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Agnus Dei. Alleluia, alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns Alleluia holy, holy Are You Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb For you are holy, holy Are You Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb Amen. Alive Forever More.
Agnus Dei Alleluia, alleluia For the Lord God Almighty reigns Alleluia holy, holy Are You Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb For you are holy, holy Are You Lord God Almighty Worthy is the Lamb, worthy is the Lamb Amen
Alive Forever More Alive, alive, alive forever more My Jesus is alive Alive forever more Alive, alive, alive forever more My Jesus is alive Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah My Jesus is alive forever more Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah My Jesus is alive
All Honour All honour, all glory All power to You All honour, all glory All power to You Holy Father, we worship You Precious Jesus, our saviour Holy Spirit, we wait on You Holy Spirit, we wait on You Holy Spirit, we wait on You For fire, for fire
All Honour 2(Barry & Terry Collecut) All honour all glory Be unto You they belong to You All wisdom all power Flow from Your throne They are Yours alone
All Honour 2(Barry & Terry Collecut) All glory to Your name For wondrous are Your ways In majesty You reign for You are Holy All the earth will sing Proclaim You Lord and King They’ll come and bow their knee For You are Holy All the earth proclaim You are Holy (x4)
All The Heavens Will Shout All the heavens will shout And the earth will resound And know that Jesus Christ is Lord All the heavens will shout And the earth will resound And know that Jesus Christ is Lord
All The Heavens Will Shout We will go out and proclaim your Word To every corner of the earth Shining the light of Jesus Christ To a lost and dying world
All The Heavens Will Shout Every nation tribe and tongue Will give praise to the King And they will worship the Lord of Hosts Throughout all eternity
Amazing Grace Amazing grace how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now am found Was blind, but now I see
Amazing Grace T’was grace that taught my heart to fear And grace my fears relieved How precious did that grace appear The hour I first believed
Amazing Grace Through many dangers, toils and snares I have already come ‘Tis grace that’s brought me safe thus far And grace will lead me home
Amazing Grace When we’ve been there ten thousand years Bright shining as the sun We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise Than when we’d first begun
Ancient Of Days Blessing and honor, glory and power Be unto the Ancient of Days From every nation, all of creation Bow before the Ancient of Days
Ancient Of Days Every tongue in heaven and earth Shall declare Your glory Every knee shall bow at Your throne In worship You will be exalted O God And Your Kingdom shall not pass away O Ancient of Days
Ancient Of Days Your Kingdom shall reign Over all the earth Sing unto the Ancient of Days For none can compare To Your matchless worth Sing unto the Ancient of Days
Anoint My Hands For Battle Anoint my hands for battle Let the miracles come forth For greater works will we do In the name of the Lord
Anoint My Hands For Battle Our weapons of warfare Are not carnal But they are mighty in God For the pulling down Of the strongholds We stand in the armor of God
At The Cross At the cross, at the cross Where I first saw the light And the burden of my heart rolled away It was there by faith I received my sight And now I am happy all the day
Audience Of One All that I desire Is nothing more than You In this whole wide world, there is only You All that I require Is enough to live this life So I don’t forget, that it’s You it’s all about
Audience Of One You’re all that I want You’re all that I need Lord I’m singing for an audience of One The world it fades away As I gaze upon Your face I’m living for an audience of One And though a fool I’ll seem I will worship my King
Awesome God Our God is an awesome God He reigns from Heaven above With wisdom, power and love Our God is an awesome God
Because He Lives Because He lives, I can face tomorrow Because He lives, all fear is gone Because I know, yes I know He holds the future And life is worth the living Just because He lives
Believe It I’ve got my mind made up And my heart prepared I know where I am going upon my death Now it isn’t too late for you to join in too Cause as he died for me He also died for you
Believe It Believe it you’ve got to believe it That He died for you That He died for you Then receive it you’ve got to receive it That He died for you That He died for you
