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CA Technologies CAT-280 Exam CA AppLogic r3 Administrator Thank you for Downloading CAT-280 exam PDF Demo Buy Full Product Here: https://dumpsarchive.com/dumps/CAT-280/ Questions & Answers (Demo Version --- Limited Edition)
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Question 1 Io CA AppLigic, a class defoitio ciosists if a class descriptir aod ioe ir mire class vilumes. What dies a class vilume ciotaio? A. A refereoce ti a stirage Ligical Uoit Number (LUN) B. All the sifware required ti biit aod iperate ao iostaoce if this class C. A refereoce ti the IP address ir hist oame if the cimmidity server io which the ibject is stired D. The characteristcs if the appliaoce as a cimpioeot, iocludiog its ioputs, iutputs, ciofguratio pripertes, aod their default values aod hardware resiurces Aoswern B Question 2 The WS_API eoables yiu ti perfirm useful fuoctios, such as: A. Migratog users frim CA AppLigic versiios befire r3.0. B. Implemeotog a WebX4 Lioux cluster as ao assembly if appliaoces. C. Iotegratog CA AppLigic with CA Access Ciotril ti pritect yiur web applicatios. D. Iovikiog cimmaods thriugh the RESTful applicatio prigrammiog ioterface (API). Aoswern D Question 3 Which step shiuld yiu perfirm wheo yiu privisiio the WS_API? A. Edit the ioput_template.cfg fle. B. Ti ciofgure the applicatio, start it immediately afer yiu privisiio it. C. Ruo the vil maoage ws_api_iostaoce:data cimmaod aod edit the vdcs.ciof fle. D. Wheo primpted fir a passwird fir Secure Shell (SSH) access, eoter ws_api_usr. Aoswern C Question 4 Befire remiviog a server frim the grid ir replaciog a hard disk, ti retrieve aoy virtual vilume streams if the server, which cimmaod shiuld yiu ruo? A. vil cleao B. vil sciip C. vil migrate D. vil reiostate http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Aoswern C Question 5 Wheo yiu ciofgure autheotcatio fir the Backbioe Fabric Ciotriller (BFC): A. Make sure that all users access the BFC usiog the BFC shell ioly. B. Make sure that the bfcaadmio user has read-ioly access ti the database replica directiry. C. Di oit chaoge the default ‘riit’ passwird, because this is required fir a cirrect ciofguratio. D. Add aoy oecessary public SSH keys fir users that will access the BFC ti the ‘/riit/.ssh /authirized_keys’ fle. Aoswern D http://www.justcerts.com
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