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THE PASSIVE VOICE. Table of contents. 1 What is the passive voice? 2. The passive endings 3. First conjugation 4. Second conjugation 5. Third conjugation 6. Fourth conjugation. In the active voice, the subject PERFORMS THE ACTION of the verb. Mures placentam portant.

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  2. Table of contents • 1 What is the passive voice? • 2. The passive endings • 3. First conjugation • 4. Second conjugation • 5. Third conjugation • 6. Fourth conjugation

  3. In the active voice, the subjectPERFORMS THE ACTION of the verb.

  4. Mures placentam portant.

  5. (The mice carry the cake.)

  6. In the passive voice, the subject is ACTED UPON by the verb.

  7. Placenta a muribus portatur.

  8. (The cake is carried by the mice.)

  9. In Latin, there are special endings to show that the verbs are in the passive voice!

  10. First, let’s review the ACTIVE endings of the present tense.

  11. porto portas portat portamus portatis portant Portare--active voice

  12. Now we’ll look at the passive voice endings:

  13. portor portaris portatur portamur portamini portantur portare--passive voice

  14. Second conjugation long “e” verbs

  15. doceor doceris docetur docemur docemini docentur docere--passive voice

  16. Third Conjugation the short E verbs

  17. trahor traheris trahitur trahimur trahimini trahuntur trahere--passive voice

  18. Third Conjugation -io verbs

  19. capior caperis capitur capimur capimini capiuntur capere--passive voice

  20. Fourth Conjugation long “i” verbs

  21. audior audiris auditur audimur audimini audiuntur audire--passive voice

  22. Now, let’s look at some active and passive verb situations:

  23. Puella aquam portat.

  24. Aqua a puella potatur.

  25. Viri carmen cantant.

  26. Carmen a viribus cantatur.

  27. Vir panem vendit.

  28. Panis a viro venditur

  29. FINIS

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