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“ACTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY MINISTRY OF LABOR ON LABOR MIGRATION ISSUE”. Dr. Javier Barreda Jara Deputy Minister of Employment Promotion and Labor Training. Diagnosis of Peruvian Migration Achievements obtained by ML on Labor Migration 3. Challenges. INDICE. Content.
“ACTIONS IMPLEMENTED BY MINISTRY OF LABOR ON LABOR MIGRATION ISSUE” Dr. Javier Barreda Jara Deputy Minister of Employment Promotion and Labor Training
Diagnosis of Peruvian Migration • Achievements obtained by ML on Labor Migration • 3. Challenges INDICE Content
300 000 251 102 Total of Emigrants 1990 - 2009 250 000 2 038 107 249 491 225 459 200 000 177 117 165 877 157 649 150 000 112 244 Average 101 905 100 000 83 907 78 944 68 349 60 313 55 216 50 403 46 596 39 505 50 000 58 789 33 614 45 428 45 137 32 967 0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 a/ Año PERUVIAN EMIGRANT IN THE PERIOD 1990 - 2009 In theperiodfrom 1990 to 2009, thenumber of peruviansoutsidethecocuntryreachedthenumber of 2 million 38 thousands 107 peruvians. Thenumber of peruvianabroadrepresentsthe 7,0% of total inhabitantsestimatedto 2009 in Peru. Peru: International emigration of Peruvians and foreign immigration Statistics, 1990 to 2009. INEI/OIM/DIGEMIN – 2010 MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
PERUVIAN EMIGRANTS WHO DECLARE LIVING ABROAD, BY COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE, 1994 – 2009 (%) ThePeruvianswholeftthe country in theperiod of 1994 – 2009, 231 thousand 85 personsdeclared living abroad. Thisnumberrepresentsonly 12,9% of total migrantscoveringthisperiod, whichreached 1 million 785 thousands 429 emigrants. Themain country declaredbyperuvianswasUnitedState of Americawith 48,1%; followsbySpain (10,6%), Italy (7,9%), Argentina (6,3%), Venezuela (4,7%), Japan (4,6%) and Canada (2,4%), amongthemaincountries of residence, peruvianemigrantsdeclared in themomenttheyleftthe country. Note: Part of the Peruvian registry, who declared live in other country. Source: General Direction of Migration and Naturalization (DIGEMIN, by acronym in Spanish) – Informatics and Statistics Unit. Preparation: National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI, by acronym in Spanish). MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
85 , 7 % From 15 to 49 years old 13 , 6 13 , 5 Total of emigrants 1994 - 2009 : 1 785 429 12 , 0 11 , 7 9 , 6 7 , 3 6 , 8 5 , 3 4 , 0 3 , 5 3 , 4 2 , 7 2 , 3 1 , 6 1 , 2 0 , 8 0 , 7 0 - 4 5 - 9 10 - 14 15 - 19 20 - 24 25 - 29 30 - 34 35 - 39 40 - 44 45 - 49 50 - 54 55 - 59 60 - 64 65 - 69 70 - 74 75 - 79 80 a más Grupo de edad PERU: INTERNATIONAL PERUVIAN EMIGRATION, BY AGE 1994 – 2009 (%) Thestructure of ages of peruvianemigrants shows thatmajority of them are, in themomenttheyleftthe country, between 25 and 29 yearsold, in 13,6%, and between 30 and 34 yearsold in 13,5% of the total. Source: General Direction of Migration and Naturalization (DIGEMIN, by acronym in Spanish) – Informatics and Statistics Unit. Preparation: National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI, by acronym in Spanish). MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
Farmers, fishing and artisans Others 1 / 16 , 0 1 , 3 Student Minor 29,5 3 , 3 Technicians and professional of middle level 5 , 5 Professionals, Scientists and Intellectuals 9 , 7 Office workers 13 , 2 Housewife 11 , 0 , Service workers, Stallkeeper, salesman 10 , 5 INTERNATIONAL PERUVIAN EMIGRATION, ACCORDING THE MAIN OCCUPATION BY CATHEGORY, 1994-2009 In the periodo of 1994 - 2009, 29,5% of total emigrantsdeclaredbestudent, 13,2% of total are office workers. The 11,0%, declaredbehousewife; 10,5% serviceworkers, Stallkeeper, salesman; 9,7% Professionals, Scientists and Intellectuals, 5,5% Technicians and Professionals of middlelevel, amongothers. 1/ Include: Retired persons or pensioners, Armed Forces and National Police of Peru, installations and fitters Operators, State members and Public Administration and Non Specified. Source: General Direction of Migration and Naturalization (DIGEMIN, by acronym in Spanish) – Informatics and Statistics Unit. Preparation: National Institute of Statistics and Informatics (INEI, by acronym in Spanish). MINISTERIO DE TRABAJO Y PROMOCIÓN DEL EMPLEO
