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Look Familiar?. This…is a battle ground. Where it all began. 1959 – American Law Institute proposes a code that would legalize abortion in the cases of rape, incest, fetal deformation, and mental and physical health to the mother. 1970 – The worst nightmare of the unborn became true….
Where it all began • 1959 – American Law Institute proposes a code that would legalize abortion in the cases of rape, incest, fetal deformation, and mental and physical health to the mother
1970 – The worst nightmare of the unborn became true… abortion WAS legal in several states
What does this mean? • It means 1.2 million legal abortions occur every year • That’s the population of Hawaii
That’s an average of 3288 lives terminated a day • Or 2 abortions every minute • Or about 137 per hour
How does this happen? • In one of 6 ways
Saline – salt solution is injected into amniotic sac and baby gulps it an burns to death • D&C/D&E – dismember and remove from whom (86%) • Medical – pills given to mother to starve the baby (12%) • Partial Birth – baby is born face down, and as all but head is out, the skull is crushed and brain is sucked out
Why is it Wrong? • Life - the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, especially metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment • Embryo - a young organism in the early stages of development; in human embryology the product of conception from the moment of fertilization
Does a fetus not develop, adapt to it’s environment, grow, have ability to reproduce, and is it not a phenomena of organism?
This? Or this?
Every abortion stops a heart that begins beating 22 days after fertilization • At ten weeks • By 20 weeks an unborn child reacts to pain with forceful body and breathing movements, moving away and an increase in stress hormones
“...To consider the fetus as part of the mother has not been defendable since the 16th Century, when Aranteus showed that the fetal and maternal blood circulations were distinct and separate. A male body cannot be part of a female body, nor can two different blood types exist in the same body.” • cafemom.com
It is a proven fact that at conception the egg becomes a living human being. So Why let abortion continue to kill over a million babies every year?
Why does this happen? • For one of these reasons… • Social issues (96%)
What is the controversy then? • Doctors, not governments, should always be the people to make medical recommendations and opinions. • Reproductive choice can be the only thing that stands between a woman and DEATH. • Reproductive choice can be the only thing that stands between a woman and poverty. • Women who are raped or victims of incest should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy. • Most people who are against abortion will never even become pregnant. • Reproductive restrictions do not end with abortion. • Religious ideology is no foundation for any law. • The politicians “pro-lifers” so ardently support are only after one thing: self-interest. • If people want to stop abortion, they should turn to methods that do work. • Laws against abortion do not stop abortion; they simply make it less safe.
Solutions??? Be… A Friend… A Mentor… A voice… They need YOU.
"Suppose, in the encounter between doctor and child [in an abortion], the child won half of the time, and killed the doctor in self-defense - something he would have every right to do. Very few doctors would perform abortions. They perform them now only because of their absolute power over a small, fragile, helpless victim.“ • ~Stephen D. Schwarz, "The Moral Question of Abortion" (Chicago: Loyola University Press, 1990)
Famous Insights • Brooke Shields, Actress and Model • "Too many people use abortion as a form of birth control. And that's very wrong. I could never, ever have an abortion.“ • Actress Kate Mulgrew • "Life is sacred to me on all levels. Abortion does not compute with my philosophy."
In 2007, teens had an abortion ratio of 768 for every 1,000 births
They need your compassion. • They need your advise. • Show them its going to be ok. • NEED ANOTHER!!! • Their baby matters
References (pictures) • "Europe: Lord Stirling's News Blog EUROPE." Europe. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <http://europebusines.blogspot.com/2010/12/lord-stirlings-news-blog-europe_30.html>. (baby in sac) • Steve&. "Defenders of the Catholic Faith : Hosted by Stephen K. Ray » 2006 » July." Defenders of the Catholic Faith : Hosted by Stephen K. Ray. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <http://www.catholic-convert.com/2006/7/>.Sitkoff, Harvard. Abortion issue. Oxford University Press, 2000. eLibrary. Web. 12 May. 2011. • "BABY BABBLE: 10 WEEKS DOWN, 30 TO GO!." BABY BABBLE. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <http://babymcdee.blogspot.com/2010/04/10-weeks-down-30-to-go.html>. • "Forward On the Journey." Forward On the Journey. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <http://www.forwardonthejourney.blo • "Helping Out With Your Pregnancy, Week By Week! — Learn About Your Pregnancy Today." Helping Out With Your Pregnancy, Week By Week! — Learn About Your Pregnancy Today. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <http://pregnancyweekbyweeks • "There's a cure for that: The hypothalamus doesn't lie." There's a cure for that. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <http://progressph.blogspot.com/p/heart-doesnt-lie-neither-does.html>. • Systems, Planned Parenthood Health. " Country Fried Choice." Country Fried Choice. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2011. <http://pphsinc.wordpress.com/>. • "Birthing Hands of DC." Birthing Hands of DC. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2011. <http://www.birthinghandsdc.com/about.html>.
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References (information) "10 Arguments in Favor of Pro-Choice Policy." amplify your voice .N.p.,n.d.Web.16May2011.<www.amplifyyourvoice.org/u /Pheo152/2009/1/26/10-Arguments-in-Favor-of- ProChoice-Policy>. "Abortion Timeline." National Right to Life. N.p., n.d.Web.15May 2011.<http://www.nrlc.org/abortion/facts/abortiontimel ine.html#1959>. fertilization, 9 weeks after, nerve receptors in the face, the palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet can sense light touch. "diane125's profile page - CafeMom." CafeMom - Moms Connecting About Pregnancy, Babies, Home, Health, and More. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2011. <http://www.cafemom.com/home/diane125>. " "life." Dictionary.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 May 2011. <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/life>.
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References (music) • Lifehouse.“Everything”.No Name Face.2000