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Wednesday January 21, 2009 Dr. Andrew Brandt. PHYS 3313 Lecture #1. Syllabus and Introduction HEP Infomercial Ch. 1. Please turn off your cell-phones, pagers and laptops in class. http://www-hep.uta.edu/~brandta/teaching/sp2009/teaching.html. Who am I?.
Wednesday January 21, 2009 Dr. Andrew Brandt PHYS 3313 Lecture #1 • Syllabus and Introduction • HEP Infomercial • Ch. 1 Please turn off your cell-phones, pagers and laptops in class http://www-hep.uta.edu/~brandta/teaching/sp2009/teaching.html
Who am I? B.S. Physics and Economics College of William&Mary 1985 PH.D. UCLA/CERN (UA8 Experiment-discovered hard diffraction) 1992 1992-1999 Post-doc and Wilson Fellow at Fermilab -Discovered hard color singlet exchange JGJ -1997 PECASE Award for contributions to diffraction -Proposed and built (with collaborators from Brazil) DØ Forward Proton Detector -QCD and Run I Physics Convenor -Trigger Meister, QCDTrigger Board Rep., Designed Run II Trigger List 1999-2004 present UTA Assistant Prof 2004-present Assoc. Prof -OJI, MRI, ARP awards for DØ FPD -2005 started fast timing work (ARP, DOE ADR) -2008 sabbatical on ATLAS
Logistics • Physics 3313, Spring 2009, Room 105 SH129 MW 1:00-2:20 • Instructor: Andrew Brandt 817 272-2706, brandta@uta.edu • Office Hours: MW 2:30 – 3:30, Tues. 2:00-3:00, by appointment (344 Physics CPB) • http://www-hep.uta.edu/~brandta/teaching/sp2009/teaching.html • Textbook: “Concepts of Modern Physics” by Beiser (6th Ed.)
Grading 1. Grades will be weighted as follows: Homework+quizzes 25% 2 Midterms (Mar 11, April 22) 50% Final (May 11, 11:00) 25% 2. Drop lowest 2 HW’s and 1 Quiz, final is comprehensive, NO Makeup tests, quizes, late HW 3. Physics Clinic SH 224 is useful free resource for problem sets, but get as far as you can on your own
Attendance and Class Style • Attendance: • is STRONGLY encouraged, to aid your motivation I give pop quizzes • Class style: • Lectures will be primarily on electronic media (I hope) • The lecture notes will be posted AFTER each class • Will be mixed with traditional methods (blackboard) • Active participation through questions and discussion are STRONGLY encouraged
Modern Physics Course Material Survey class: • Special Relativity • Wave-Particle Duality • Bohr Atom • Quantum Mechanics • Statistical Mechanics Modern Physics deals with the fast and/or small where different rules apply from classical physics Modern Physics is not current physics!
High Energy Physics at UTA UTA faculty Andrew Brandt, Kaushik De, Amir Farbin, Andrew White, Jae Yu along with many post-docs, graduate and undergraduate students investigate the basic forces of nature through particle physics studies at the world’s highest energy accelerators In the background is a photo of a sub-detector of the 5000 ton DØ detector. This sub-detector was designed and built at UTA and is currently operating at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory near Chicago.
Matter Molecule Atom Nucleus Baryon Quark (Hadron) u 10-14m cm 10-9m 10-10m 10-15m <10-19m top, bottom, charm, strange, up, down protons, neutrons, mesons, etc. p,W,L... Atomic Physics Nuclear Physics Electron (Lepton) <10-18m High Energy Physics Structure of Matter Nano-Science/Chemistry High energy means small distances
Periodic Table Helium Neon u d u u d d All atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons Electron Neutron Proton Gluons hold quarks together Photons hold atoms together
What is High Energy Physics? • Matter/Forces at the most fundamental level. • Great progress! The “STANDARD MODEL” • BUT… many mysteries • => Why so many quarks/leptons?? • => Why four forces?? Unification? • => Where does mass come from?? • => Are there higher symmetries?? • What is the “dark matter”?? • Will the LHC create a black hole that destroys the Earth? NO! See: http://public.web.cern.ch/Public/en/LHC/Safety-en.html
Role of Particle Accelerators • Smash particles together • Act as microscopes and time machines • The higher the energy, the smaller object to be seen • Particles that only existed at a time just after the Big Bang can be made • Two method of accelerator based experiments: • Collider Experiments: p`p, pp, e+e-, ep • Fixed Target Experiments: Particles on a target • Type of accelerator depends on research goals
Chicago CDF p DØ Tevatron p Fermilab Tevatron and CERN LHC • Highest Energy proton-proton collider in fall 2008 • Ecm=14 TeV (=44x10-7J/p 1000M Joules on 10-4m2) • Equivalent to the K.E. of a 20 ton truck at a speed 711 mi/hr • Currently Highest Energy proton-anti-proton collider • Ecm=1.96 TeV (=6.3x10-7J/p 13M Joules on 10-4m2) • Equivalent to the K.E. of a 20 ton truck at a speed 81 mi/hr 1500 physicists 130 institutions 30 countries 5000 physicists 250 institutions 60 countries CERN: http://www.cern.ch/ ; ATLAS: http://atlas.web.cern.ch/ Fermilab: http://www.fnal.gov/ ; DØ: http://www-d0.fnal.gov/
Calorimeter (dense) Muon Tracks Charged Particle Tracks Energy Scintillating Fiber Silicon Tracking Interaction Point Ä B EM hadronic Magnet Wire Chambers Particle Identification electron photon jet muon We know x,y starting momenta is zero, but along the z axis it is not, so many of our measurements are in the xy plane, or transverse neutrino -- or any non-interacting particle missing transverse momentum
DØ Detector 30’ 30’ 50’ ATLAS Detector • Weighs 10,000 tons • As tall as a 10 story building • Can inspect 1,000,000,000 collisions/second • Will record 200 collisions/second • Records 300 Mega-bytes/second • Will record 2.0x1015 (2,000,000,000,000,000) bytes each year (2 PetaByte). • Weighs 5000 tons • As tall as a 5 story building • Can inspect 3,000,000 collisions/second • Record 100 collisions/second • Records 10 Mega-bytes/second • Recording 0.5x1015 (500,000,000,000,000) bytes per year (0.5 PetaBytes).