2.1 DRAWING UP REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR BUILDING THE LABOR MIGRATION MANAGEMENT • Since 2009 year, the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion (MTPE, by acronym in Spanish) has been developing a change in its organizational structure to include in its work line labor migration. For this reason many legal instruments were generated such as: • Organization and Function Act (LOF, by acronym in Spanish) gives MTPE exclusive competences on Labor Migration . • Socio labor political guidelines – Ministerial Resolution Nº 348-2009-TR • The Matrix of Defining Functions and glossary of words. • The Organization and Functions Regulation (ROF), Supreme Decrete Nº 004-2010-TR, Organization and Functions Regulations of MTPE. • The implementation of Decision Nº 545, Andean Labor Migration Instrument. • The new unique text of Administrative Proceedings ( TUPA, by acronym in Spanish). MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
2.1 2.1 DRAWING UP REGULATORY FRAMEWORK FOR BUILDING THE LABOR MIGRATION MANAGEMENT • ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS ACT OF MTPE, Ley Nº 29381 TheAct Nº 29381 – TheOrganization and FunctionsAct of MTPE, in thearticle 5° , section 5.1, states “Formulate, plan, lead, coordinate, carryout, supervise and assessthenational and sectorial policiesonLabor Migrationissue” Article 7.7: Is Exclusive competence of MTPE: Planning and regulatethemattersaboutthe labor migrationtoguaranteetheobservance of migrants and theirfamilies` rights. Article 13º: TheDeputyMinister of EmploymentPromotion and Labor Training isthedirectauthorityof Ministry of Labor and EmploymentPromotion in issues of (…) Labor Migration • Socio- labor policyGuidelines, Ministerial Resolution Nº 160-2009-TR • Topromotethedesign, implementation and supervition of Labor MigrationPolicies, exchange and labor qualificationpolicies, facilitatedmigration, throughactionslikesigning Bilateral Agreements of Coordination of Social SecutitySystem in Health and Pensions, as well as Labor Migrationtoprotectmigrantworkers´ rights. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
Population from 15 to 29 years old, who has/ or no expectation to live in other country 55,3 53,9 52,5 47,5 46,1 44,7 Total Man Woman Yes No Source: INEI, ENJUV 2.2.- SURVEY JUVENTU, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION (ENJUV) • ENJUV: Expectationtolive in other country • From 3 millions 130 thousand 535 young people between 15 to 29 years, from Arequipa, Huancayo, Trujillo and Metropolitan Lima ; the 54% (1 million 689 thousand 236 persons) have the expectation to live in other country, while the 46% the country. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
Population from 15 to 29 years old, who has the expectation to live In other country, according education level Without level / Completed university/ Basic / Primary Incompleted university 3,1% 20,0% Superior Studies High School Completed and Incompleted Comp / Incomp 63,3% 13,6% Fuente: INEI, ENJUV 2.2.- SURVEY YOUTH, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION (ENJUV) • ENJUV: Educationallevel • Regarding youngs with expectations to live in other country; the 63,3% have some year of secondary school, 13,6% some superior studies, 20% some university study; while 3,1% have primary education. Survey: youth, emploment and migration: Policiesformanagement of youth labor migration l
