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SOA for An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques. by TODD L. GRAVES Los Alamos National Laboratory MARY JEAN HARROLD Georgia Institute of Technology JUNG-MIN KIM and ADAM PORTER University of Maryland and GREGG ROTHERMEL Oregon State University. Presented by Bob Mazzi
SOA for An Empirical Study of Regression Test Selection Techniques.by TODD L. GRAVESLos Alamos National LaboratoryMARY JEAN HARROLDGeorgia Institute of Technology JUNG-MIN KIM and ADAM PORTER University of Maryland and GREGG ROTHERMEL Oregon State University. Presented by Bob Mazzi 11/6/08
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Test Selection Techniques This Paper MinimizationWONG, W. E., HORGAN, J. R.,MATHUR, A. P., AND PASQUINI, A. 1997. Test set size minimizationand fault detection effectiveness: A case study in a space application. In Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Computer Software and Applications (COMPSAC ’97, Aug.). IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 522–528. Cost EffectivenessLEUNG, H. AND WHITE, L. 1991. A cost model to compare regression test strategies. In Proceedings of the Conference on Software Maintenance (Oct.). 201–208.ROSENBLUM, D. S. AND WEYUKER, E. J. 1997b. Using coverage information to predict the cost-effectiveness of regression testing strategies. IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng. 23, 3, 146–156. Data FlowHARROLD, M., JONES, J. A., AND LLOYD, J. 1997. Design and implementation of an interproceduraldata-flow tester. Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.HUTCHINS, M., FOSTER, H., GORADIA, T., AND OSTRAND, T. 1994. Experiments of theeffectiveness of dataflow- and controlflow-based test adequacy criteria. In Proceedings of the16th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE ’94, Sorrento, Italy, May16–21), B. Fadini, L. Osterweil, and A. van Lamsweerde, Chairs. IEEE Computer SocietyPress, Los Alamitos, CA, 191–200.OSTRAND, T. AND WEYUKER, E. 1988. Using dataflow analysis for regression testing. InProceedings of the Sixth Annual Pacific Northwest Conference on Software Quality(Sept.). 233–247.TAHA, A. B., THEBAUT, S. M., AND LIU, S. S. 1989. An approach to software fault localization and revalidation based on incremental data flow analysis. In Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Computer Software and Applications (Sept.). 527–534.