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Dive into the greenhouse effect, its causes related to human activities, and the impact on climate change. Learn how reducing CO2 emissions is crucial for a sustainable future.
The topic of the Comenius project of this year has given us the possibility to reflect on the CO2 production which we are responsible of. We said that any of us can begin an useful process towards a world change….well: this is true!! Since any of us is responsible for 10 tons of annual CO2 emission (the same emissions that are producing catastrophic changes on our planet); it is clear that any of us might also reduce them. Therefore doing that we could probably avoid the total destruction of our beautiful Earth that in spite of everything has still great things to give us. • THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT • THE CAUSES OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT • THE PROTOCOL OF KYOTO • “NOT SO BRIGHT” • DATA CONCERNING AIR POLLUTION MOST POLLUTED CITIES
THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT -WHAT IS IT? The greenhouse effect is the result of the presence of an atmosphere around a planet. The atmosphere absorbs part of the infra-red rays emitted by the ground warmed by the radiation received by the star. The name comes from the similarity with what happens in the greenhouses used for farming, although the basic process is different. In this situation,part of the radiation beamed by the ground is absorbed by the atmosphere and beamed again in all directions,then part of it is also emitted towards the ground. This implies that the radiative equilibrium establishes around a higher temperature than the one that would establish without the atmosphere.
The solar radiation has a powerful ultraviolet factor that reaches the soil where it’s absorbed and beamed again in part with a different wavelength:this is the infra-red wavelength,that,being less powerful than the ultraviolet one,can’t pass through the troposphere and so remains trapped.Infact the earth atmosphere isn’t “transparent” to the infra-red rays; therefore only the 6% of the radiation reflected by the ground can disperse in the cosmos.This causes a progressively growing heating of the earth’s surface.The remaining part of the radiation is absorbed and heats the atmosphere,which riemits energy in exchange so the temperature of the ground increases this way if the quantity of dispersed radiation compensates the one received by the Sun. The greenhouse effect enables the earth to have an average temperature higher than the water freezing point,so it allows life far as we know it. In the solar system,this phenomenon has also been observed on Mars,Venus and Titan. The elements that determine the greenhouse effect,called gas carbons,are mainly water vapour,carbonic anhydride (CO2),methane (CH4),nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ozone (O3) which are able to absorb the solar radiation once “bounced” on the earth’s surface.
There are also gases of anthropic origin such as alocarbides and many other molecules,which contain chlorine and fluorine that are harmful for the ozone stratospheric layer.Halogenated gases are issued in vey small quantity in comparison to CO2,CH4 and N2O but they can have a very long life and the strong effect because they have a higher radiative intensity,from 3000 to 13000 times superior to the carbon dioxide one.The combination of this two characteristics has been called Global Warming Potential (GWP).The GWP is a measure of the contribution of a certain gas carbon to the global warming as for CO2. The GWPs are calculated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and are used as factors of conversion to calculate the gas carbon emissions in equivalent issues of CO2.
This is a quantitative representation of the existing energies:
THE CAUSES OF THE GREENHOUSE EFFECT The increase in gas carbons is due to causes connected to human activities. The progressive heating is in great measure caused by the predominant energetic model: 80% of the carbonic anhydride emissions,the main gas carbon,comes from the combustion of coal,petroleum and methane.therefore from the activities of thermoelectric power plants,from the industrial fumes and the car outpourings. Infact the use of fossil fuels (since the development of industries) that has dented the geological carbon stocks,and the higher methane production due to the increase in rearing and of the submerged cultivations (for instance rice),have determined a hike in the concentration of gas carbons. Also the nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture are responsible for great part of the nitrogen oxide emissions. The clorofluorocarbons,whose production is decreasing,are responsible for the destruction of the ozone layer; finally,the last accused is deforestation,which proceeds at the rhythm of a football pitch per second in the tropical forests.In fact trees act as carbon accumulators,so the quantity of carbonic anhydride emitted in the air increases a bit for each hectare of burnt forest. As for the part of “blame” of each country,a significant date is that more than half of the gas carbons emissions comes from developed countries: United States,European Union,Canada,Japan,Australia,where only a fifth of the world population lives; but also the developing countries are performing an important role: China is immediately after the USA as for the quantity of gas carbons emitted.