Population from 15 to 29 years, who have expectations to live in another country, by economic activity condition ECP 67,8% Employed 61,2% Unemployed 6,6% No ACP 32,2% Source: INEI, ENJUV 2.2.- SURVEY YOUTH, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION (ENJUV • ENJUV: Occupationcondition • According activity condition, 67,8% of youngs polled with expectations of living abroad, are part of Economically Active Population (ECP), that is, they are working or looking for activelly a job. • From this total, only 6,6% are unemployed. SurveyYouth, Employment and Migration: Policiesforthe Management of Youth Labor Migration
Population from 15 to 29 years old who plan leave thc ountry in the next three years l 24,6 Women 40,2 35,2 31 Men 34,5 34,5 27,9 Total 37,3 34,9 De 15 a 19 años De 20 a 24 años De 25 a 29 años Source: INEI, ENJUV 2.2.- ENCUESTA JUVENTU, EMPLEO Y MIGRACIÓN (ENJUV) • ENJUV: HighestdesiretomigratebetweenYoungsfrom 20 to 24 años • According to age groups, the highest percentage of women who want to leave the country in the next three years, are between 20 to 24 years (40,2%); as long as, the male population with highest proportion to travel, are between 15 to 24 años (69% of participation). SurveyYouth, Employment and Migration: Policiesforthe Management of Youth Labor Migration
Country of Migrant Residence (%) No specified Other countries 0% 1/ 17% USA 25% Chile 10% Italy 11% Espain 20% Argentina 17% 1/ Include Japan, Brasil, Venezuela, Canada, Germany, French and other countries Source: INEI, ENJUV 2.2.- SURVEY YOUTH, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION (ENJUV, by acronym in Spanish) • ENJUV: 45% of migrantpopulationlives in USA and Spain • According to ENJUV results for four cities, the main percentage of migrant population lives in USA (25.4%), Spain (20%), Argentina (17%), Italy (11%) and Chile (10%). Survey: youth, emploment and migration: Policiesformanagement of youth labor migration
Use of remittances Otther 1/ 11,3% Mantainance, construction, house buying 20,9% Health 62,2% Education 47,8% Food 76,1% Saving 18,9% Implementation, / buseiness expansion 3,3% 1/ Include particular expenses, pay debt, etc.. Source: INEI, ENJUV 2.2.- SURVEY YOUTH, EMPLOYMENT AND MIGRATION (ENJUV) • ENJUV: use of remittance • According to the use home gives of remittances with international migration, 76,1% of respondents invest in food , while 62% of them invest in health. Survey: youth, emploment and migration: Policiesformanagement of youth labor migration l
2.3 – BUILDING OF YOUTH LABOR MIGRATION APPROACH Young sonsorspouse of emigrants (10) Individual Migrant (4) Migrant through intermediary (5) Qualifications (6) Returnees (7) Remittances (8) Young sonsorspouse of migrants (9) Elaboration: Juan Chacaltana, Coordinator of Joint Program «Youth, Employment and Migration»n”
The “tunnel” of youthmigration(ENJUV data) 2.3 – BUILDING YOUTH LABOR MIGRATION APPROACH Making travel arrangements Total youngs Wish to emigrate to another country Emigrant Retornee 120.0 100.0 100.0 80.0 60.0 53.9 40.0 26.2 20.0 12.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Viajará en próximos 3 años Will travel in the next 3 years Elaboration: Juan Chacaltana, Coordinator of Joint Program «Youth, Employment and Migration»n”
2.4 – TOWARD THE PUBLIC POLICY OF YOUTH LABOR MIGRATION • Youth Labor MigrationPolicy as a toolfordeveolping a trayectory of decentwork. • The aim of youth labor migration policy must guarantee that migration process of young or some home member, doesn´t affect negatively the labor and labor trajectory, but on the contrary strengthen it. • The migration musn´t be a risk, but an opportunity for young people, in country of origin as in the destination. • So, the policies for youth labor migration requiere cover all migratory process. Survey: youth, emploment and migration: Policiesformanagement of youth labor migration
