directed graph, G(N,A,p) • N = set of nodes, A = set of arcs, p = function representing power required for each arc • Rooted tree: directed acyclic graph with a source node that has no incoming arcs and where other nodes have a single incoming arc • Leaf vs. internal/relay nodes

  8. Models: Network Model • For any node v in the rooted tree,there exists a single acyclic source route πv • Our goal is to set lv, the transmission layer of node v, to the minimum necessary for v to reach all of its child nodes • Once this is known, we can calculate pv, the necessary power level for the node

  9. Models: Mobility • Mobility is a differentiator for the contribution, as alternative models require the significant overhead associated with central coordination. • Authors use “Random Waypoint Model” • Calculate random speeds bounded by Vmin and Vmax; assume random start and end points; introduce pause between journeys. • Objective: calculate the steady-state average speed:

  10. Algorithm: Data Structure • We need to store the forwarding state at each tree node v. • Membership status – sender, receiver, forwarder (can be receiver and forwarder) • Source route π – directed path from the source to node v (used to avoid loops) • Tree neighborhood table TNv – stores neighbors, along with whether is a father, child or other, along with layer lvu

  11. Algorithm: Tree Construction • Minimum Spanning Tree: Given a connected, undirected graph with weighted edges, an MST is a subgraph which connects all vertices together resulting in the minimum total weight.

  12. Algorithm: Tree Construction • MULTICAST-JOIN-REQUEST (MJREQ): Broadcast message initiated by the source used when no route information is known • MULTICAST-JOIN-REPLY (MJREP):Response message sent to previous hop node • MJREQ: Transmitted at maximum transmission power • MJREP: Returned at necessary power • Necessary power determined by strength of the original MJREQ message

  13. Algorithm: Tree Flood • MULTICAST-ALIVE (MA): Message sent periodically during session to refresh the tree (otherwise tree routes are cleared) • Message sent at maximum power • Used to adjust power dynamically • Only sent if received from father (but then always sent) • Supports tree repair and energy saving operations • Nodes update neighborhood information to identify nearby nodes

  14. Localized Operations • Normal Energy Saving (NES): Upon receipt of MA from children, node adjusts its transmission power to the minimum necessary. • Reactive approach which could lower total power utilization • Keeps the tree connected but not with maximum efficiency

  15. Localized Operations: SHO • Soft Hand-Off (SHO): Initiated by a node that detects it is leaving its father’s transmission range (K). • Goal is to identify a new father s.t.and power utilization is minimized • Node severs link with previous father (via MULTICAST-LEAVE (ML) message), selects the new father • Tree is maintained.

  16. Localized Operations: MTR • Multicast Tree Repair (MTR): In the case where loss of a node results in a tree partition, we need a way to repair the multicast tree. • Occurs when a forwarder or receiver fails to receive successive MAs from its father • Nodes furthest from the source attempt to reconnect first • MULTICAST-JOIN-SOLICITATION (MJS): Hop-limited message

  17. Localized Operations: MTR • Disconnected node closest to source notifies the subtree that it is initiating repair procedures using an MA message • The closest node to the source initiates an MJREP message and attempts to reconnect the subtree back to the multicast tree • If an appropriate node responds, the tree is reconnected; if not, other nodes in the subtree attempt to reconnect, and the node(s) that failed must rejoin through a network flood.

  18. Localized Operations: AES • Advanced Energy Savings (AES): A proactive method of reallocating child nodes s.t. overall power utilization of the system is reduced. • The major contribution of the paper • We must be able to retain the MST structure for multicast • Operation performed as part of MA • Approach: Each child node attempts to extend its transmission range to become the parent of a current child of its father – but only if such a change reduces the total power utilization of the system • More sophisticated than NES • They are not mutually exclusive

  19. Localized Operations: AES • Using the MA message header means that no separate message is necessary for the operation • Use of MA messages fits the algorithm -- father to child propagation enables communication of power levels and supports child decision-making. • At each transmission from its father, a node modifies header with its own information and propagates to its neighbors • Because MA messages are at full power, neighbors of multicast tree nodes will receive. • As a result, non-multicast tree nodes can join, but must consider potential added cost of the link from a father node

  20. Localized Operations: AES • AES-REQUEST: When a node identifies a power savings, it sends an AES-REQUEST to the source • Source reviews AES-REQUEST messages and sends AES-REPLY to the node with the greatest power savings

  21. Localized Operations: AES • Finalizing the update • Selected node sends local broadcast TREE-UPDATE and assigns itself as father to the node to move • Moving node leaves father, sending MULTICAST-LEAVE. • If selected node is a non-tree node, it must find a father • It will be a forwarding node only, otherwise it would have been part of the original tree • Multiple nodes may become children of the selected node if power savings justify

  22. Localized Operations: AES • Examples of AES tree revision

  23. Performance Evaluation • Simulations • Ad hoc network with size 1,000 meters sq. • Each node can transmit 250 meters • K=10 • α = 2 • Modeled max node movement speeds of:1, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 m/s • Multicast groups 5, 25, 50, 75, 100 • Static networks considered • 50 scenarios for each multicast group

  24. Performance Evaluation • Measures • Relative tree power: Ratio of actual total tree power for heuristic algorithm vs. ideal of MST algorithm • Average tree power: Power used over time for the tree • Communication overheads: Overhead for AES, SHO and MTR as a total number of these operations over each simulation

  25. Performance Evaluation • Static network evaluation • Compared DMEM against prior work • Not key to the paper, but demonstrates that DMEM is a useful heuristic compared with prior research

  26. Performance Evaluation • Mobile network evaluation: Consider with and without optional protocol components

  27. Performance Evaluation • Examine AES performance considering node speed and multicast group size.

  28. Performance Evaluation • Examine SHO operations given node speed and multicast group size.

  29. Performance Evaluation • MTR operations considering node speed and multicast group size.

  30. Conclusions • In a static network, DMEM is superior to alternative algorithms for medium and large multicast groups. • Measures heuristics, but major contribution is on dynamic network • DMEM is efficient in reducing energy utilization • AES provides significant value relative to base case • SHO is mostly redundant when using AES • DMEM proven correct for maintaining tree structure using localized operations

  31. Critique • Graphs are not presented in such a way to visually support the analysis • e.g., authors require visual comparison of separate charts to compare AES and SHO, rather than presenting a single chart • Is it scalable? Authors indicate that AES becomes saturated; this seems to occur rapidly in “large” networks even at slow speed. • Authors indicate that it is scalable with regard to mobility – but AES saturation seems to put this in question, as do some of their comments right before the conclusion • If scalability is an issue, possible approaches to address it would have been welcome • Do the arbitration performed by the source node along with the broadcast approach amount to centralization that reduces scalability and creates a bottleneck?

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