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This book explores the secrets of the heart, teaching readers how to learn wisely, think correctly, and act perfectly in order to cultivate positive attitudes towards life. It covers topics such as building a strong relationship with Allah, having faith in the Quran and the Prophet's way of life, and collecting good deeds for the hereafter. It also addresses negative attitudes and behaviors to avoid, such as laziness, greed, and addictions. The book emphasizes the importance of moderation, self-control, and gratitude, and provides guidance on how to develop a peaceful and fulfilling life.
Secrets of The Heart Learn Wisely Think Correctly Act Perfectly
Positive Attitudes Towards Life • Strong Relationship with Allaah . • Faith in the Promise made by Allaah. Success in the Commands of Allaah. • Faith in the Quran and Holy Prophet SAW Way of Life (Sunnah) • Collecting Good Deeds for Hereafter. • Hatred of Sins, Correctly Focused, Protect 5 Senses from a Stressful Environment.
Lack of Noor & Sakina (Peace) • Corrupted Environment & Company • Minds’ Slavery • Ignorant to Consequences • Greed • Haste • Hyper-activeness • Instant Over Reaction • No Determination • No Consistency • Laziness, Ignorance, Insufficient Knowledge • Love of Sins, Addictions, Luxury and Pleasure. • Spendthriftness. • Hopelessness. • False Promises • Baseless Fears • Over-Dependence • Carelessness Forgetfulness • Anger, Disrespect • Lack of Common Sense & Professional Guidance • Ego, Arrogance, Excess Pride, Past Memory, Ungratefulness • Wrong Attitude, Negative Issues Panic Attacks • Lying Cheating Lack of Transparency Negative Attitudes Towards Life
Truth & Reality of this World Mind (Nafs): Keeps one busy with- Ibadat, Responsibilities, Health, Profession, Relationship, Dawah. Accept Destruction? Accept Construction? Satan: Should not entangle you in controversies, Chaos & Trouble. Khawaish: Should not accept anything which causes Destruction in Present world & Hereafter. OR
Useless Thoughts Influenced by past experience/ memory Forgetfulness Various Situations (Adverse or favorable) Impact of Materialistic World Environmental Impact Impact of Five Senses Negative Vibrations of Mind destroy the Relationship with Allaah. Non Priority subjects No Moderation Excessiveness Seeing others’ shortcomings Wrong Focus Various addictions Revolutionary Mind Greed Interruption through various distractions Bossing Attitude Haste Excess Pleasures Laziness Luxury Inability to switch on and off timingly Chasing people
TO PLEASE ALLAAH ALL DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES EARN REWARD AT THE HEREAFTER Look and Act according to the falling Bullets . White indicates- Fate so have patience, Red indicates - Stop, Yellow- look and go, Green- go ahead , Black- Fear Allaah. USE REIN OF SELF CONTROL WITH THE Zikr of Allaah Fear of Allaah Duties and Responsibilities Satan must not pump air (proudness) in the Heart through Thoughts, Senses, Washwasa, Past Memory Hawa and wrong Focus while following the above. Manners & Etiquette of Prophet SWS Way of Life of Prophet SWS (Sunnah) Sayings of Prophet SWS Recharge the Heart with Allaah’s Commands to Please Him
Achievements WISDOM
Noor Blessings Peace Comforts Ability Rest Noor Good Relationship amongst each other Sakina Humbleness Generosity Kindness Positive Attitude and approach Softness Appreciation Calmness Gratefulness Love Clean and Transparent Respect Fear of Allaah Iman & Yaqeen Concentration of Allaah Well wisher of others Moderation Blessed Heart do not see others short comings Peace DIVINE QUALITIES OF THE HEART
Get ready for the Test Allaah will TEST you by sending various adverse situations Qualify in the following- FAITH IN ALLAH NOOR & BLESSINGS TRUST IN ALLAH FEAR OF ALLAH
BE TRUTHFUL TO YOUR FAITH TRUST FEAR OF ALLAH Evil Addictions will be over on Death, eradicate these Addictions before Death, so that the purified Soul can Rest in Paradise .
Learn Wisely Heart (Wisdom) should Fear Allaah at all Time. Be tough with the Mind (Nafs). Teach Body to bear Hardship to collect Pearls of Good Deeds (Achievements )Organized Mind with enough self control, not influenced by 5 senses & Adverse situation, addiction, Pleasures, Laziness, Forgetfulness & seeing others shortcomings . But diluted in front of Quran & Sunnah. Think Correctly TheConsequences first, Commands of Allaah & Sayings of Prophet SAW towards all Duties & Responsibilities. Remain Focused to the subject & Principles of each work whatever you choose to do. Act Perfectly Once you Achieved Faith, Trust, Fear of Allaah and Manners Etiquette of Prophet SAW, make sure that these are reflecting from your Thoughts & 5 senses towards all Action and Performance . My Priority is to Control Diet & Exercise but you decide yours
STRATEGY ImanYaqeenTaqwa Importance of Allaah’s Commands, Sunnah and Dawah Wisdom Mind Keep the Mind Quiet, Calm, Composed & Organized Tongue is worst than a sword keep him Polite & Quiet Tongue Body must be busy with Amaal, Duties, Responsibilities and Rights of the Others. Spiritual Heart Fear Allaah Fear Desires (Khawaish) Fear Addictions Fear Pleasures Fear Laziness (Ghaflat) Fear Ignorance Fear Mind Slavery Fear Displeasure (Nagawari) Fear Test Fear Eventualities Body Displeasures ? Fear of Allah in the Heart , Quiet Tongue, Speak Politely Protect 5 Senses and Thoughts & Pituitary Gland NEVER FORGET OR IGNORE THE ABOVE THINGS AT ANY SITUATION
Satan influences Laziness & Pleasure in to self oriented Thoughts and Mind Slavery so that the Body cannot get a chance to reflect Sunnah Sayings and Manners Etiquette of Prophet Muhammad SAW. All the sufferings start from here. Keep the Heart Clean and Transparent, Follow the Sunnah Sayings and Characteristic of Prophet SAW and counter different adverse situations which are yet come, then reflect Good Deeds from the Body to Please Allaah. To know more please log on to www.wisdominlife.net