2.4 – TOWARD PUBLIC POLICY OF YOUTH LABOR MIGRATION Migration as opportunity Migration as a risk Promoteopportunity, riskadministration Elaboration: Juan Chacaltana, Program Coordinator Coordinador del Programa Conjunto “Juventud, Empleo y Migración”
PoliciesOutlineforyouth labor migration • Firts, potential young migrants, preventive policies are requiered, that is policies that anticipate risks and opportunities associated to the migration. To include information outlines coordinated, incorporate the migratory issue in vocational guidance and in labor mediation system. • Second, youngs who will migrate in a imminent way, preparatory policies are required. Also guidance policies and assistance for an adequate migratory process. It is necessary policies to mitigate risks in cases a contingency appears (porting outline of social security) or promote the opportunities that can present in country of destination (coordinated outlines of skill and competences certification). • Third, emigrant youngs and retornees. Connection policies, information about their rights, safe return or remittance use. For youngs who migrate with other relatives, insertion policies are required, as educational policiy as labor one in destination countries • Fourth, Promotion policies forthe institutionalization, dialogue, consensus and connection of youngs around youth labor migration. The state must consider young as an important actor in building proposals and strategies before opportunities and risks of youth labor migration. Survey: youth, emploment and migration: Policiesformanagement of youth labor migration l
Policyoutlineforyouth labor migration Survey: youth, emploment and migration: Policiesformanagement of youth labor migration
CREATION OF LABOR MIGRATION DIRECTION The MTPE, recognizing the importance of labor migratory management to advance in an integrated process based on development, creates the Labor Migration Direction, which is under of General Direction of Employment Promotion, having as main functions: To formulate, propose, coordinate, supervise and evaluate Labor Migration Policy, also elaborate and propose regulations, directives, protocols and guidelines and give technical opinion in matter of its competences. To design, propose and promote, improve and implement Bilateral framework, coordination mechanisms, international agreements of qualified migration or social security, as well as bilateral agreements to public management of labor migration. To design, propose and implement statistic information system on migrant workers, as well as an information system to potential inmigrants on adequate channels for legal migration, or other information system to permit promoting labor migration. Todesigntheadequatemechanisms, as well as thenorms, directives and guidelines, such as theprocess of selectingperuvianforjobsor training experiencesabroad. Toimplementmechanisms and strengtheninterguvernamentalalliancestoprotect labor and social securityrights of peruvianemigrantabroad. Topromote and implementactions and commitmentsassignedto Labor Migration Office into 545 Decsion of AndeanCommunity of Nations (CAN, byacronym in Spanish) Toregulate and supervise thejob agencies forabroad MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
PERU SERVICE INFOMIGRA OBJETIVE: Togiveto labor migrationactors a suitableinformation and guidancesservice, truthful and reliableabouttheprocess of labor migration, topromotetheiremployability and protection of socio-labor rights. Ministerial Resolution N° 002-2011-MTPE/3 BENEFICIARIES: Peruvianswithintereststoworkabroad; Compatriotswhollive and workabroad CompatriotswhowishtoreturntoPeru, and, Foreignerswhoworkorhaveintereststowork in Peru AndeanMigrantWorkers. SERVICES: INTERACTIVE PLATFORM OF PERU INFOMIGRA: http://www.mintra.gob.pe/PERUINFOMIGRA/ MODULES: MTPE y DIGEMIN E-MAIL peruinfomigra@mintra.gob.pe DATA: In April 744 attentionswerecarriedout.
