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Cholesterol-lowering betaBARLEY – a new raw material for functional food? EFFoST – Symposium

Cholesterol-lowering betaBARLEY – a new raw material for functional food? EFFoST – Symposium Anuga FoodTec March 2012, Cologne. Dieckmann Seeds - short introduction Functional Food - the growing market EU Health Claim Regulation - the legal basis

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Cholesterol-lowering betaBARLEY – a new raw material for functional food? EFFoST – Symposium

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  1. Cholesterol-lowering betaBARLEY – a new raw material for functional food? EFFoST – Symposium AnugaFoodTec March 2012, Cologne

  2. Dieckmann Seeds - shortintroduction • Functional Food - the growing market • EU Health Claim Regulation - the legal basis • betaBARLEY - new functionalgrain • - cholesterolloweringproducts • - glycaemicindexreducingtheglucoserise • - lowenergyconveniencefood • Conclusion DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  3. Breeding since 1892 • Specialized on innovative functional grainsoilseed rape and rye • 40 employees in breeding, production and sales • Subsidiaries in PL, UA and RUS • Marketing in 27 countries • Leading in breeding “waxy” wheat and “waxy” barley rich in amylopectin-starch • high water binding capacity • stable water binding (no retrogradation) • betaBARLEY:worldwideunique winter barleyvarietyrich in beta-glucans DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne 3

  4. Functional Food - thegrowingmarket Japan United States Germany France United Kingdom Italy Spain Austria • Source: OECD Health Data 2011 Years Years DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  5. Obesity rate • Increasing obesity rates among the adult population % 1990 2000 2009 2 • Source: OECD Health Data 2011 DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  6. Deaths in Germany causedby cardiovasculardiseases • 300.000 heartattacks per year • 200.000 apoplecticstrokes Food, metabolism, digestive system Cardiovasculardiseases Further causes • The turnoverofcholesterol-loweringpharmaceuticalsisabout2.5 billion Euros per year DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  7. Pharmaceuticals Functional Food Dietary supplements • Functional Food isonepossibleoptionto live morehealthy • A matter ofhabitandlifestyle DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  8. EU Health-Claim Regulation • Any statements about a relationship between food and health • Scientific evidence based claims • Conditions for using are strongly defined • Declaration on packages • From more than 44.000 applied claims the European Food Safety • Authority (EFSA) actually just notified 222 to be based on scientific • evidence. Approximately 1.500 claims referring to plant ingredients have to be discussed. • Four of these are related to beta-glucan or dietary fibre from barley or oats. DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  9. Beta-Glucan Claims frombarley or oats • Health Claims concerning blood cholesterol level • “Regular consumption of beta-glucans contributes to maintenance of normal blood cholesterol concentrations.” (Function Claims Art 13.1) • “Barley beta-glucans have been shown to lower/reduce blood cholesterol. High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease.” (Art. 14.1) • Health Claim concerning lowering glycaemic index • “Consumption of beta-glucans from oats or barley contributes to the reduction of the glucose rise after a meal.”(Function Claims Art 13.1) DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  10. Conditionsofuseregardingcholesterol-lowering Claims Admission: 1 g beta-glucan per serving Included in: 22 g betaBARLEYwholegrain • The admitteddailyintakeof 3 g beta-Glucanisalreadyincluded in: • 4 TSbetaBARLEYkernelsorwholegrainflour • 5-6 TS Big betaBARLEYflakes • 4 Slices ofbetaBARLEYbread„GerstenWonne“ (200g) TS: Tablespoon High cholesterol is a risk factor in the development of coronary heart disease DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  11. ConditionsofuseregardingGlycaemic Index Claim “Consumption of beta-glucans from oats or barley contributes to the reduction of the glucose rise after a meal.” (Function Claims Art 13.1) • In order to obtain the claimed effect, 4 g of beta-glucans from oats or barley for each 30 g of available carbohydrates should be consumed per meal. • betaBARLEYwholegrainproductscontain 2.4 g / 30 g carbohydrates • Conclusion: Actually the requested amount can only be met with highly concentrated flours - at a high price level. DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  12. Howbeta-glucanswork • Beta-glucans of barley transport “bad” LDL- cholesterol and bile acids out of the body • This is stimulating the liver to form new bile acids out of cholesterol • The differencesbetweenbeta-glucanlinkagesandchemicalstructurearesignificant in regardstosolubility, modeofactionandoverallbiologicalactivity. • Yeast: (1,3/1,6) beta-glucan - immun systemstimmulating • Barleyandoats: (1,3/1,4) beta-glucanaresolubleandhave an cholesterol-loweringeffect DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  13. Health Claim concerning dietary fibre • “Barley grain fibre contributes to an increase infaecal bulk” Europäische Food Safety Authority(EFSA) • In order to obtain the claimed effect, a food should be at least “high in fibre” form oats or barley as per Annex to Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006. • A claim that a food is high in fibre, and any claim likely to have the same meaning for the consumer, may only be made where the product contains at least 6 g of fibre per 100 g or at least 3 g of fibre per 100 kcal (drinks).