The Standard Model Standard Model has been very successful but has too many parameters, does not explain origin of mass. Continue to probe and attempt to extend model. • Current list of elementary (i.e. indivisible) particles • Antiparticles have opposite charge, same mass The strong force is different from E+M and gravity! new property, color charge confinement - not usual 1/r2
UTA and Particle Physics Fermilab/Chicago CERN/Geneva ILC? U.S.?
EXPERIENCE: • Problem solving • Data analysis • Detector construction • State-of-the-art high speed electronics • Computing (C++, Python, Linux, etc.) • Presentation • Travel • JOBS: • Post-docs/faculty positions • High-tech industry • Computer programming and development • Financial High Energy Physics Training + Jobs
My Main Research Interests • Physics with Forward Proton Detectors • Fast timing detectors • Triggering (selecting the events to write to tape): at ATLAS 200/40,000,000 events/sec
DØ Forward Proton Detector (FPD) - a series of momentum spectrometers that make use of accelerator magnets in conjunction with position detectors along the beam line • Quadrupole Spectrometers • surround the beam: up, down, in, out • use quadrupole magnets (focus beam) • Dipole Spectrometer • inside the beam ring in the horizontal plane • use dipole magnet (bends beam) • also shown here: separators (bring beams together for collisions) A total of 9 spectrometers comprised of 18 Roman Pots Data taking finished, analysis in progress (Mike Strang Ph.D.)
Detector Construction At the University of Texas, Arlington (UTA), scintillating and optical fibers were spliced and inserted into the detector frames. The cartridge bottom containing the detector is installed in the Roman pot and then the cartridge top with PMT’s is attached.
Tevatron: World’s Highest Energy Collider Fermilab DØ High-tech fan One of the DØ Forward Proton Detectors built at UTA and installed in the Tevatron tunnel
NEW FP420 Overview FP420: Particle physics R&D collaboration that proposes to use double proton tagging at 420m as a means to discover new physics ATLAS version: AFP Atlas Forward Protons Submitted LOI, Under Review! Feb. 1 at CERN!
-jet gap gap H h p p -jet beam dipole dipole p’ p’ roman pots roman pots Central Exclusive Higgs Production pp p H p : 3-10 fb E.g. V. Khoze et al M. Boonekamp et al. B. Cox et al. V. Petrov et al… Levin et al… Idea: Measure the Missing mass from the protons M = O(1.0 - 2.0) GeV Arnab Pal
particle Cerenkov Effect n=1 n>>1 Use this property of prompt radiation to develop a fast timing counter
proton Fast Timing Detectors for ATLAS WHO? UTA (Brandt), Alberta, Louvain, FNAL WHY? Background Rejection Ex, Two protons from one interaction and two b-jets from another How? Use timing to measure vertex and compare to central tracking vertex photon How Fast? 10 picoseconds (light travels 3mm in 10 psec!) Pedro Duarte (M.S.) Shane Spivey (ex-GRA)Ian Howley (GRA) MCP-PMT
Spread in timing as f() since n() 60 psec Simulation by Joaquin Noyola (UG) other studies by UG Chance Harenza+ Alek Malcolm Fused Silica Bars • 9 cm bars • Some converted to mini-bars
MCP-PMT Operation photon Faceplate Photocathode Photoelectron DV ~ 200V Dual MCP DV ~ 2000V Gain ~ 106 DV ~ 200V Anode
Test Beam • Fermilab Test beam T958 experiment to study fast timing counters for FP420 (Brandt spokesman) • Used prototype detector to test concept • Test beam at Fermilab Sep. 2006, Mar.+Jul. 2007 • CERN October 2007, June 2008 Time resolution for the full detector system: 1. Intrinsec detector time resolution 2. Jitter in PMT's 3. Electronics (AMP/CFD/TDC) 4. Reference Time
Latest QUARTIC Prototype Testing long bars 90 cm, more light than 15 mm mini-bars (due to losses in air light-guide) but more time dispersion due to n()
Data Acquisition • Lecroy 8620A 6 GHz 20 Gs • Lecroy 7300A 3 GHz 20/10 Gs • Remotely operated from control room • Transfer data periodically with external USB drive
Good Event 5 ns/major division
Online Screen Capture one histo is 10 ps per bin others are 20 ps delta time between channels
QUARTIC Long Bar Resolution Dt 56.6/1.4=40 ps/bar including CFD!
Laser Tests Howley, Hall, Lim, McPhail mirror PMT laser diode lenses filter splitter Laser setup operational