ThewebsitePERU INFOMIGRA has fouractionlinesand complementaryinformation panel, accordingfollowingdetails: ACTION LINES OF INTERACTIVE PLATFORM OF PERU: INFOMIGRA LINE 01: Addressed to POTENTIAL MIGRANT. This line is designed under the outline of possible itinerary that must follow a peruvian who want to work abroad. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
¿WiILL YOU RETURN TO PERU? ACTIONS LINES OF INTERACTIVE PLATFORM OF PERU INFOMIGRA LINE 02: Addresedto posible retornees. This line isaddressedforperuvianwholiveabroad and havetheintentiontoreturn and settle in Peru. Thisgathersthedifferentprogramstofacilitatetheirreturn and reinsertion in society. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
ACTIONS LINES OF INTERACTIVE PLATFORM OF PERU INFOMIGRA LINE 03: Addressed for PERUVIAN ABROAD. They are different of retornees, because they are peruvians who don´t intend to return to Peru. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
¿ARE YOU ANDEAN MIGRANT WORKER OR FOREIGNER AND WORKS OR WANT TO WORK IN PERU? ACTION LINES OF INTERACTIVE PLATFORM OF PERÚ INFOMIGRA LINE 04: AddressedtoAndeanMigrant and EmigrantWorker. Itgatherstheproceduresthatandeanmigrantworkers and foreignermustfollowtoobtainworkpermit in Peru, alsootherinformationforthisusersgroup. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
VIRTUAL SYSTEM OF ANDEAN MIGRANT WORKER – SIVITMA SIVITMA SD. N° 025-2010-PCM, states that: “All public entity must universalize gruadually the intense use of TICs in different public entities and promotes the demands of service and lines by citizens», in this sense the MTPE applied tecnological and computer advances, creating the “SIVITMA”, through Ministerial Resolution N°318-2010-TR on 21 december 2010, that passed General Directive Nº 001-2010-MTPE/3/17.3 and regulates SIVITMA to: Tomodernize and simplifytheproceduresthatMinistry of Labor and EmploymentPromotiongives in anautomaticwayforemission of AndeanMigrantWorkerscertificates and theapproval of Workerscontracts.
BENEFITS - SIVITMA • The load of procedures is for the employer, who must negotiate directly the certtification emision and the approval of hiring of TMA, achieving to strengthen the traparency of this processing. • It ensures that hiring be done by formal companies, due to it is a requirement to enter to SIVITMA, gives companies´ RUC (Tacpayer Unique Register) number. • It is necessary to promote the formalization of hiring through the speeding up the procedures involved. • It ensures that TMA has health and pension insurance, due to is a requirement to enter this information in the data base. • SIVITMA achieves an automatic and safe emission of Andean Migrant Worker certificate, different than the in person proceding of before regulation which took 3 or 5 days. • With this modern regulation is possible speed up the issuing of migratory authorized status. (Work Visa). MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
SIVITMA: REGISTERS BY COUNTRIES OF EMIGRATION * Untilltheday , 30 april2011. SOURCE: MTPE – Virtual System of Andean Migrant Worker (SIVITMA) ELABORATION: MTPE - DGPE - DML (Labor Migration Direction) Colombia isthe country whichregistersthehighestnumber of agreements, representingthe 67.30% of total, following of Ecuador with 22.07% and finallywith Bolivia with 10.63% MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
NATIONAL DIRECTIVE ON PUBLIC SERVICE OF FOREIGN LABOR MEDIATION OBJECTIVE: To give technical normative Framework to regulate the public service process of foreign labor mediation to put national jobs seekers outside the country. AIM: To regulate and guide public service of foreign labor mediation to conduct with technical-objective criteria, in a efficient, effective way and protecting employed persons´rights OPERATIVE MECHANICS: The public service of foreign labor mediation with following process: • Receiving job vacancies • preading job vacancies • Registration of job seekers • Assessment and qualification (pre-selection stage) • Publication of pre-selected people • Final selection stage • To sign work agreements of selected job seekers. • Official communication to Ministry of Foreign Affaires. • SUPERVISION: • The National Direction, through Red Cil Program, supervises all stages of foreign labor mediation process, watching for the performance of present directive to national level. III. DIRECTIVA NACIONAL SOBRE EL SERVICIO PÚBLICO DE INTERMEDIACIÓN LABORAL EXTRANJERA