Believe It Now Christianity is not without action too He told us we would see Just who was true Cause if you act like the devil Your still without a clue On that day your gunna feel real blue
Believe It Put your life into your Christianity Give Him more of your time Then you’ll see It’s time to follow Jesus somewhere new Don’t be afraid of where He takes you too
Bless That Wonderful Name Bless that wonderful name of Jesus Bless that wonderful name of Jesus Bless that wonderful name of Jesus There’s no other name for me
Bless That Wonderful Name There’s healing in the name of Jesus There’s healing in the name of Jesus There’s healing in the name of Jesus There’s no other name for me
Bless That Wonderful Name Satan fears the name of Jesus Satan fears the name of Jesus Satan fears the name of Jesus There’s no other name for me
Bless That Wonderful Name There’s cleansing in the Blood of Jesus There’s cleansing in the Blood of Jesus There’s cleansing in the Blood of Jesus There’s no other name for me
Bless That Wonderful Name There’s victory in the name of Jesus There’s victory in the name of Jesus There’s victory in the name of Jesus There’s no other name for me
Born To Win Born again, Born to win I’m a child of the Most High God Born again, Born to win I’m a child of the King I’m a new creation I’ve been washed in His blood Had a transformation Now I’m living in the power of God
Breathe This is the air I breathe This is the air I breathe Your Holy presence, living in me This is my daily bread This is my daily bread Your very Word spoken to me And I I’m desperate for You And I I’m lost without You
Build A Throne I long to worship You In spirit and in truth I long to honour You With all of my praise
Build A Throne I long to be with You In Your courts I seek after You Fill this temple through With all of my praise
Build A Throne O God, my God I build a throne of praise to You Come live and dwell In my offering to You
Calling Down Fire We’re Binding the strongman We’re loosing the captives We’re slaying Goliath We’re setting the prisoners free We’re calling down fire We’re calling down fire We’re calling down fire, from heaven
Call Me Your Own I fall at your feet, And I turn my ear to you For I know that you love me And call me your own I fall at your feet, I lift up my voice, I sing out my praise to you For I know that you love me And call me your own I lift up my voice
Call Me Your Own For you live your life through me When I give my life to you And you give your strength to me When there's nothing I can do I give you my all, As you gave your all for me For I know that you love me And call me your own I give you my all
Can You Feel His Love Father’s heart is aching Another day gone it’s breaking Who will run Who will come We are ministers for the Son
Can You Feel His Love His leaders have left off getting the Harvest cos it just seemed like it was the hardest When will they see That it’s up to you and me We are ministers for the Son
Can You Feel His Love Can you feel His Love Pouring out for us to Go Can you feel His heartbeat For the lost to be welcomed in Can you see His tears Crying out for His prodigals to be won How can we say that there’s another way When they stay out there and we stay in here
Can You Feel His Love Not for ourselves we live But for the Son we give Oh come home Oh come home
Can’t Stop Praising His Name Can’t stop praising His name No I just can’t stop praising His name No I just can’t stop praising His name Jesus
Can’t Stop Praising His Name He’s the King of Kings He’s the Lord of lords Jesus Christ is King forever He’s the Prince of Peace He’s the Great I Am Jesus Christ is King forever
Change Me I will cry out to You, cause I am through Fighting on my own I know that You are strong There’s grace beyond Everything I’ve done Who can rescue me from all my sin It’s only Christ alone What’s lost can still be won
Change Me Only You can take the cross And change it to a tree of life Only You can take my darkened heart And fill it with Your light Only You can take the curse And somehow make it a blessing And Jesus, You can change me
Change Me I will give up my pride, the things I hide So You can work again I will give up my rights and let You fight So I can finally win Who can rescue me from all my sins It’s only Christ alone What’s lost can still be won
Change Me It’s not by might, it’s not by power It’s by Your Spirit It’s not by might, it’s not by power It’s by Your Spirit It’s not by might, it’s not by power It’s by Your Spirit That changes me, change me
Come Along With Me Come along with me To my Father’s house To my Father’s house To my Father’s house Come along with me To my Father’s house Where there’s joy, joy, joy