GAS GREENHOUSE EFFECT Carbon monoxide (CO) No incidence Carbon dioxide (CO2) High incidence Methane (CH4) High incidence Nitrog en monoxide (NO) No incidence Sulfur dioxide (SO2) Low incidence Ozone (O3) High incidence Incidence of some gases on the greenhouse effect:
THE PROTOCOL OF KYOTO The Protocol of Kyoto is an international treaty signed in the Japanese city on 11 December 1997 by more than 160 countries. In February 2005 became effective, after being ratified by part of Russia. Terms and conditionsthe treaty provides for the obligation for the industrialized countries to operate a drastic reduction of the emissions of polluting elements (dioxide of carbon and other five greenhouse gases, nitrogen methane, oxide, idrofluorocarburi, perfluorocarburi and esafluoro of sulfur) on a rate not inferior to 5.2% if compared to the emissions respectivly recorded in 1990. the treaty could be declared effective only when ratified by not less than 55 signing nations, on condition that the same nations were responsible for at least 55% of the polluting emission. Objectives the protocol proposes a series of actions: - to strengthen or to institute a national policy of reduction of the emissions (improvement of the energetic efficiency, promotion of supportable standards of agriculture, development of renewable sources of energy) - to cooperate with the others (exchanges of experiences or information).
Joining countriesIn November 2001 was held the Conference of Marrakech where 40 Countries subscribed the treaty. the adhesion of Russia it is considered important since this country alone produces 17.6% of the emissions. Not subsribing countries Among the countries which refused to join the treaty there is the United States, responsible for 36.1% of total emissions (announcement made in March 2001). President Clinton had signed the Protocol during the last months of its mandate, but George W. Bush, soon after his election, withdrew the American subscription. Some states and great American municipalities, like Chicago and Los Angeles, are studying the possibility to apply for the treaty at a local level. Also Australia has announced that it does not mean to join the agreement, in order not to damage industrial investments. Also Croatia, Kazakistan and Monaco have not joined the treaty. Italy Our Country belongs to the group of the Nations included in Annexed B of the Protocol of Kyoto (1997). The objective of reduction of greenhouse gases indicated in the Protocol is fixed to a percentage of 8% (that is the same percentage indicated for all the EU). Inside the community, in June 1998, the reduction percentage for each country has been estamblished, 6,5% for Italy with the precise aim to encourage a reduction of the anthropogenic gas emissions.
Parts quantified limitation of the emissions (percentage on annual basis) Australia 108 Austria 92 Belgium 92 Bulgaria* 92 Canada 94 Croazia* 95 Denmark 92 Estonia* 92 Russa federation* 100 Finland 92 France 92 Germany 92 Japan 94 Greece 92 Ireland 92 Island 110 Italy 92 Lettonia* 92 Liechtenstein 92 Lituania* 92 Lussemburgo 92 Monaco 92 Norway 101 New Zeland 100 Nederland 92 Polonia* 94 Portugal 92 Annexed B (Protocol Of Kyoto, 1997)
United Kingdom and Ireland of the North 92 Czech Republic* 92 Romania* 92 Slovacchia* 92 Slovenia* 92 Spain 92 United states of America 93 Sweden 92 Switzerland 92 Ucraina* 100 Ungheria* 94 Europe Union 92 *countries that are undertaking the transition process towards a market economy
Readuction objectives Actions Mt CO2 2002 Mt CO2 2006 Mt CO2 2008-2012 Increase of efficiency of the park electrical worker -4/5 -10/12 -20/23 Reduction of the energetic consumptions intransport -4/6 -9/11 -18/21 Production of energy from renewable sources -4/5 -7/9 -18/20 Reduction of the energetic consumptions in industrial/inhabited/tertiary sectors -6/7 -12/14 -24/29 Reduction of the emissions in not energetic sectors -2 -7/9 -15/19 Absorption of the emissions of CO2 from forests - - -(0,7) TOTAL -20/25 -45/55 -95/112 In the following table, extracted from a CIPE RESOLUTION and OFFICIALLY published in the G.U n. 33 of 10-2-99, are characterized the national actions and the correspondent expressed readuction objectives in Mt CO2:National actions for the reduction of the gas emissions to greenhouse effect.