FOREIGN LABOR MEDIATION PROCESS The MTPE, has promoted the foregin labor mediation process with different countries. • Jobs: • Production operators • Telephone installation Technicians. • Accountant assistant • Production supervisor • Sales Coordinator • Mantainance Operator, among others. • Country requested: • Spain • Colombia • Costa Rica • Honduras • Paraguay • Dominican Republic • Venezuela Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion – Regional Direction of Labor and Employment Promotion of Lima-Callao / Employment and Professional Training Direction Red Cil Program, For Employment.Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo - Dirección Regional de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo de Lima- Callao/ Dirección de Empleo y Formación Profesional; Programa Red Cil Pro Empleo. Elaborated by: Employment Promotion Direction MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
FOREIGN LABOR MEDIATION PROCESS WITH SPAIN • Labor mediation process has been developed with Spain untill January 2008, in the framework of fallowing directives: • Directive Nº 002-93-DNEFP/DEFP (repealed) • Action guidelines Nº 001-2007-MTPE/3/11.2 (repealed) • Action Guidelines Nº 003-2007-MTPE/3/11.2 (in force). • Through which, the guidelines were established to regulate the free mediation service between jobs supply and demand, required by Spanish companies, were established. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
FOREIGN LABOR MEDIATION PROCESS WITH SPAIN YEAR 2006 – 2° SEMESTER • SPANISH COMPANIES WHICH REQUIERED PERSONNEL: • Ingatrans • Sigla II • Corte Inglés • Thyssenkrupp • Mc Donalds • Vlamisa Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion – Regional Direction of Labor and Employment Promotion of Lima-Callao / Employment and Professional Training Direction Red Cil Program, For Employment. Elaborated by: Employment Promotion Direction of DNPEFP (National Direction of Employment Promotion and Professional Training). MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
FOREING LABOR MEDIATION PROCESS WITH SPAIN • SPANISH COMPANIES, WHICH REQUIRED PERSSONEL • Event Medical Services • Thyssenkrupp S.L • Constructora Eshor • Sigla • Alfainterbeautex • Mc Donalds • Los Alamos Medinenes • Federación Española de Hostelería • Carrefour • Primaflor • Noroto • Medios Acusticos & Sport Salvament • Mapfre • Grupo Sagardi • Constructora Eshor • Cerezuela • Agrupa Pulpi • Madereros de Lugo • Fruitsa • Telepizza • Surinver • Emte Girona S.A Source: Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion – Regional Direction of Labor and Employment Promotion of Lima-Callao / Employment and Professional Training Direction Red Cil Program, For Employment.Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo - Dirección Regional de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo de Lima- Callao/ Dirección de Empleo y Formación Profesional; Programa Red Cil Pro Empleo. Elaborated by: Employment Promotion Direction of DNPEFP (National Direction of Employment Promotion and Professional Training ) MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
ACTION PLAN FOR STRENGTHENING REGIONAL AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN THE FRAMAWORK OF LABOR MIGRATION MANAGEMENT AIM: Tocontributetoimprovequality of life of migrantworkers and theirfamilies, throughtheimplementation of activitiesderivedfrom labor migrationmanagement and building of labor experiencewhichdevelop in global labor market and consider social developmentshared in countries of origin and destination, contributingtotheoptimization of remittance use and protection of migrants and theirfamilies´ rights. ACTION PLAN OBJECTIVE: Tostrengthen labor Migration Management, underrectory of Ministry of Labor and EmploymentPromotion, throughthe Labor MigrationDirection of General Migration of EmploymentPromotion, withthesupport of Regional an Local Governments, as well as thesupport of International CooperationOrganisms, linkedtothe labor migrationissue and theparticipation of civil societyinvolved. Now, we have 200 authorities and government employees at national level, aware and trained on Labor Migration Management issue
AGREEMENTS ON LABOR MIGRATION ISSUE OBJECTIVE: Togeneratestrategicalliancestopromotetheemployability and protecction of workers´ sociolaborrights in theframework of global labor markets.
