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Das deutsche Schulsystem

Das deutsche Schulsystem. The German education system. Vokabeln. Die Grundschule Die Hauptschule Die Realschule Das Gymnasium Die Ausbildung. Elementary school „ main school “ grades 5 – 9 Grades 5 - 10 Grades 5 – 12 Three year program of trade school and on the job training.

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Das deutsche Schulsystem

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  1. Das deutsche Schulsystem The German educationsystem

  2. Vokabeln • Die Grundschule • Die Hauptschule • Die Realschule • Das Gymnasium • Die Ausbildung • Elementaryschool • „mainschool“ grades 5 – 9 • Grades 5 - 10 • Grades 5 – 12 • Threeyearprogramoftradeschooland on thejobtraining

  3. Das deutsche Schulsystem _____________________________________________ Gymnasium 5. – 12 (oder 13.) Klasse AlleAusbildungsberufe Universität AbendgymnasiumoderFachgymnasiumfür die Hochschulreife _____________ Realschule 5. – 10. Klasse (fast) alle Ausbildungsberufe Forexample, nursing, accounting, cosmotology, mechanics Grundschule 1.- 4. Klasse ___________ Ausbildung - ____________ 3 Jahre Mainlycraftsmen, serviceindustry Hauptschule 5. – 9. Klasse Compulsoryattendance Sonderschule ___________

  4. In German schools • English starts in 5th grade • 2nd foreignlanguage in 7th grade • 3rd foreignlanguageis optional • 13 subjectseveryweek, noelectivesuntil 11th grade • Noathletics, nochoiror band classes • Grades from 1-6, 4 andupis passing

  5. Education System Germany The U.S. Everyone is in one school, no levels Compulsory attendance through 12th grade Extra curricular activities Students pay tuition to attend trade schools • Threelevelsof“middle schools” • Majority of students attend trade schools after 9th or 10th grade • School is academic, no electives • Trade schools provide on-the-job training: students work 3 days a week and attend school two days per week

  6. University in Germany • Government funded • KeineStudiengebühren - No tuition fees • Warteliste - Waiting list • Admission solely based on GPA

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