HEALTH, MONUMENTS, HOUSES, WORK: HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO SNOB KYOTO? TEN YEARS AGO THE GREENHOUSE GAS AGREEMENT. IT HAS NEVER BEEN APPLIED. The Kyoto Protocol, which was approved ten years ago, became effective on the 16th February 2005. Italy, which within 2012 was interested in a 6,5% reduction of CO2 emission with respect to 1990 emissions, showed a 12-13% increase. INDUSTRY: for every CO2 ton diffused in the atmosphere, Italian industries have to pay €20 according to Kyoto sanctions. HEALTH: because of smog, Italy pays about 4,5 billion euros every year. The annual expence supported by the health public system is about 2,5 billion euros. TRAFFIC: congested cities cost €2.3/km. Road transport costs about 8 billions altogether. ART: Italy has to pay 500 million yearly for monuments damaged by pollution. DROUGHT: in Italy 40% of drinking water is wasted yearly. It costs 2,2 billion euros.
For the third consecutive year a wireless initiative lanches for 16 February 2007 “M' illumino di meno”, the energy saving national day, which has become international this year. After the success of the past editions Massimo Cirri and Filippo Solibello asked the listeners to demonstrate how saving is a concrete and real possibility to get over the energy problems that worry our country and the other nations of the planet. The invitation addressed to everybody was to turn off the lights and all not strictly necessary electric appliances on 16 February 2007 at 18.00. Simple citizens, school, companies, museums, multinational groups, sport groups, scout groups, institutions, voluntary organisation, university, cral companies, traders and craftsmen together to demonstrate that to reduce waist of energy is possible. In particular a lot of restaurants organized candle-lit dinners, while the local administrations will gave the most spectacular view to the initiative making symbolic turning off in great Italian public squares and in the most important monuments (an example the Arena of Verona, the Milan cathedral, the Antonelliana tower of Turin, Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, the public squares in Catania, Bari, Bologna, Palermo and many others).
AT SCHOOL OF ENERGETIC SAVING OF VARESE, THE FIRST “ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOOL” OF SIMONE CERIOTTI If you want to save electric power you can: you should only extinguish the light. It is the lesson which comes from one small high school in Laveno Mombello near Varese. The environmental high school, inaugurated a year ago, has been involved with all its students, teachers and staff in a plan of energetic saving that brought in a few days to the halving in the consumption. It is a result that wasachieved paying attention to the meter and switching on “artificial” lights only when needed. << We are started by community’s concept- Ferruccio Jarach explains, an engineer and a mathematical teacher- our problem was not to diffuse a knowledge on energetic saving: we want to find a way to save energy. We are working with a group of students, the “energetic squad”; they have observed for a week the behaviour of all the people in the school, to study the waste. The second step has been to convince teachers, staff and secretaries to join the plan and pay attention to the lights. Now we have appointed a “guard of the lights” in every classroom and in a week the consumption has decreased from 210 kwh to 100kwh. So less than 53%, without sacrifices. This means that the cost have been cut. All the students have demonstrated interest for the initiative, on of them, Luca Contini which attends the second year, was the most engaged in this challenge. When I arrived at school the first thig that I do, is to look at the electricity meter and read it. After this experience, I have convinced my family to pay attention ay home, for example turning off the television led. The guys of Laveno Mombello have invented the slogan “ to halve is possible”.