  14. Barley – theoldestgrainmenkindisgrowing Bible: themealofthe 5000 The holygrainofthe Egypt AncientGreece: „Demeter, theBarley-Mother“ Harvestingofbarley in theMiddleages

  15. KernelofbetaBARLEY beta-glucans in the aleuronand endosperm hull, fruit-andseedcoat 12 % (Oat > 39 %) aleuron: threecelllayers* 10 % (Oat 3 %) endosperm 75-77 % embryo 3 % * Aleuron isrich in mineralsandvitamins Wheat: 1 aleuronlayer (3 % ofkernel) • Barleyfloursarerich in dietaryfibers (13%), minerals (<3%)andvitamins but light in colour DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  16. betaBARLEY beta-glucan (dietaryfibers) amylopectin - starch usual grain beta BARLEY amylose 25% 5% x amylopectin 95% 75% proteins vitamins / minerals • highwaterabsorption • keepsproductsfreshforlonger DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  17. beta-glucancontentofdifferent grains cholestererol-loweringfunctionofwholegrainproducts + 50% DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  18. High waterabsorption betaBARLEYbinds fluid upto a factorof 4 - relatedtoitsownweight rice betaBarley DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  19. Waterimmobilisationofwholegrainflours Amountoffreewater Source: German Institute of Food ProductionTechnics, Quakenbrück 100 % waterimmobilisationofbetaBARLEY DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  20. betaBARLEY - Bread: Loweringcholesterol • The healthclaimrecommends1 g ofbeta-glucansper serving: • 2 slicesofbread • 90-100 g • equalling 22 g ofbetaBARLEY • 1 TS pearls • 1 TS wholegrain / branflour • 1¼ TSsmallflakes • 1½ TS bigflakes <50% betaBARLEY, 38% spelt DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  21. Long freshnessofbetaBARLEYbread Barleybread betaBARLEYbread Schapfenmühle „GerstenWonne“ DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  22. betaBARLEYinsteadofriceforlowenergyconvenienceproducts * Protein Counter Chart   DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  23. betaBARLEYinnovative products Barleyrisotto Milk- Products Rice Noodles Convenience Snacks DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  24. Conclusion • The market of functional food will grow fast in the coming years. • Reasons are the aging society and strongly rising costs caused by food related diseases like obesity, diabetes mellitus, colon cancer and - closely linked - the growing health awareness of the population. • Health Claim Regulation allows medium-sized companies to participate in this market at acceptable costs. • In response, the new betaBARLEY variety provides an excellent basis for innovative natural cholesterol-lowering food, regionally produced and at low costs. DIECKMANN GmbH & Co. KG  www.dieckmann-seeds.de EFFoST – Symposium, AnugaFoodTec, March 2012, Cologne

  25. Thank you for your attention! and… Let´s stay healthy and fit with betaBARLEY!

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