1. WITH SPAIN: • Social Security Agreement between Republic of Peru and the Kingdom of Spain. • It was signed in Madrid city, Kingdom of Spain, on 16 June, 2003, and was approved by Republic of Peru Congress, through Legislative Resolution Nº 28158, on 11 December, 2003. • This agreement was ratified through Supreme Decree Nº 036-2004-RE, on 4 June 2004. This one entered into force for both countries on 1 -february 2005. • Administrative Agreement for the implementation of Social Security Agreement between Republic of Peru and the Kingdom of Spain. • This was signed on 18 april 2008 and ratified on 27 may of the same year. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
2. WITH CHILE: • Social Security AgreementbetweenRepublic of Peru and Republic of Chile. • Theagreementwassigned in Santiago, Republic of Chile, on 23 August, 2002. ThisagreementwasapprovedbyLegislativeResolution Nº 28067, publishedonseptember 6, 2003. • ThisagreementwasratifiedthoughSupremeDecree Nº 116-2003-RE, on 13 October, 2003. Thisoneenteredintoforce, finallyon 1 March, 2004. • AdministrativeAgreementfortheimplementation of Social Security AgreemmentbetweenRepublic of Peru and theKingdom of Chile. • Itwassignedon 23 August of 2005. ThisagreementisratifiedthroughSupremeDecree Nº 104-2005-RE, and enteredintoforcefromOctuber 1, 2006. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
3. WITH ARGENTINA: • Social Security AgreementbetweenRepublic of Peru and Republic of Argentina from June 1979. • Now, anAdministrativeAgreementisundernegotiationfortheimplementation of Social Security Agreement. • WITH COLOMBIA • Thenegotationended in May 2010. Itispendingitsratification. • 5.- WITH ITALY • Cooperation and TechnicalAssistanceAgreementabout Labor MigrationbetweenMinistry of Labor and }EmploymentPromotion and Ministry of Labor and Social Policies of Italy. • Agreementnegotiationendedsucessfully. It´swaitingfortherespectivesingnature. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
¿WHAT IS IT? Itis a pocketdocumentwhich has theaimtoadviseusersaboutthemigrationprocess, so they can take a conscious and informeddecision. BASIC GUIDE FOR LABOR MIGRANT
Number of persons who Time scheduled for returning Think to return to Peru In 1 year or less 92 In 2 o 3 years 11 In 4 o 5 years 2 In 6 to more years 0 Total 105 OBJECTIVE: Topromotetheassistedreturn of peruvianemigrants, givinginformationabouttheperuvian labor market and theMTPE´sservices and programs, topermitanadequate labor reintegrationorenterprisescreation, fromknowledge, labor experienceadquiredabroad, knowledgeadquiered and theirperspective of strengthening labor experience in Peru. PLATFORM TO PRODUCTIVE RETURN Now, we have 105 advised persons
UNRESOLVED AGENDA • To motivate (impulsar) the consolidation of public policy on Migration, especially the public policy of youth labor migration. • To regulate and implement the Decision 545, Andean Labor Migration Instrument. • To consolidate the Peru`s information and Guidance System: INFOMIGRA, to promote the institutional services to make adequate an appropiate decisions. • To consolidate the virtual system of Andean Migrant Worker (SIVITMA, by acronym in spanish) (Intersectorial sensitization) • To improve control of private agencies, which intermediate for abroad. • Establecer y consolidar Marcos Bilaterales Interinstitucionales (Convenios o Acuerdos) sobre Migración Laboral con los principales países de destino. • Establecer “Marcos Comunes de Inspección” que faciliten la tutela de la protección de los derechos sociolaboraes de los trabajadores migrantes. • Promover el reconocimiento y portabilidad de los derechos de seguridad social. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION
UNRESOLVED AGENDA • To generate common mechanisms for those persons who learnt an occupation, (oficio) through labor experience, can prove their labor competences in foreign labor markets. • To promote the strengthening of public programs that permit technical training and asistence for peruvians who live abroad. • To generate common indicators on labor migration, by stablishing alliances among Ministries of Labor. • To promove actions of Institutional Actions between National, Regional and Local Government. • To streghten the actions developed for productive return. MINISTRY OF LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT PROMOTION