Electrical appliance % energetic consumption Boiler 20 Refrigeretor 18 Lighting system 15 Washing machine 13 Television 11 Dish washer machine 4 Oven 4 Other 15 Electrical appliance Advice Annual € Saving Annual CO2 Saving Boiler Use it for 8 night hours 641 2135 kg Lighting system Use five 20W bulbs 53 175 kg Washing machine Two 40° cycles a week 222 750 kg Television Turn off after using 24 79 kg DOMESTIC ELECTRIC ENERGY CONSUMPTION The temperature might be set at 20 degrees at day-time and 16 degrees at night. The temperature might be set at 20 degrees at day-time and 16 degrees at night.
AIR-CONDITIONER: it is advisable to set it at a temperatures 4-5 degrees lower than outside. TELEVISION: it is advisable to buy television about 14 inches and don’t leave televisions or computers in a stand-by position:eletrical equipment can save up to 10% energy when disconnected. OVEN: it is advisable to turn off the oven before baking is completed; that allows to avoid overworring. BOILER: it is recommended to reduce the working-time and to purchase two smaller apparatuses if it both kitchen and bath as much as possible must be fed. LIGHTING SYSTEM: it is advisable to use light bulbs that have a higher cost lowenergy, but a ten-fold gonger life. WASHING and DISH WASHER MACHINE: it is recommended to use it fully loaded at low-medium temperatures and cutting off any drying program. REFRIGERATOR and FREEZER: it is advisable not to keep the doors open for a long time, not to introduce hot food and not lower the temperature excessively. HEATING SYSTEM: the radiators must be placed under the windows, or against an external wall. They don’t have to be covered with curtains or furniture. The temperature should be regular on 20 degrees by day and 16 degrees by night.
STATES % CO2 EMISSIONS Usa 19% China 11.9% Japan 9.4% Germany 3.9% India 3.4% Africa 3.2% South America 2.7% United Kingdom 2.5% Canada 1.8% Italy 1.8% Oceania 1.3% DATA CONCERNING AIR POLLUTION MOST POLLUTED CITIES “Atmospheric pollution” it is an expression that indicates modify the natural characteristics of the armosphere. Today we esteem that the seven most polluted cities in the world, from the atmospheric point of view, are Mexico City, Beijing, The Cairo, Jakarta, Los Angeles, Saint Paul and Moscow. One of the main pollution sources is traffic, domestic heating and agriculture. Cars produce more than 90% of emission. In some cases, the emissions coming from diffuse saurces exceed the emission coming from high industrialised systems. This fact happens expecially for copper, whose annual emissions, which are produced by means of road trasport, have been equivalent to 260 tons, almost the double of 136 tons coming from the industrial system. The annual CO2 emissions reach 500 milion tons.
DATA ANALYSIS: For one week (from Monday 5/3 to Monday 12/3 ) we have gathered data regarding the number of light-spots (each one including 4 neon lights) lit up in our institute LICEO MACHIAVELLI. The survey was done in two different moments in the morning: at 8,30 a.m. and at 11,30 a.m. (at break time). The total number of light-spots taken into consideration was 420 . In diagrams included here you can notice the differences between the various days of the week related to weather conditions. As you can notice from the diagram data on Thursday, which was a sunny day, at 11,30 there was a real waste because the number of light-spots was superior to 8,30. The school staff informed us that on Sunday the number of light-spots switched on in the hall was 24 (out of 24) and there were additional 8 light-spots switched on in each of the eight corridors. We can all contribute in contrasting the climatic change. However we also have the responsibility of not operating only individually, but trying to change the collective behaviour and persuade friends, parents and teachers. If we act together wee can determinate a positive change for the future.
Sources: -www.la220.it -www.caterpillar.rai.it -daily newspaper “La Repubblica” -www.wwf.com
to be continued... ByIIIB